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Angola: Perspectives on the Financial Crisis

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1 Angola: Perspectives on the Financial Crisis
Ricardo Gazel Second AFR Economists Retreat Johannesburg, South Africa December 5, 2008

2 Impact on Financial Sector
Likely small as: No stock market No strong connection of domestic bank system with international financial markets (except via Portuguese banks) Small interbaking credit market Low loans to deposit ratios Solid macroeconomic indicators: budget surplus, high international reserves, low external debt.

3 Net International Reserves US$ Millions

4 Demand Deposit (Millions Kz)
Demand Deposit Foreign Currency Demand Deposit Domestic Currency

5 Impact on Inflation A stronger dollar can have an impact on inflation as import prices from Europen goods would be lower in Kwanzas

6 Yearly Inflation

7 Inflation – Year-over-Year
Food 2008 Food 2007 CPI 2008 CPI 2007

8 Exchange Rate: Nominal and Real


10 Impact on Real Economy Real Economy: Investment and Capital Flows
Lower price of oil – lower government revenues and lower national income Lower government demand – lower growth of non-oil sector Investment and Capital Flows Less liquidity in international credit markets can reduce investment flows as price of capital increases Higher Costs of Government Financing

11 Exports: US$ Millions

12 OPEC Reference Basket Price 2008 - Daily

13 Oil Exports: Volume and Price

14 Oil Exports (US$ millions)

15 Real Growth Rates 2007 – 2009 % Year 2007 2008 2009
Oil Sector: Non Oil Sector: GDP Total:

16 I. Economic Growth

17 OIL Production Million Barrels per Day OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report

18 Real Growth Rates 2007 – 2009 % Year 2007 2008 2009
Oil Sector: Non Oil Sector: GDP Total:

19 Imports: US$ Millions and % of Composition

20 Fiscal Accounts: Revenues Billions of Kwanzas)

21 Fiscal Accounts: Growth Rates % over previous year

22 Fiscal Accounts: Revenues and Expenditures (% do GDP)

23 Fiscal Accounts: Revenues and Expenditures (% do GDP)

24 External Debt including Arrears

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