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Published byRandall Wheeler Modified over 9 years ago
Space Shuttle Program FY07 Transition Action Plan “From Planning to Execution” SSP/ Lee Norbraten August 18, 2006 Agency TCB
Purpose of this Presentation Define the Space Shuttle Level II Transition Action Plan Seek concurrence from all TCB participant organizations and other stakeholders Provide a basis of estimate to support PPBE activities starting with the August 21-22 QPMR
Level II Transition Mission Statement As leaders of SSP T&R, Our mission is to…. –Develop, maintain and manage an integrated program schedule and budget –Prioritize T&R work within limited resources environment –Manage all crosscutting functional requirements –Provide analysis to Level 1 decision-makers about the impact/risks of Cx decisions
SSP Transition Leadership Structure SSP Transition Manager Robert Lightfoot LeRoy Cain JSC Transition Integration Jon Olansen KSC Transition Integration George Jacobs Loraine Schafer MSFC Transition Integration Mike Allen SSC Transition Integration TBD Shuttle Business Office Karen Lucht Wayne Thomas Strategic Planning Office Lee Norbraten, Manager Doug Sander, Assistant for Transition Integration Human Capital Office Sue Leibert
Space Shuttle Program FY07 Transition Action Plan OCT NOV JAN FEB MAR APR JUN JUL AUG DEC SEP MAY TPRCB 7/28/06 TCB 8/16/06 QPMR 8/22/06 FY07 Transition Action Plan SEP AUG JUL FY07 Transition Budget LIII Transition Estimates Integrate LIII Requirements Review/Approve LIII Reqts. Integrate FY07 performance LIII FY08-13 T&R Dev. Integrate FY08-FY13 Reqts. Issue PPBE T&R Marks Develop FY08-FY13 Submit Due 7/28/06 TPRCBs PPBE07 Guidelines PPBE07 T&R Submit Transition QPMR Human Capital SSP C/S Survey Results SSP Contractor HC Plans SSP C/S Center HC Plans SSP Resurvey Center Directors Due 8/18/06 Due 9/15/06 SSP Program Mgr. 7/18 Transition Communication Transition Talking Points SSP Transition Magazine Semi-annual All-Hands 10/25/06 Planning Execution Deliverable Last Need Date Transition Master Schedule Baseline 10/06 Strategic Capabilities Assessment Block IBlock IVBlock IIIBlock II Reassess Plan Reassess Plan Reassess Plan Reassess Plan
Space Shuttle Program FY07 Transition Action Plan OCT NOV JAN FEB MAR APR JUN JUL AUG DEC SEP MAY SEP AUG JUL 8/9/06 Transition Risk Management TPRCB Top Risk Review PRCB Top Risk Review Transition Metrics Baseline TQPMR 10/25/06 Initial TQPMR Review TQPMR Review TQPMR Review Data Management Records Management Program Plan TIM #2 Project Plans TIM #1 Documentation Plan NSTS 07700 Volume XIX SSP Transition Mgt. Plan Draft 8/14/06 PRCB 10/12/06 Draft 9/14/06 TPRCB 11/8/06 8/10/06 Historical Preservation Survey Environmental Plan Environmental Mgt. Plan Environmental Assessment Internal Draft 4/5/07 HQ Draft 5/30/07 Final EA 9/07/07 (Public Comment Period) 6/29/07 – 8/09/07 Status TCB Status TPRCB Draft Plan 9/15/06 Final Draft 10/31/06 Status TCB Status TPRCB 10/12/06 Planning Execution Deliverable Last Need Date Draft Center Reports 1/30/07 Start 7/15/06 Summary Report 3/30/07
Space Shuttle Program FY07 Transition Action Plan OCT NOV JAN FEB MAR APR JUN JUL AUG DEC SEP MAY SEP AUG JUL Key Project Element Transition Activities Launch & Landing Pad B Decommission LCC Firing Room 1 Orbiter Property Disposition Tooling @ Palmdale Tooling @ MAF SSME SSFL End of Program HPTP Mfg. MCC Mfg. Powerhead Mfg. NASA Area I&II 7/31/06 Excess list to PCO Initiate CR Disposition Impact Assessment Excess list to PCO Initiate CR 12/31/06 SSC Shutdown of Test Stand A-1 10/1/06 Disposition Impact Assessment Boeing I, III & IV 7/31/07 Release Date 1/30/07 7/31/07 12/14/06 Release Date 4/1/07 11/1/06 Release Date 2/28/07 Release Date 11/15/06 Planning Execution Deliverable Last Need Date
FY07 Transition Action Plan Elements TRANSITION LEVEL II FOUNDATIONAL TASKS Transition Action Plan DevelopmentK. Lucht Transition QPMRD. Sander Transition Master ScheduleD. Sander Strategic Capabilities AssessmentD. Sander FY07 Transition Budget DevelopmentK. Lucht Transition MetricsL. Norbraten Transition Risk ManagementG. Araiza-Young Transition Documentation PlanD. Sander
FY07 Transition Action Plan Elements TRANSITION CROSSCUTTING ELEMENTS Transition CommunicationA. Stockinger Human Capital PlanningS. Leibert Environmental PlanS. Glover Historical Preservation SurveyA. West Data Management PlanM. Corbin
FY07 Transition Action Plan Elements TRANSITION SPECIAL STUDIES Property Disposition PrototypeJ. Olansen
FY07 Transition Action Plan Elements MAJOR FY07 LEVEL III ACTIVITIES Launch ProcessingPad B Transition Launch ProcessingFiring Room A Transition Stennis Space CenterTest Stand A-1 Transition SSME ProjectTurbo-pump Production Shutdown SSME ProjectMain Combustion Chamber SSME ProjectPowerhead Manufacturing Capability OrbiterTooling Disposition at MAF & Palmdale
FY07 TAP- TAP Development (Lucht) TITLETransition Action Plan (TAP) DESCRIPTIONDefine the essential activities, milestones, and products associated with the transition effort for FY07 ACCOUNTABILITYLee Norbraten/ Karen Lucht LEVEL II ROLEDevelop and manage the TAP LEVEL III ROLEConcur with the TAP MILESTONES July 17-19TAP Development; Initial review July 26TPRCB Baselining Aug 18Status to Headquarters TCB Aug 21-22QPMR review with Program
FY07 TAP- Transition QPMR (Sander) TITLETransition Quarterly Program Manager’s Review (TQPMR) DESCRIPTIONConduct a quarterly meeting in order to review transition risk, budget performance, schedule performance, other metrics, element-level status and issues ACCOUNTABILITYDoug Sander through TIWG LEVEL II ROLEProduce TQPMR Package CM support Conduct meeting LEVEL III ROLEMonthly/Quarterly submission of TQPMR package components Produce/brief element status reports Attend quarterly meeting (rotates among Centers) MILESTONES25 October 06Initial TQPMR Quarterly thereafter
FY07 TAP- Transition Master Schedule (Sander) TITLETransition Master Schedule DESCRIPTIONDevelop, maintain and analyze the SSP Transition master schedule (TMS). The TMS architecture includes Center-specific schedules, the Transition Integration Schedule and the Executive Summary Schedule. ACCOUNTABILITYDoug Sander through TIWG LEVEL II ROLEProduce Level II schedule data Collect Level III schedule data Integrate and format schedule product Analyze schedule Produce schedule analysis (variance risk assessments) LEVEL III ROLEMonthly submission of schedule data MILESTONESAugust 06TIWG Kickoff October 06TMS Baseline MonthlyRoutine Submissions, TPRCB Updates QuarterlyPresentation to Transition QPMR
FY07 TAP- Strategic Capabilities Assessment (Sander) TITLEStrategic Capabilities Assessment DESCRIPTIONAn integration of SSP strategic fly-out requirements within a database system. The SCA divides each SSP project element into a list of “capabilities” that comprise the entire project. Each capability bundles property, personnel, suppliers and contracts used together to produce a product or service. A last need date and estimated release date are determined for each capability. ACCOUNTABILITYDoug Sander through TIWG LEVEL II ROLEDevelop and maintain SCADB Collect SCA data Analyze SCA data, produce reports Transfer schedule data to TMS LEVEL III ROLEEstablish project capabilities definitions Determine fly-out requirements Provide block inputs to SCADB MILESTONES (TBD)October 06Block I January 07Block II April07Block III July07Block IV
FY07 TAP- FY07 Transition Budget (Lucht) TITLEFY07 Transition Budget DESCRIPTIONDevelop an integrated list of SSP transition tasks to be executed during FY07 with associated cost and workforce requirements. ACCOUNTABILITYKaren Lucht LEVEL II ROLEIntegrate, assess and prioritize requirements submitted by Project Elements Issue FY07 marks and administer Transition budget as approved through the Transition PRCB LEVEL III ROLESubmit FY07 requirements and execute FY07 tasks as approved by the TPRCB MILESTONESJuly 28, 06 Project Element requirements due Aug-Sep ‘06Integrate, review, and approve FY07 requirements at TPRCB 1 st Qtr. FY07 Issue FY07 Transition Op Plan Marks Monthly Integrate & assess FY07 performance
FY07 TAP- FY07 Transition Budget (Lucht) TITLEFY07 Transition PPBE Activities DESCRIPTIONIdentify SSP transition activities to be executed in FY08 – FY13 with associated cost and workforce requirements. ACCOUNTABILITYKaren Lucht LEVEL II ROLEDevelop and issue guidelines for the planning and execution of transition activities in FY08-FY13 Issue PPBE Transition marks to Project Elements Integrate LIII Transition submits and develop SSP Transition PPBE submit LEVEL III ROLEDevelop out-year transition requirements based on Program guidelines MILESTONESOct. – Nov. Develop preliminary transition requirements for FY08 – FY13 Dec. – Jan Integrate preliminary requirements and develop PPBE Transition marks Feb. FY07 Issue PPBE07 guidelines & marks to Projects April – May Integrate Project Element submits and develop SSP Transition PPBE Submit
FY07 TAP- Transition Metrics (Norbraten) TITLETransition Metrics DESCRIPTIONThe capability to represent progress against defined transition objectives. ACCOUNTABILITYLee Norbraten through TIWG LEVEL II ROLEDefine metrics Collect metrics Analyze metrics Coordinate metrics with risk management LEVEL III ROLEQuarterly submission of requested metrics MILESTONESOctober 06Initial Definition January 07Initial Submission QuarterlyPresentation to TQPMR
FY07 TAP- Risk Management (Araiza-Young) TITLETransition Risk Management DESCRIPTIONHQ Transition Management Plan and Level II SSP Risk Management Plan calls for executing a Continuous Risk Management Plan and Process on Transition Risks. The CRM process in place will be utilized to identify, track, monitor, mitigate and execute Transition Risks. ACCOUNTABILITYGloria Araiza Young through TPRCB LEVEL II ROLEProvide SSP Level II Program Integration of Transition Risks. Provide Level II Transition Metrics as deemed necessary in support of Transition QPMR. Serve as the focal point for Transition Risks. LEVEL III ROLEDevelopment of Risks -- Identify, Analyze, Submit, Track, and Mitigate Element Transition Risks. Provide support of Transition Risks as required – Bimonthly in support of the Level II SSP PRCB and Quarterly submission in support of Level II SSP TPRCB. Support monthly SSP Risk Management Working Group meetings. Level III remain owners of their respective risks and mitigation plans. Provide support for all risks requiring mitigation in support of TRR at Level II Control Boards. MILESTONESBi-monthly reviews at PRCB Quarterly reviews at Transition QPMR Annual Face-to-Face Planning Meeting
FY07 TAP- Documentation Plan (Sander) TITLETransition Documentation DESCRIPTIONSSP Level II documentation of transition requirements in a NSTS 07700, Volume XIX and the program approach to transition via a Transition Management Plan (TMP). ACCOUNTABILITYDoug Sander LEVEL II ROLEWrite documents, submit CR’s Collect comments Make revision as needed Submit for PRCB/TPRCB approval LEVEL III ROLEReview drafts and provide comments during informal reviews; provide formal CR evaluations. Develop level III Transition Plans- Date TBD MILESTONES8/14/06 Draft Vol. XIX 10/12/06Vol. XIX PRCB Baseline 9/14/06Draft TMP 11/8/06TMP TPRCB Baseline
FY07 TAP- Communications Plan (Stockinger) TITLETransition & Retirement Communications DESCRIPTIONStrategy for communicating SSP T&R content; focused on informing SSP workforce and management of T&R activities /issues ACCOUNTABILITYAshley Stockinger LEVEL II ROLEDevelop communication schedule Identify communication tools and T&R messages Collect content from various T&R related sources Prepare products and provide them to SSP Management Maintain T&R Website LEVEL III ROLEMonthly submission of 3-2-1 T&R activity report MILESTONESMonthly:Talking points; Activity Report; Issue Paper; Website Updates Quarterly:Transition and Retirement Magazine Semi-Annually: Support All-Hands hosted by HR Ad Hoc: Policy Updates; SCA Events; etc.
FY07 TAP- Human Capital Survey (Leibert) TITLESSP Employee Survey DESCRIPTION Ask employees about their intent to stay with the Program and what might influence that decision. ACCOUNTABILITY Sue Leibert LEVEL II ROLE Out brief survey (FY06) Conduct any follow up activities such as focus groups, communication activities LEVEL III ROLE As appropriate, work with Centers to develop and implement retention strategies for their workforce MILESTONES Oct-Nov 06 &Host Communications Mar-AprEvents at Centers Quarterly Host visits to contractor sites Apr-MayConduct follow on survey
FY07 TAP- Human Capital Planning (Leibert) TITLESSP Human Capital Plans DESCRIPTIONDevelop and implement plans to address SSP employee (civil service and contractor) retention of critical skills and transition concerns ACCOUNTABILITYSue Leibert LEVEL II ROLEIntegrate, assess, and follow up on SSP Human Capital Plans LEVEL III ROLEDirect prime contractors to develop and implement HC Plans. Partner with Centers to develop and implement civil service plans MILESTONESAugust 06 Contractor Plans due; Brief at QPMR Sept 06 Civil Service Plans due; Brief TBD Sept-Oct Assess and Roll up plans Oct-Nov Develop Metrics Oct-Nov Investigate and implement ways to partner with HC Contractor Community Feb-Mar Continue to investigate best practices for retention and transition Mar & Sept Reassess Plans; recommend adjustments
FY07 TAP- Environmental Plan (Glover) TITLE SSP Transition and Retirement Environmental Plan DESCRIPTION The Plan will describe the environmental program approach to Transition with requirements documented in NSTS 07700, Volume XIX. The Plan will provide technical guidance to SSP project elements, Program and Agency on identifying and mitigating environmental risks. It will establish basic environmental requirements for program activities and provide interface and coordination with Constellation, Centers and HQ. ACCOUNTABILITY Steve Glover LEVEL II ROLE Prepare Environmental Plan Program integration/interface across Program, Agency and Centers Submit CR to include requirements in NSTS 07700, Vol. XIX LEVEL III ROLE Provide reviews, data, and support to the Environmental Support Team Ensure implementation of requirements by Prime Contractors Partner with Centers to implement requirements MILESTONES Draft Environmental Plan 9/15/06 Final Environmental Plan 10/31/06 Requirements CR TBD
FY07 TAP- Environmental Assessment (Glover) TITLESSP Programmatic Environmental Assessment (EA) DESCRIPTION This task will provide a document to meet the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and NASA requirements. The EA will identify the major SSP assets, potential disposition actions and potential environmental impacts and will support decisions involving environmental considerations. ACCOUNTABILITY Steve Glover LEVEL II ROLE Prepare Programmatic Environmental Assessment Program integration/interface across Program, Agency and Centers LEVEL III ROLE Provide reviews, data, and support to the Environmental Support Team MILESTONES Internal Draft EA 4/5/07 Draft EA to HQ 5/30/07 Public Comment Period 6/29/07 – 8/09/07 Final EA 9/07/07
FY07 TAP- Environmental Support (Glover) TITLE Environmental Support for SSP Transition and Retirement DESCRIPTION This task will support the Program in implementing environmental requirements and reducing environmental risks through SSP retirement. ACCOUNTABILITY Steve Glover LEVEL II ROLE Support Program and elements in identifying environmental risks Support Program and elements in implementing requirements Program integration/interface across Program and Centers LEVEL III ROLE MILESTONESOngoing
FY07 TAP- Historical Preservation (West) TITLE SSP - Historical Preservation Survey DESCRIPTION The goal is to survey all NASA facilities (real property assets) used by the SSP and have all initial field center reports completed by January 2007 and final summary reports by March 2007 ACCOUNTABILITY Mario Busacca – SSP Historical Preservation WG LEVEL II / III ROLE The SSP historical preservation survey team is not expecting to require significant Space Shuttle Program/Project support. Where required, LII/III personnel will be pre-contacted and scheduled on a non-interference basis to provide historical information related to specific SSP events that occurred within surveyed properties. Interviews will be strictly limited in time duration.
FY07 TAP- Historical Preservation (West) MILESTONES June 28th, 2006 – KSC (KSC HPO held kick-off meeting with contractor, reviewed list of SSP assets to be surveyed) - Surveys to be conducted in July-August Week of August 14, 2006 - Glenn Research Center, POC Les Main (GRC HPO) Week of September 18, 2006 Palmdale, POC Perri Fox (JSC HPO) Santa Susana, POC Ralph Allen (MSFC HPO) Dryden Research Center, POC Dan Morgan (Dryden HPO) Week of October 16, 2006 - Marshall Space Flight Center, POC Ralph Allen (MSFC HPO) Week of October 30, 2006 - Johnson Space Center, POC Perri Fox (JSC HPO) Week of November 13, 2006 - White Sands Test Facility, POC Tim Davies (WSTF HPO) TBD – Ames, POC Keith Venter, (Ames HPO), Stennis, POC Marco Giardino, (Stennis HPO), LaRC, POC Rodney Harris,( LaRC HPO), MAF, POC Francis Celino, (MAF HPO) January 2007 – Draft field center reports complete March 2007 – Summary report complete
FY07 TAP- Data Management Plan (Corbin) TITLETransition Data Management DESCRIPTION The Program/Project effort to properly identify and archive all official Shuttle records. ACCOUNTABILITYMichael Corbin LEVEL II ROLEThis effort will require the Program office to ensure that all the official records we maintain are properly indexed and archived. We currently have an ongoing effort in the program to accomplish this but the end of the program will bring an increased work load. LEVEL III ROLEThis effort will require the Projects to ensure that all official records they maintain are properly indexed and archived. Currently the projects have ongoing efforts to accomplish this but the end of the program will bring an increased work load. The projects will also have to ensure that their contractors are properly handling any official government records which they hold for NASA. MILESTONESA Records management working group will be formed to assist the Program, Projects and contractors in identifying the appropriate records and ensuring that they are properly disposed of. One or more TIMs will be held to ensure all Program elements are properly addressing the issue. The Program and the Projects will each document their plan for records management in their transition management plan.
FY07 Transition Action Plan Elements TRANSITION SPECIAL STUDIES
FY07 TAP- Property Disposition Prototype (Olansen) TITLETransition Property Disposition Prototype DESCRIPTIONDemonstration/assessment of personal property disposition end-to-end process through large scale inventory excess activity ACCOUNTABILITYJon Olansen LEVEL II ROLEDefine purpose, roles & responsibilities Facilitate resolution of issues identified through the process Collect & analyze relevant metrics (as defined thru TIWG) Incorporate metrics/lessons in PPBE 07 guidance LEVEL III ROLEOrbiter identify excess property lists at MAF and Palmdale INSTITUTION ROLE JSC Property Officer coordinate and execute property disposition MILESTONES30 Nov 06Orbiter excess lists submitted 15 Jan 07JSC resource impacts submitted TBDProperty disposition complete QuarterlyStatus to Transition QPMR
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This briefing has defined the level II Transition Action Plan for FY07 Project Elements and other affected stakeholders are using the briefing as a basis of estimate for FY07 funding We seek TCB concurrence on the basic structure and content of the plan
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