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 Pick up the note packet when you enter and the pink sheet  I will send a stapler around the room  Agenda  ABSOLUTISM – REVIEW!!  Notes – Chapter.

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1  Pick up the note packet when you enter and the pink sheet  I will send a stapler around the room  Agenda  ABSOLUTISM – REVIEW!!  Notes – Chapter 21 Section 1  Assignment


3  1.  King William and Queen Mary become rulers of England in 1689.  Before they are allowed to rule, they have to accept the English Bill of Rights.  According to the Bill of Rights, the king and queen have to share power with Parliament.  The monarchy was required to call on Parliament to meet, and turned over its power to suspend laws.  The king and queen lost control of the kingdom’s finances and the ability to tax the nation, and gave control to the lower house of Parliament, the House of Commons.  2.  As a monarchy, emperors ruled China by rights granted in the Mandate from Heaven.  The Chinese believed that there was only one Heaven, thus there could be only one ruler.  As “Sons of Heaven,” the Han dynasty commanded respect from all subjects.  According to law, the emperor’s position could not be challenged by anyone.  Emperors handpicked governors and all officials to centralize authority.  Each emperor was also head of state and commander of the army, and ruled without a legislative body to monitor imperial power or prevent abuse.

4  3.  One of the last remaining monarchies in the world exists in Saudi Arabia.  Monarchs are chosen by members of the royal family and approved by Muslim legal scholars in accordance to the Qur’an and Shari’ah (Islamic Law).  There are no elections or political parties.  King Abdullah decides all state issues along with the Council of Ministers and Consultative Council.  The king appoints all members of the councils, and can dismiss them at will.  King Abdullah also has the power to dissolve both councils and eliminate their positions.  The king maintains final authority over all state affairs.  4.  Benito Mussolini became Prime Minister of Italy in 1922.  He eliminated all constitutional restraints on his power within a few years.  In 1928 he outlawed political parties and abolished parliamentary elections.  He used his control of the military to control the Italian people and create a fascist state.  He eventually became dictator of Italy and gained total and complete control of the Italian government.

5 Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism

6  EQ – What were the causes and effects of absolute monarchs in Europe?  MAIN IDEA: During a time of religious and economic instability, Philip II rules Spain with a strong hand.  WHY WE ARE LEARNING THIS: When faced with crises, many heads of government take on additional economic or political powers.  Essential Questions  Describe Spanish power under Philip II  Explain the origins of absolute monarchy

7  A New Spanish Ruler  In 1556, Philip II begins ruling Spain and its possessions  Philip II’s Empire  Philip seizes Portugal in 1580  Gold and silver from Americas make Spain extremely wealthy – $9 Billion a year  According to mercantilists, the prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of bullion, or gold and silver  Defender of Catholicism  Philip defends Catholicism against Muslims, Protestants  Spanish fleet helps defeat Ottomans at Lepanto in 1571  Spanish Armada defeated by British in 1588 Spanish Armada Essential Questions Describe Spanish power under Philip II Explain the origins of absolute monarchy


9  El Greco and Velázquez  El Greco uses unusual style to convey religious themes  Works of Velázquez show Spanish royal life  Don Quixote Don Quixote  In 1605, Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes is published  Book about man who reads too much about Chivalry and wants to become a Knight  Novel marks birth of modern European novel Makes fun of Chivalry? Longs for the past? Essential Questions Describe Spanish power under Philip II Explain the origins of absolute monarchy

10  Inflation and Taxes Inflation  Inflation weakens Spain’s economy  Taxes on lower class prevents development of middle class  Making Spain’s Enemies Rich  Spaniards buy goods abroad, making Spain’s enemies rich  Philip declares bankruptcy three times due to weak economy  The Dutch Revolt  Protestants in Netherlands win independence from Spain in 1579 Essential Questions Describe Spanish power under Philip II Explain the origins of absolute monarchy

11  A Different Society  Netherlands is a republic and practices religious toleration  Dutch Art  In 1600s, Netherlands becomes center of European art – Patrons=$  Rembrandt and Vermeer are famous Dutch painters  Dutch Trading Empire  Dutch merchants engage in world trade  Dutch have world’s largest trading fleet  Dutch replace Italians as Europe’s bankers Essential Questions Describe Spanish power under Philip II Explain the origins of absolute monarchy

12  The Theory of Absolutism  Rulers want to be absolute monarchs—rulers with complete power  Believe in divine right—idea that monarchs represent God on earth  Growing Power of Europe’s Monarchs  Decline of feudalism, rise of cities help monarchs gain power  Decline in Church authority also increases power  Crises Lead to Absolutism  The 17th century is period of great upheaval  Monarchs impose order by increasing their own power Essential Questions Describe Spanish power under Philip II Explain the origins of absolute monarchy


14  Open your books to page 594 to the “Analyzing Key Concepts” chart.  Part A – Re-write the three causes of Absolutism in your own words. (3 pts)  Part B – Draw a picture of Absolutism (2 pts)  Part C – Re-Write the three effects of absolutism in your own words. (3 pts)  Part D – Write a definition of Absolutism in your own words (2 pts)

15 

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