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Chapter 15 European Civilization. Workers In dealing with employers – two choices Abolish the capitalists (socialism) Or Bargain with them.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15 European Civilization. Workers In dealing with employers – two choices Abolish the capitalists (socialism) Or Bargain with them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 European Civilization

2 Workers In dealing with employers – two choices Abolish the capitalists (socialism) Or Bargain with them

3 English labor Gives labor consent for labor unions Prosperity of 1850’s gave unions superior bargaining position against employers New Model Unionism – take the unions out of politics, forget socialism Concentrate on advancing interests of each separate trade

4 New Model Unionism Be reasonable with employers Avoid strikes Accumulate union funds Build up membership Two governing parties in England – combined to give worker the vote

5 Unskilled Labor unions form Industrial unionism – joining in one union of all workers in one industry Because labor unions were so successful in Britain – they lacked labor political parties

6 Labor party formations On the continent – labor unions formed and led by socialist political parties In England – British labor party formed by Labor union officials and middle class intellectuals British labor party less socialistic Aimed to defend union

7 Taff Vale Decision 1901 Held a union financially responsible for business losses incurred by an employer during a strike This decision unifies British labor to form modern Labour party Election of 1906 – 29 mbrs were sent to parliament – overturned this decision

8 Marx and the first International Int’l Working Men’s Association Marx becomes leader – uses it as a way to publicize his work Capital Seize the state Marx – not an anarchist, not willing to negotiate with the state

9 The Commune and the First International Mbrs of the first international – excited about the Commune Marx saw it as a beginning stage in the dictatorship of the proletariat Their connection would ultimately destroy the reputation of F.I.

10 Socialist parties appear 1875 – GR Social Demo. Party Belgian Socialist Party 1901 – France 1883 – Russia Marxism not successful in Spain and Italy nor in England

11 Revisionists Many of Marx’s predictions about the poor getting poorer were wrong Revised their ideas about capitalism and class conflict

12 Revolutionaries Syndicalists – Sorel – trade unionism Workers’ unions might themselves become the supreme authoritative institutions in society Worldwide general strike

13 Marxists fundamentals In protest against revisionists Believed it a betrayal for socialists to join the govt Revisionists are traitors to Marx Russia – VI Lenin – stamped out revisionism and the uncompromising Marxists were named Bolsheviks Mensheviks - minority

14 Feminism British and American - the right to vote Continent – legal and social reforms National and international organizations International Council of Women – 1888 – American and European feminists

15 English suffrage Parliament had rejected every attempt at women’s voting since 1860 Pankhurst and others led violent protests Broke windows, damaged federal buildings, hunger strikes

16 Evolution Charles Darwin’s – Origin of the Species Evolutionary philosophies become commonplace (understand the dvlpment) 1871 – Darwin’s Descent of Man applied evolution to humans

17 Evolution No species created remains unchanged All life was interrelated History of living things on earth – unified history unfolding in the process of evolution Organisms with the most useful characteristics survived

18 Survival of the fittest Natural selection meant that the fittest would survive in the world The favored races were strains within a race that had good survival skills

19 evolution Survival of the fittest merged with Realpolitik Science in human affairs Social Darwinism Some peoples were naturally superior to others according to this doctrine

20 Gregor Mendel Genetics Heredity and control over genetic materials

21 Anthropology Study the physical and cultural characteristics of all branches of humankind Physical anthropologists became interested in several “favored” human races Argument of Whites as the most competent race

22 Anthropology and Religion Some of the most sacred practices of Christians could be found among premodern societies Thinnest of lines divided religion and magic

23 Psychology Science of human behavior Pavlov’s Dog Human behavior could be explained on the basis of conditioned responses Sigmund Freud- founding of psychoanalysis

24 Freud Believed that certain forms of emotional disturbances were from earlier periods of patients’ lives

25 The New Physics Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Nature of matter and energy Discovery of radioactivity (atom is not permanent and unchanging) Matter could be converted Time, space and motion were relative

26 Classical paganism Nietzsche Low opinion of modern, democratic societies Concept of the Superman Qualities of courage, love of danger, intellectual excellence, beauty of character were prized All humans driven by their instincts more than reason

27 Vatican council 1870 Papal infallibility Matters of faith and morals – final authority Leo XIII – rerum novarum 1891 – found fault with capitalism for the poverty and degradation of human beings Supports only a Catholic socialist party

28 Jewish Emancipation Science and secularism has a tremendous effect Gave up their Jewish way of life and assimilated into their respective countries Many old discriminatory laws were rejected by countries in Europe

29 Rise of Anti Semitism 1900 – racist theories – dislike of Jewish business competitors Upper class fears of Jewish revolutionaries (Marx) Growth of ethnic nationalism Leads to violence – ex – pogroms in Russia Founding of Zionism

30 Classical Liberalism Classical Liberalism – (John Locke) and the liberty of the individual Stress on the autonomy of the individual leads to things like the women’s movement People capable of the free use of reason and were seen as rational

31 Rational People could discuss their differences and make compromises Liberals accepted the idea of universal male suffrage Belief in toleration, constitutionalism, laissez faire, free trade, international economic system

32 Decline of liberalism Ideals of free trade will diminish with the new industrialization of other countries Need for protection economically National competition for world markets and colonies – imperialism will take out liberalism

33 Economic nationalism emerges Nations will get stronger economically thru the use of tariffs Formation of labor unions and corporations Undermine the idea of individual competition Political leaders will be made to address social problems


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