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1 Dev communities as platform for development Or how to create your own community.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Dev communities as platform for development Or how to create your own community."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Dev communities as platform for development Or how to create your own community

2 2 WHO A I Sergey Budaev Live: in Togliatti Work: in EPAM since 2009 Like: Java, Javascript, snowboarding, music Love: family

3 3 WHAT DOES COMMUNITY MEAN? A community is a social unit of any size that shares common unitvalues Types: Size: small, medium, large, extra large (national) Interests: Ruby, Java, Agile etc. Online/offline Mini conference, conference, meetups (everywhere)

4 4 Learn new Publicity Self-identification Share experience WHAT FOR?

5 5 HOW IT CAN HELP US? Learn new technologies, frameworks, architecture, etc. 1 Experience of others 2 Success and fail stories 3 Meet new people 4 Improve presentation skills 5 Help our company to be more interest for others engineers 5

6 6 Speak or listen Help: content, meetup place etc. (volunteer) Any roles + organizer Take a format that is interesting to you Always involve people Always improve format WHAT CAN I DO? JOIN CREATE YOUR OWN

7 7 Content (most profitable sponsorship) Advertisement Help with place if meetup is like mini conference Help with design and attributes: identity and logo, stickers, t-shirt etc. WHAT CAN COMPANY DO? NON MATERIAL SPONSORSHIP MATERIAL SPONSORSHIP

8 8 Find a partner Goals? Choose format and place Announce your meetup in social networks Profit! (or not) CREATE YOUR OWN COMMUNITY!

9 9 1. Were I am and my friend 2. Found speakers among friends 3. Found place (coworking) 4. Announced in VK and FB OUR EXPERIENCE

10 10 Org team should be limited (2-4p) Meetup place Content Regularity Time Common goals Presentation skills Provides a lot of not interesting content PROBLEMS ORG PEOPLE

11 11 Thanks!

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