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Emergence of Civilization Unit 1 New Stone Ages. End of Paleolithic Era Marked by the end of the last Ice Age Glaciers start to melt and move back towards.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergence of Civilization Unit 1 New Stone Ages. End of Paleolithic Era Marked by the end of the last Ice Age Glaciers start to melt and move back towards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergence of Civilization Unit 1 New Stone Ages

2 End of Paleolithic Era Marked by the end of the last Ice Age Glaciers start to melt and move back towards the poles Land bridges become covered with water as the oceans start to fill back up Believed to be the way in which people first came to this continent from Africa and Europe, following herds Changed the climate of many areas, deserts appeared with new plants

3 New Stone Age Peoples New Stone Age Mesolithic Era ‘Meso’ meaning middle Lasted about 10,000 years 18,000 B.C.E. to 8000 B.C.E. Africa, China, Asia, Europe, Americas and Middle East (Mesopotamia)

4 New Stone Age Peoples Mesolithic Era Developed the Bow and Harpoons Tamed dogs, used for hunting small animals Built canoes from hollowed out logs Cross large rivers Fish in deep waters

5 New Stone Age Peoples Neolithic Era ‘Neo’ meaning New Lasted about 4000 years 8000 B.C.E. to 3500 B.C.E. Started grinding and polishing tools to sharper points and edges

6 New Stone Age Peoples Agricultural Revolution Change from hunting and moving to farming Domesticated Animals – For work and food Dogs, Sheep, goats and pigs Women farmed, men hunted Permanent settlements Villages Built houses Some remained hunters & gatherers and nomadic

7 New Stone Age Peoples Growth of political structure Council of Elders Make decisions Settle disputes Developed more complete spoken languages Specialized tools Garden hoes – Granite Cloth – Wool Nets for fishing Pottery for cooking

8 New Stone Age Peoples Used animals for work Oxen to pull plows Use of organic fertilizers Work more land, harvest more crops Support larger population Simple religions based upon nature Gods control the forces of nature

9 New Stone Age Peoples Transportation Improvements Wheel is invented improved land transportation replaced the wooden sleds Sails start to be used for water transportation Quicker, more efficient means of travel Metals start to be used Copper is the first Bronze mix of copper and tin - stronger metal


11 New Stone Age Peoples By 3000 B.C.E. all of these inventions and items are in use in some part of the world, BUT NOT ALL. Change in the way people lived and survived Brings more technological advances

12 The End

13 Questions for Review 1. What major change took place during the Agricultural Revolution? 2. What does a Council of Elders do? 3. What were the domesticated animals used for? 4. Name two technological advancements during this time period. 5. How can this change that took place from the Old Stone Age to the New apply to our world today?

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