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Research and Innovation Research and Innovation European GEOSS context for ENEON The European Network of Earth Observation Networks ConnectinGEO w orkshop:

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Innovation Research and Innovation European GEOSS context for ENEON The European Network of Earth Observation Networks ConnectinGEO w orkshop:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation European GEOSS context for ENEON The European Network of Earth Observation Networks ConnectinGEO w orkshop: "Observing Europe" ARMINES, 60 Bd. St Michel, 75272 Paris, 21 September 2015 Michel SCHOUPPE EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG RTD - Directorate General Research & Innovation Directorate Environment Earth Observation Sector

2 European GEOSS context for ENEON EU policy context Regional dimension in GEO Opportunities for Europe, GEO and GEOSS ConnectinGEO and other networks in Europe Conclusion Content

3 "We need more Union in our Europe" Joined forces in addressing global challenges, protecting our values and resolving conflicts. Secured growth and prosperity for our economies, for our businesses, and above all for our children State of the Union 2015 (September 2015) EU policy context (Image source: « The Telegraph »)

4 Research and Innovation A Stronger Global Actor A Connected Digital Single Market A resilient energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy The Commission agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change (July 2014) Ten priorities for a bigger and more ambitious Union, including: EU policy context

5 Element of a continued multi-stakeholder dialogue to consult on eventual Earth Observation-related actions at EU level which would support the Commission priorities fixed by President Juncker Purposes of the consultation : Estimate general awareness of and stance on: Earth Observations (EO), the Group on Earth Observation (GEO), the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and Copernicus; Appreciate how to maximize EU benefits from increased European coordination in Earth observation in the GEO context; Collect views and priorities on a set of possible actions at EU level. EU survey on Earth observation in a global context (Jan.-Apr. 2015) EU policy context

6 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Business sector Characterisation of the respondents including from the business sector (55 responses out of 326)

7 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Key reasons justifying a stronger EU approach to GEO and global Earth observations Assessing benefits from a stronger EU coordination of Earth observation through GEO

8 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Main barriers to a stronger EU approach to GEO and global Earth observations Assessing barriers to a stronger EU coordination of Earth observation through GEO

9 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Towards a stronger EU approach Possible EU-level action in the field of global Earth observation and GEO

10 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation GEO membership: All members belong to a regional caucus. Geneva Summit Declaration of 14 January 2014 To achieve full and open access to EO data and information by leveraging regional investments and fostering regional cooperation Vision document to Plenary X in January 2014: T o facilitate enhanced access to (…) regional (…) EO data and information by implementing a robust and user friendly GEOSS information system by promoting regional GEOSS implementation IIB report to EXCOM in July 2015: "(…) Another strategy might be to recognize the different levels of readiness in the GEO community, and implement GEOSS at variable speeds through the regional nodes" Regional dimension in the GEO context Regional dimension in GEO

11 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation European GEOSS context for ENEON EU policy context Regional dimension in GEO Opportunities for Europe, GEO and GEOSS ConnectinGEO and other networks in Europe Conclusion Content

12 UNFCCC COP 21 meeting (Paris, December 2015) Post-2015 Development Agenda (New York, September 2015) Global System of Financing for Development (Addis Ababa, July 2015) Post Hyogo Framework 2015-2030 (Sendai, March 2015) The UN Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development (Nov 2014) The G8 Open Data Charter (June 2013) The United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) (2011) 12 Multilateral opportunities Opportunities for Europe, GEO and GEOSS

13 Belmont Forum e-Infrastructure Collaborative Research Action on e-Infrastructures and Data Management for Global Change Research The Research Data Alliance (RDA) 13 Opportunities from international initiatives Opportunities for Europe, GEO and GEOSS

14 From GEO: Renewed GEO mandate for the period 2016-2025, Lessons learnt after 10 years of GEOSS implementation GEO Ministerial in Mexico in November 2015 New 10-year Strategic Plan for adoption Transitional GEO Work Programme 2016 From Union activities: EU Programmes 2014-2020: Copernicus (operations) & Horizon 2020 (RDI) EU policies & strategies including: Digital Single Market EU Strategy (2015) Towards a thriving data-driven economy (2014) PSI Directives (2013 & 2003) INSPIRE Directive (2007) 14 Opportunities from GEO and EU activities Opportunities for Europe, GEO and GEOSS

15 European GEOSS context for ENEON EU policy context Regional dimension in GEO Opportunities for Europe, GEO and GEOSS ConnectinGEO and other networks in Europe Conclusion Content

16 16 Call (2014) for "Coordinating European Observation Networks to reinforce the knowledge base for climate, natural resources and raw materials" To bring together EO-related R&I networks and activities within the broad European region in support of GEOSS and Copernicus. To identify gaps in observations versus critical variables, geographical coverage, data specifications, accessibility, etc. To establish priorities and means to address these gaps To stimulate further integration of European research and innovation programmes in the domain of Earth Observation. Call for ConnectinGEO The resulting "network of networks" (ENEON) should consist of a wide spectrum of European stakeholders laying down the foundations for a forum outlasting ConnectinGEO

17 ERA-PLANET The European Network for Observing Our Changing Planet Prepare and launch joint transnational calls structured along the 4 strands. Fund projects according to a priority list set by external experts, to monitor funded projects under the joint call Develop a strategic research agenda to reinforce the ERA and to coordinate the cross- and inter-cooperation of European and national programmes in EO; Improve the interoperability among existing and future projects on EO and links to the GCI. Networks for consideration Modifed from slides by Nicola Pironne (CNR)

18 20 participating countries, 42 partners, Kick-off (tbc): early 2016 Networks for consideration

19 Sixteen participating countries, 23 partners to strengthen EO networks (space-based, airborne, and particularly in-situ) of the broad European and North African, Middle East, and Balkan region to reinforce its contribution to the knowledge base for climate, natural resources, and raw materials. Networks for consideration GEO-CRADLE Coordinating and integrating state-of-the-art Earth Observation activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and developing links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS

20 Annual GEO European Projects Workshops (GEPW) bring together European stakeholders interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS). A European Research and Innovation community well connected to the global GEO community Clusters of projects (e.g. open data, citizens observatories) Networks for consideration

21 Strengthening the European Component of the GEOSS Information System Global approach for sustained operation, continuity and interoperability of the GEOSS information system Need also to strengthen the access to Earth Observation at regional level  European data hub of the GEOSS information system To overcome the fragmentation of the European landscape of existing public and private Earth observation data infrastructures To harvest available resources from relevant GEOSS data infrastructures in Europe Horizon 2020 Call 2016 Networks for consideration

22 CONCLUSION In conclusion: Network of networks to support EU policies and actions of high priority: –EU as stronger global actor, strengthened Digital Single Market –Accelerate and exploit the rising Open Data trend –Stronger ERA in support to Copernicus and GEOSS –Coordination of EO data, especially in situ data, in Europe –Synergies between Copernicus and GEOSS Network exploiting opportunities from –multilateral cooperation involving the EU –international initiatives with involvement of the Commission and/or organisations from the Member States R&I oriented network building on the specificities of other European networks (e.g. ERA-NETs, sub-regional networks, scientific networks already involved) Portal of portals existing in Europe

23 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Thank you Thank you Michel SCHOUPPE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Paris observed by Sentinel-2A 28 July 2015 Copyright Copernicus Sentinel data (2015)/ESA

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