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QuakeSim Project: Portals and Web Services for Geo-Sciences Marlon Pierce Indiana University

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1 QuakeSim Project: Portals and Web Services for Geo-Sciences Marlon Pierce Indiana University

2 Daily RDAHMM Updates Daily analysis and event classification of GPS data from REASoN’s GRWS.

3 We can also analyze real-time GPS data from the California Real Time Network

4 Disloc model of Northridge fault. Disloc used in Gerry Simila’s geophysics classes (CSUN).

5 Portlets + Client Stubs DB Service JDBC DB Job Sub/Mon And File Services Operating and Queuing Systems WSDL Visualization Or Map Service DB, etc WSDL Host 1 (QT or GRWS) Host 2 (Comp Grid)Host 3 (GIS) SOAP/HTTP HTTP(S) WSDL

6 Enterprise ApproachWeb 2.0 Approach JSR 168 PortletsGadgets, Widgets Server-side integration and processing AJAX, client-side integration and processing, JavaScript SOAPRSS, Atom, JSON WSDLREST (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST) Portlet ContainersOpen Social Containers (Orkut, LinkedIn, Shindig); Facebook Security: GSI, CAS, SAML, ShibbolethOpenID, OAuth Workflow managers (Taverna, Kepler, etc) Mash-ups Grid computing: Globus, condor, etcCloud computing: Amazon WS Suite, Xen Virtualization Semantic Web: RDF, OWL, ontologies Microformats, folksonomies

7 QuakeSim and Web 2.0 Export all observations and computational results as KML, GeoRSS. Use Social Network techniques to share projects, results, papers, proposals, etc. Facebook and OpenSocial have open APIs. Use social (Google) gadgets to deliver your Web components to everyone. Use Google’s GData APIs to integrate your services with Calendar, Blogspot, YouTube, etc.

8 Social Gadgets+AJAX DB Service JDBC DB Job Sub/Mon And File Services Operating and Queuing Systems REST Browser Interface REST WSDL REST Visualization Service DB REST Host 1Host 2Host 3 Updating the Octopus RSS,JSON/HTTP HTTP(S) REST

9 From Portlets to Gadgets QuakeSim components are built as standalone JSF applications. We convert to portlets using the JSF portlet bridge. We have no dependency on the Portlet API. Steps Provide an XML definition for your gadget. Publish your gadget (optional) Integrate with Google’s login (optional) OpenID


11 Publishing and Publicizing Gadgets Gadgets are published to Google’s gadget directory. Available but still in development: Simplex Disloc RDAHMM

12 Next Steps: Open Social Containers We are building a downloadable version of iGoogle container that can be used to host private/protected gadgets.

13 More Information Email: QuakeSim Web Site: Portal URLs: (deformation) (GPS, RDAHMM) Portal SourceForge Page: Code SVN:

14 Acknowledgments QuakeSim work is funded by NASA AIST (A. Donnellan, PI) and ACCESS (Y. Bock, PI) programs. Indiana University developers: Galip Aydin, Xiaoming Gao, Zhigang Qi, Jun Ji Robert Granat (JPL), Jay Parker (JPL), Maggi Glasscoe (JPL), John Rundle (UC-Davis), Harout Nazerian (JPL), Rami Al-Ghanmi (USC), Dennis Mcleod (USC), Paul Jamason (Scripps), Ruey-Juin Chang (Scripps), Gerry Simila (CSUN)

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