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Doretta Ghinzelli European Commission Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development Berlin, 5 May 2006 Stabilisation and Association process (SAp)

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Presentation on theme: "Doretta Ghinzelli European Commission Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development Berlin, 5 May 2006 Stabilisation and Association process (SAp)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Doretta Ghinzelli European Commission Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development Berlin, 5 May 2006 Stabilisation and Association process (SAp) and respect of standards to export into the EU

2 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 2 Contents  The Stabilisation and Association process (SAp)  Respect of standards to export into the EU  Areas where donors may invest  Some conclusions

3 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 3 SAA: state of play SAA in force in:  The former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia  Croatia SAA concluded:  Albania Negotiations under way:  Serbia and Montenegro  Bosnia Herzegovina

4 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 4 SAp and SAA Opportunities and Challenges  Preparation for EU-membership. -Close relationship with the EU -Financial support -Approximation to the Community acquis -Improve customs management and procedures -last but not least: political dialogue and cooperation

5 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 5 SAp and SAA Opportunities and challenges  The trade liberalisation - privileged access to the EU market: trade provisions are in general asymmetrically in favour of the countries -EU has granted unlimited duty free access to the market of the enlarged Union for virtually all products (exceptions: bovine meat. Baby-beef, wine and recently sugar are subject to tariff quotas)

6 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 6 Chapters agriculture products EU 25 Imports from West Balkans * (in Mio. €) 20012002200320042005 17 Sugar47,6173,5193,0165,0264,8 08 Fruits and nuts110,6142,4147,9123,9121,9 41 Raw hides and skins65,863,851,454,156,4 07 Vegetables65,763,644,755,558,0 10 Cereals3,076,442,07,373,9 22 Wines and vinegar30,030,726,026,722,0 Others118,4141,4156,5157,6200,1 Total Agric. Products441,0691,7661,3590,0797,2 West Balkans * = Albania, B&H, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia Source : EUROSTAT - Comext - DG AGRI

7 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 7 Chapters Agriculture products EU 25 Exports to West Balkans * (in Mio. €) 20012002200320042005 02 Meat and edible meat174,5183,3134,8154,8187,1 04 Dairy; eggs; honey133,4141,0131,8134,2114,2 08 Fruits and nuts116,5117,1112,6108,3117,0 17 Sugar125,4128,4108,868,8138,0 10 Cereals125,466,994,790,757,9 23 Residues food industries65,478,381,793,778,9 01 Live animals55,4104,175,469,693,4 19-21 Prepar. Veget.fruits,59,768,975,677,880,0 07 Vegetables66,862,974,372,947,4 Others340,9325,0344,3343,8358,8 Total Agric. Products1.263,31.275,91.234,11.214,61.272,7 West Balkans * = Albania, B&H, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia Source : EUROSTAT - Comext - DG AGRI

8 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 8 EU 25 Trade with West Balkans (Mio. €) Total Agric. products 20012002200320042005 EU 25 IMPORTS from WB 441 692 661 590 797 EU 25 EXPORT to WB 1.2631.2761.2341.2151.273

9 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 9 Respect of standards to export into the EU Products exported have to fulfil:  Phitosanitary and veterinary standards  Marketing standards

10 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 10 The New European Food Law operational from 1 January 2006 Main regulations EU Official Journal (R.178/2002 EU food law)L 31 1/2/02 R. 852/2004 hygiene of foodstuffs L226 25/6/04 R. 853/2004 hygiene rules food animal origin L226 25/6/04 R. 854/2004 official controls products of animal origin L226 25/6/04 R. 882/2004 on official controlsL191 28/5/04

11 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 11 The European Food Law Different import requirements:  Food of animal origin  Food of non-animal origin  Food containing both, processed ingredients of animal origin and of plant origin

12 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 12 Marketing standards fruits and vegetables  Imports into the EU of fresh fruit and vegetables are checked for compliance with EU marketing standards  If the EU Member State authorities find the goods in conformity, they can enter the EU  Informing the operators is important even regardless of what is going on with the authorities

13 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 13 Some areas where donors may invest  Training for veterinary and inspectors with emphasis on the horizontal issues of the food law  Laboratories  Information/seminars for operators (growers, traders, interested groups)  Promoting the development of local consumer movements

14 EU Commission – Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 14 Conclusions – message for the Western Balkans  Exploit the existing possibilities to export more into the EU  Exploit the great potential to trade more in the region (intra-regional free trade agreements)  This is also, in general, a good preparation for a future accession

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