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Moving Toward Independence

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1 Moving Toward Independence

2 Second Continental Congress
May 10, 1775 Second Continental Congress meets. Again in Philadelphia, same building

3 New Leaders Emerge Many members from the First Continental Congress returned, and new members arrived. Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson

4 Accomplishments Congress started doing governmental functions.
1. Authorized printing of money. 2. Established a postal system. 3. Establish communications with Native Americans 4. Established an army George Washington in command.

5 An attempt to reconcile with Great Britain.
Olive Branch Petition An attempt to reconcile with Great Britain. Rejected by George III

6 Thomas Paine January 1776, Paine wrote a pamphlet called “Common Sense” which advocated independence.

7 Invasion of Canada Late in 1775 American forces launched a two pronged attack into Canada.

8 Canadian Invasion Leaders
Richard Montgomery Benedict Arnold

9 Montgomery’s Route Traveling north from Fort Ticonderoga, his men were able to seize Montreal.

10 Arnold’s Route Traveling through the Maine Wilderness the route was much longer and more difficult.

11 Battle of Quebec Attacking during a blizzard on December 31, the assault fell short. Montgomery was killed, Arnold wounded.

12 Daniel Morgan Taking command of the Americans, Daniel Morgan led a skillful defense so the Americans could be saved.

13 Boston 1776 British general William Howe controlled Boston. Washington wanted to drive him out. But he did not have the artillery to do it.

14 Henry Knox A former bookseller, Knox came up with the idea of transporting cannon from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston.

15 Howe Evacuates Knox transports 55 guns from Ticonderoga. Howe evacuates Boston to Halifax, Nova Scotia.

16 Reasons for Independence
Reasons for Caution Reasons for Independence Stability of English Law If revolt fails—tried for treason Fear of Anarchy Captured soldiers treated as prisoners Patriot government could confiscate goods Better chance of getting foreign aid

17 Independence Proposed
June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee presents a resolution for Independence.

18 Committee Formed June 11, five man committee is formed to write the document: Benjamin Franklin John Adams Robert Livingston Roger Sherman Thomas Jefferson* Jefferson youngest at 32 and is tasked with the writing.

19 The committee goes over the document.
Debate The committee goes over the document.

20 Lee’s resolution is formally adopted July 2.
Resolution Adopted Lee’s resolution is formally adopted July 2.

21 July 3: Document discussed and formally adopted.

22 July 4, 1776, Declaration is formally adopted.
Adoption July 4, 1776, Declaration is formally adopted.

23 So large so George III can read his name without spectacles.
John Hancock First to sign So large so George III can read his name without spectacles.

24 Public Readings July 8, Philadelphia July 9, read to Washington’s Army

25 Now the Continental Army had something to fight for.

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