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Europe and Russia. Foreign policy is defined as-a policy pursued by a nation in its dealings with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe and Russia. Foreign policy is defined as-a policy pursued by a nation in its dealings with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe and Russia

2 Foreign policy is defined as-a policy pursued by a nation in its dealings with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives (

3 Americas role is a big brother/sister kind of mentality, we try to help those in need. As long as we are friends with those who are in distress, we rush to their rescue

4 Through the United Nations, the US is able to work with other countries around the world, especially other big name countries. And relating back to the big brother/sister comment, the US pays more than any other country in the UN’s budget, helping with peacekeeping missions around the world

5 United States-22.0%China-2.667% Japan-16.624% Spain-2.52% Germany-8.66% Mexico-1.88% UK-6.13% Australia-1.59% France-6.03% Brazil-1.52% Italy-4.89% Other member states-22.679% Canada-2.81% (U.S. Department of State) (

6 The US and Russia have troubles agreeing on anything, but earlier this year, President Bush and President Putin met and talked about a plan to cooperate on missile defense. (The Heritage Foundation, Leadership for America) The US is also trying to help Russia with the conflict in Georgia, trying to get Russia out without doing to much damage.

7 During the WWII era, Americas foreign policy towards Europe was to help as much as they could to defeat the common enemy And after the war, Americas policy was to pay back money to countries that they caused damage to, which is a big reason that we are in a lot of debt right now

8 The US and Russia have always had problems with each other. Post WWII was one of their most troubled times, they had agreed to split Europe and Berlin. And the US was fine with that, and it was ok with the foreign policy at that point. But as post WWII continued and progressed into the Cold War, the foreign policy started shifting focus, it was starting to go more towards containing communism, which put Russia and the US on a pretty bad note.

9 The US and Europe hope that all their peace can hold over the years, it has held since WWII and they hope it will stay that way. By continuing to build the United Nations and keeping peace. This way, all the nations in Europe and the US are able to work together and be able to talk about current issues.

10 Now that the US and Russia are at least starting to talk about certain issues, it seems that hopes are looking good for the future. And it seems that Russia is starting to try to get involved more with the US. From talking to the US about missile defense, to listing to US advice about Georgia, it is really looking good.

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