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The German Advance (Chapter 10 in text book). Remember…  Failure of the League of Nations  Isolationism  Economic Depression.

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Presentation on theme: "The German Advance (Chapter 10 in text book). Remember…  Failure of the League of Nations  Isolationism  Economic Depression."— Presentation transcript:

1 The German Advance (Chapter 10 in text book)

2 Remember…  Failure of the League of Nations  Isolationism  Economic Depression

3 Appeasement  Countries try and ignore the actions of Germany.  Final straw is the German takeover of Czechoslovakia in 1939.  (Hitler had promised not to take over anywhere else after Sudentenland – in Africa)

4 German Advance  Nazis invade Poland-  “Blitzkrieg”- Lightning war Luftwaffe(Air force), Panzers(Tank Divisions), Wehrmacht (Army).  September 3, 1939 – France and Britain declare war on Germany.  Canada joins Allied forces and declares war on Germany September 9, 1939.

5 France had a plan…  French built a network of underground tunnels, tank traps, and was heavily armed- this line was called the MAGINOT Line. unch_ani_fall_france_campaign.shtml  The German armies just walked right around it.  By June 1940- most French troops along this defence line had surrendered to the Germans- the artillery was never used!

6 Dunkirk  British and French troops were taken by surprise by the speed of the German attack.  Retreat was made to the French Port of Dunkirk on the English Channel- they were trapped there by the advancing German Army  stories/june/4/newsid_3500000/3500865. stm stories/june/4/newsid_3500000/3500865. stm

7 Amazing Rescue  May 27 th to June 4 th  900 ships of all sizes, left England and landed on beaches of Dunkirk.  German army had backed off to allow the Luftwaffe (air force) to have the glory of winning this battle.- however severe fog had kept the air force grounded!  140,000 French, and 200,000 British soldiers escaped.

8 France falls…  June 13, 1940 Paris occupied by Germany and two weeks later France surrendered.  Some French citizens formed secret underground resistance movements to make surprise raids on the Nazis and pass on information to the Allies.  If caught by the Nazis these individuals were shown no mercy – they were interrogated, tortured, and shot!

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