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Technology LEQ: Do I have the ability to make meaning from information presented in the form of an image? Vocabulary: Visual literacy is the ability to.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology LEQ: Do I have the ability to make meaning from information presented in the form of an image? Vocabulary: Visual literacy is the ability to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Technology LEQ: Do I have the ability to make meaning from information presented in the form of an image? Vocabulary: Visual literacy is the ability to recognize and understand ideas conveyed through visible actions or images (such as pictures).

3 Pop Quiz Look at the following images… Which images do you recognize? What idea is being conveyed to you by the image?

4 Graphic Organizer Write a word or phrase that you think would be the name of this image/picture. Write the meaning you get from the image/picture…ie, name & description of historical event, what it represents to you, what the picture makes you feel, etc.








12 Symbols, Logos, & Icons are also IMAGES Look at the following symbols, logos, & icons and answer the same questions.








20  LITERARY books, poetry, computer programs, etc.  MUSICAL including the lyrics  DRAMATIC including the music  PANTOMIMES & CHOREOGRAPHIC  PICTORIAL, GRAPHIC & SCULPTED  MOTION PICTURE & OTHER AUDIOVISUAL  SOUND RECORDINGS  ARCHITECTURAL What kind of works may be copyrighted? LEQ : How do I gather and transmit images online ethically?

21 Intellectual Property __________? Intellectual property ______(?) are the exclusive rights a person has of the creations of his or her ________(?), both artistic and commercial. Intellectual property ________ are covered by copyright ______(?).

22 (Challenger Explosion) (I Have a Dream Speech) (Tora Bora Bin Laden) (Obama Inauguration ) (Kennedy Inauguration 1961) (Diary New York) (Twilight Movie Soundtrack) LEQ : How do I gather and transmit images online ethically? You must place a CAPTION below the image.

23 (American Idol) (Apple Logo) (Nike Swoosh) (Toyota Vehicle Quality) (Pittsburgh Sports) (Ipod Touch) (McDonald’s Arches) LEQ : How do I gather and transmit images online ethically? You must place a CAPTION below the image

24 LEQ : How do I gather and transmit images online ethically? Picture From AP Multimedia Archive in Power Library NT: Audiovisual  Painting, Sculpture, Photo  Painting, Sculpture, Photo  Online  Photo or Digital Image The image must be included on your WORKS CITED page.    Photographer or Artist (if listed):  Title of Image (if no title given, provide a short description): Date photo or image was created (if listed):  Name of Website:AP Multimedia Archive  Publisher or Sponsor of site:AP Date of e-publication:2009 Date You Viewed (accessed) It:

25 LEQ : How do I gather and transmit images online ethically? Picture from Website NT: Audiovisual  Painting, Sculpture, Photo  Painting, Sculpture, Photo  Online  Work of art or Photo Photographer or Artist: (if listed) Title of Image (if no title given, provide a short description): Date photo or image was created (if listed): Museum, collection, or individual who owns it (if listed) Name of Website: Date You Viewed (accessed) It: The image must be included on your WORKS CITED page.

26 Arbogast, Charles Rex. Vehicle Quality. 1 July 2008. AP Multimedia Archive. AP, 2009. Web. 14 Dec. 2009. Harnik, Nati. McDonald’s. 24 July 2006. AP Multimedia Archive. AP, 2009. Web. 12 Dec. 2009. Hong, Jae C. Obama Inauguration. 20 Jan. 2009. AP Multimedia Archive. AP, 2009. Web. 12 Dec. 2009. I Have a Dream Speech. August 28, 1963. United Press International. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. I Pod Touch. N.d. Inventor Spot. Web. 15 Dec. 2009. Kennedy Inauguration 1961. 20 Jan. 1961. AP Multimedia Archive. AP, 2009. Web. 15 Dec. 2009.. Date You Accessed Image Publisher of Website Name of Website Date image was created. Published TITLE of Image Photographer Date of Publication Works Cited

27 Nike Swoosh. N.d. Helvetic Brands. Web. 14 Dec. 2009. Pittsburgh Sports. N.d. Talent Network News. Web. 16 Dec. 2009. Samoilova, Gulnara. Diary New York. 11 Sept. 2001. AP Multimedia Archive. AP, 2009. Web. 12 Dec. 2009. Tora Bora Bin Laden. 1 Apr. 1998. AP Multimedia Archive. AP, 2009. Web. 15 Dec. 2009. Twilight Movie Soundtrack. N.d. Entertainment Weekly. N.p., 2009. Web. 15 Dec. 2009. Weaver, Bruce. Challenger Explosion. 28 Jan. 1986. AP Multimedia Archive. AP, 2009. Web. 15 Dec. 2009 Name of Website No Date of Image I created the description. Date You Accessed Image Works Cited

28 REVIEW Visual Literacy is the ability to understand ideas given by i_ _ _ _ _ we see. To be ethical, you must include images you use on your W _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ page. The rights individuals have of things created by their mind is called our I_______ P______ R______. C____________ L______ insures that our rights are protected.

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