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1 LAITS, George Mason University The Use of GIS to Support Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data Management and Visualization Fan Hong 1,2 Di Liping 1 Zhao.

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Presentation on theme: "1 LAITS, George Mason University The Use of GIS to Support Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data Management and Visualization Fan Hong 1,2 Di Liping 1 Zhao."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 LAITS, George Mason University The Use of GIS to Support Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data Management and Visualization Fan Hong 1,2 Di Liping 1 Zhao qifeng,2 Lai Jianfei 2 (1 Laboratory of Advanced Information Technology and Standards, George Mason University, 4400 University Dr., Fairfax, U.S, Zip code:22030) (2 National Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing of Wuhan University, No.129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, China, Zip code:430079 ) Gemoatics 2006 Reston

2 2 LAITS, George Mason University Content  1. System Introduction  2.Major Technology  3.Major Results  4. Conclusion

3 3 LAITS, George Mason University Part 1: System Introduction

4 4 LAITS, George Mason University 1 、 Task of the Research Design and development of the Xiamen Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data Management and Visualization System (AODMDS) Design and development of the Xiamen Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data Management and Visualization System (AODMDS)  Design and implement an effective representation and storage of oceanic and atomospheric data.  Design and implement based-ArcGIS, effective visualization and mapping of oceanic and atmospherics data.  Device some control to enlarge the functions of ArcGIS to provide the users mapping of gradually changed color  Solve the editing of annotation on the graph

5 5 LAITS, George Mason University 2 、 System Environment  System Running environment  Network : Local network  System Software platform  Server : OS : Window 2000 Server DB : Oracle 8i  Client : Window 2000 Other Software : ArcGIS 8.3 AO Core Lib ; Visual Basic 6.0 ; Visual C++ 6.0 ; MFC 4.2

6 6 LAITS, George Mason University Part 2: Major technology

7 7 LAITS, George Mason University Logic DB 1.Data Organization and Management  The design of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Database The Raw Observation data mustn’t be changed. The access permissions are strictly defined. The Raw DB Other Middle Results DB Seco nd Raw DB Final Results DB

8 8 LAITS, George Mason University 1. Data Organization and Management Sample of Database Table Table Structure of binary file of final result graph ( T_ACH_GraphFile ) Chinese NameEnglish NameTypeLenthNullIf Keyword 记录编码 ID Number10NoKeyword 成果编码 GraphID Number10No 图层名称 LayerNameVarChar2 255 文件名称 PathNameVarChar2 255No 成果内容 OutcomeContentLong Raw

9 9 LAITS, George Mason University 2.Critical Technology Schema AO-GIS Component Development Schema Using ArcObjects the Development Methods :  VBA development  Creating the users’s own COM  Develop a independent application program -System is using VB+AO developing independently -Control is made by VC

10 10 LAITS, George Mason University 3.Editing of Annotations  Annotation editings In ArcGIS , Map labels can not be edited directly, So an annotation layer is created so that they can be edited. Selecting text Create Annotation Layer Edit Annotation Steps :

11 11 LAITS, George Mason University 3.Editing of Annotation Figure Analog editing Dialog

12 12 LAITS, George Mason University 4.GIS Control desigened by ourselves Figure Activex Control of graduation color band This control is used to provide self-designed graduation color band

13 13 LAITS, George Mason University Part 3: Major Results

14 14 LAITS, George Mason University 1. 1D Visualization Other Graph Ways 1D Graph : 1D Depth Graph : 1D Time Graph Figure 1D Depth Graph

15 15 LAITS, George Mason University 2. 2D Visualization 2D distribution Graph : One is Surface 2D distribution Graph : the other is profile 2D distribution Graph Figure Water Temprature 2D Surface Figure Water temprature 2D Profile Surface

16 16 LAITS, George Mason University 3. 3D Visualization Figure Salt Density 3D View Figure Salt Density 3 D View

17 17 LAITS, George Mason University 3. 3D visualization Figure 3D view of Sea Water Temprature

18 18 LAITS, George Mason University 4.Vector Graph Vector Graph It can be used to represent feature attributes which has directional characteristics, such as streams, currents, which use arrows to represent this stream’s size, direction and distribution. 图 4-2-7 Vector Graph

19 19 LAITS, George Mason University 5. Rose Graph 图 4-2-1 Wind Rose Graph

20 20 LAITS, George Mason University 6. System Interface  Sample of application program Figure System Interface

21 21 LAITS, George Mason University 6. System Interface Figure Data Management Interface

22 22 LAITS, George Mason University 6. System Interface Figure Submit of results Interface

23 23 LAITS, George Mason University Part 4: Conclusion

24 24 LAITS, George Mason University 1.Summary GIS has huge potential to Support Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data Management and Visualization! GIS has huge potential to Support Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data Management and Visualization!

25 25 LAITS, George Mason University Thanks for your attention!

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