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Social Media Sharing Session 10/8/15. Introductions Name RFB What social media platforms do you currently use? Who is involved with social media at your.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Sharing Session 10/8/15. Introductions Name RFB What social media platforms do you currently use? Who is involved with social media at your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Sharing Session 10/8/15

2 Introductions Name RFB What social media platforms do you currently use? Who is involved with social media at your organization? Social Media

3 Kelli Matthews U of O Journalism and Marketing professor FOOD for Lane County Partner Agency Conference Top Tips Maximize potential and minimize barriers Have a plan! (slap-dash approach) Making Social Media Work for You

4 Social Media 1.What do we want to accomplish? 2.Who are we trying to reach (multiple “who’s” are fine!) 3.What do we need to say? 4.Where should we put it (which social media outlet is best?) 4 questions

5 Social Media Most popular platform worldwide Younger demographic moving away Largest growth in Caucasian women 65+ Create content that will draw people in and help them join the discussion by messaging, forwarding, clicking over to your website Facebook

6 Social Media Facebook Reach = what people will see without any push or boosting Content with the best “organic” reach: Quality videos Square-ish images (resource: Limit text to 3 sentences News links

7 Social Media Twitter Not used much in Lane County! Increasingly visual Autoplay videos Hashtags

8 Social Media Pinterest More popular than Instagram or Twitter. 75% of US women are on it, usually between 9pm to midnight! Vertically oriented images Hashtags Post no less than 4x per week Ideas: garden growing tips, board for auction/ gala, projects to recruit volunteers, Partner Agency photos, etc.

9 Social Media Images only – all sizes, orientations Younger, more multi-cultural audience Best used with mobile devices Instagram

10 Social Media YouTube comments by “the crazies of the world” LinkedIn Higher income, professional SnapChat Don’t use this! Others

11 Social Media Build a calendar of posts Make a Plan! MonTuesWedThursFriSat/Sun Motivation Monday Growing Tuesday Volunteer Wed Throwback Thurs PhotosNewsfeeds

12 Social Media Events Seasonal Topics/themes Local or Global News Projects Behind the Scenes photos Experiences, values Quirky things about the agency Ideas for Posts

13 Social Media Create a schedule Set aside time each week Work with a team Use your phone Post at least 4x per week ASK your supporters to check our your social media (in newsletters, etc.) Tips

14 Social Media Introduction/Background NIKE women's Instagram: Tips from NIKE

15 Social Media NIKE's humble beginnings cultural shift CMO's conversations with various dept.s Planning ahead while still being flexible and reflecting what is relevant Key take-a-ways

16 Social Media Channel specific strategies – being very strategic – defining your audience – Clarify your goals: why are you on social? Analytics – Use built-in analytics (depending on time, show Facebook analytics using OFB) Importance of using images/photos/videos Key take-a-ways

17 Social Media Greater Cleveland Food Bank: – Instagram: Feeding America: Facebook and Twitter playbooks - using images and video, length of posts/tweets, frequency Giving Tuesday: Sprout Social - Webinars/guides Resources

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