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FACILITATING THE ASSOCIATION OF THE FUTURE. Working Definition A Baptist Association is a community of churches networking through strategic missional.

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Presentation on theme: "FACILITATING THE ASSOCIATION OF THE FUTURE. Working Definition A Baptist Association is a community of churches networking through strategic missional."— Presentation transcript:


2 Working Definition A Baptist Association is a community of churches networking through strategic missional efforts to fulfill the Great Commission locally, nationally and internationally

3 Purpose Statement A community of Baptist associations networking together to strengthen each other for the work of assisting churches in accomplishing God’s mission locally, nationally, and internationally.


5 Sister Organizations

6 NoBA Core Values Biblically BasedBiblically Based Church FocusedChurch Focused MissionalMissional StrategicStrategic CatalyticCatalytic RelationalRelational

7 BIBLICALLY & SPIRITUALLY BASED Associations should be biblically based and practicing spiritual disciplines such as prayer, evangelism and discipleship.Associations should be biblically based and practicing spiritual disciplines such as prayer, evangelism and discipleship.

8 CHURCH FOCUSED Associations should assist churches to be healthy and on mission (ACTS 1:8).Associations should assist churches to be healthy and on mission (ACTS 1:8).

9 MISSIONAL Associations should assist churches to become involved in Kingdom focused initiatives to reach the world for Christ.Associations should assist churches to become involved in Kingdom focused initiatives to reach the world for Christ.

10 STRATEGIC Associations should intentionally implement a contextually relevant mission plan.Associations should intentionally implement a contextually relevant mission plan.

11 CATALYTIC Associations should take the initiative in leading in creative ways that enhance and add value to the ministry of the local church. (Synergy)Associations should take the initiative in leading in creative ways that enhance and add value to the ministry of the local church. (Synergy)

12 RELATIONAL Associations should add value to the local church by developing broader strategic relationships that produce Kingdom results.Associations should add value to the local church by developing broader strategic relationships that produce Kingdom results.

13 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION Entrepreneurial LeadershipEntrepreneurial Leadership Establishing Strategic DirectionEstablishing Strategic Direction Achieving Kingdom ResultsAchieving Kingdom Results Facilitative LeadershipFacilitative Leadership

14 OBJECTIVES The initial purposes of the Network of Baptist Associations shall be: 1.Advocate for Associations and for Associational Directors of Missions to have a national voice

15 OBJECTIVES The initial purposes of the Network of Baptist Associations shall be: 2.Assist in discovering what the future purpose and role of associations will be and to help claim that future

16 OBJECTIVES The initial purposes of the Network of Baptist Associations shall be: 3.Provide a web-based means of networking and partnering to facilitate communication and the availability of information that will assist ADoM’s in networking

17 OBJECTIVES The initial purposes of the Network of Baptist Associations shall be: 4.Provide an annual summit of ADoMs for continuing education and professional enhancement of job skills

18 OBJECTIVES The initial purposes of the Network of Baptist Associations shall be: 5.Do web-based research to validate assumptions or to discover needs that should be addressed by NoBA

19 NoBA STRUCTURE Led by a National Leadership Team of 17 ADOMS (elected at Jan. ‘07 Summit)Led by a National Leadership Team of 17 ADOMS (elected at Jan. ‘07 Summit) NLT representsNLT represents –Geographic sections of the nation –Specific size designation of associations (such as rural, suburban, urban) –Affinity groupings of associations –Generational or contextually relevant associations.

20 NoBA STRUCTURE National Leadership Team: 1.Executive Board of five people to manage the affairs of NoBA and 2.Represent NoBA on the national level 3.The Executive Board presents the names of the other 12 representatives at the Annual Summit for affirmation by those members present at that Annual Summit. 4.The initial Executive Board shall be Eddie Miller (NV), Larry Richmond (IL), Larry Fillingim (GA), David Smith (TX) and Sid Hopkins (GA).

21 NoBA MEETINGS Full National Leadership Team meets twice annuallyFull National Leadership Team meets twice annually –To plan and evaluate the Annual Summit –To discern the needs that should be addressed by NoBA –To provide leadership as needed to keep NoBA relevant and –To achieve the purposes of NoBA

22 NoBA MEETINGS The Executive Board meets as needed in between the meeting of the National Leadership Team to attend to the affairs of NoBA.The Executive Board meets as needed in between the meeting of the National Leadership Team to attend to the affairs of NoBA.

23 NoBA MEETINGS The Annual Summit shall meet at a time and location determined by the National Leadership Team.The Annual Summit shall meet at a time and location determined by the National Leadership Team.

24 ASSOCIATIONAL SUMMIT Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary January 7-9, 2008 (Monday - Wednesday)

25 MEMBERSHIP ADoMs (and the associations they represent) who covenant to work together to help achieve NoBA purposesADoMs (and the associations they represent) who covenant to work together to help achieve NoBA purposes By a signed covenant (Online form)By a signed covenant (Online form) Annual dues (optional 1 st year)Annual dues (optional 1 st year)

26 DUES & EXPENSES Each ADoM / Association shall be expected to pay annual dues as determined by the National Leadership Team ($1 p/church/mission)Each ADoM / Association shall be expected to pay annual dues as determined by the National Leadership Team ($1 p/church/mission) Dues shall be kept as low as possible to assure that all ADoMs / Associations have access to membership.Dues shall be kept as low as possible to assure that all ADoMs / Associations have access to membership.

27 DUES & EXPENSES Operational funds may be raised by the National Leadership Team and the Executive Board as needed from:Operational funds may be raised by the National Leadership Team and the Executive Board as needed from: –Foundations –Individuals –SBC Agencies and/or –Corporations (Provided the funds are given without any strings attached to their usage which would amount to undue influence on NOBA.)

28 SIGN-UP & INFO www.

29 Website For New & Established DoM’sFor New & Established DoM’s Single Site for DoM’sSingle Site for DoM’s Downloadable ResourcesDownloadable Resources Audio & Video TrainingAudio & Video Training Message Board & Leadership Web logsMessage Board & Leadership Web logs Job Postings (All positions)Job Postings (All positions)

30 Questions? 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________ 4._________________________ 5._________________________ 6._________________________

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