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Presented at AAS meeting, Washington DC Jan 2010

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1 Presented at AAS meeting, Washington DC Jan 2010
Laboratory Spectroscopy in Herschel/PACS Range of Astrophysically Important Minerals Tatiana Brusentsova, Doug Maukonen, Pedro Figueiredo, Himanshu Saxena, Robert E. Peale Andy Nissinboim, Joseph Boesenberg, Julie Leibold, Kristen Sherman George E. Harlow , Denton Ebel Karl Hibbitts and Carey Lisse

2 Astro-relevant minerals
high-T (>1000K) predictions from condensation calculations minerals found in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites minerals interpreted from Spitzer/Deep Impact spectrum, found in Stardust samples and in IDPs minerals found in differentiated meteorites and planets minerals reported in astronomical spectroscopy

3 Lab measurements support PACS data analysis
Thermal emission: 4 p c k(w) e0(w) dw e0(w) = Planck function k = (S/m) ln (1/T) = mass absorption coef. S = sample cross-section m = mass in sample T = transmittance spectrum

4 Physical Characterization
Select grains from AMNH mineral collection Crush to separate intergrowths Sweep magnetic impurities Dissolve carbonate impurities in HCl (acid) Hand pick clean grains Verify crystallography (single crystal x-ray) Electron microprobe on single grains Chemical composition Cation stoichiometry

5 Pellet preparation and spectroscopy
cerussite Make dust micronizing mill Stokes settling grain size distribution Weigh and mix in polyethylene powder Melt press to pellets Fourier transform spectrometer: microns 20 microns

6 Disseminate results Planetary Data System, Cross-referenced
Curation of all samples at AMNH Samples Pellets All data

7 Carbonates: Calcite & Dolomite group
Spitzer PACS Spitzer PACS The lines in the PACS range within the same mineral group directly depend on the mineral species

8 Hydroxyl-containing, acid- and hydrated Carbonates:
Spitzer PACS Spitzer PACS

9 Phyllosilicates (micas)

10 Feldspars Spitzer Spitzer PACS PACS both Plagioclase-
(Albite-Anorthite) and Alkali- (Albite-Orthoclase) solid solution series were examined

11 Sulfides: PACS

12 The effect of smaller particle size:
The increase of mass absorption coefficient values for the samples with smaller mean particle size

13 Temperature dependence
Icy dust

14 150 Minerals Sampled Nesosilicates: Olivines, Garnets, Phenakites
Silica minerals Inosilicates: Pyroxenes (Clino- and Ortho-), “Pyroxenoids” Feldspars: Alkali and Plagioclase Double-chain silicates: Amphiboles (Orthorhombic, Calcic clino-) Cyclosilicates Carbonates: Calcites, Aragonites, Dolomites, hydroxylated, Hydrated-normal, acid Phyllosilicates: Smectites, Chlorites, Micas, Kaolinites, Serpentines, Talcs Sorosilicates Oxides Sulfides

15 Applications Early PACS report: 69 mm feature “due to olivine.” True? We find no olivine feature there. Simulation of dust emission spectrum Linear superposition of absorbance for (e.g.) 38% water ice, 22% forsterite, 22% orthopyroxene (Mg-rich end member), 8% pyrrohtite, 5% talc or nontronite, 2.5% magnesite, and 2.5% siderite

16 Summary Laboratory far-IR absorption spectroscopy of 150 well-characterized minerals Spectral signatures found in the range of Herschel-PACS for 40 No features ever found beyond ~140 mm Funding: NASA-JPL

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