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Integrating Audio and Video into WebCT Pedagogical Advantages Video and Audio Digitizing Web Delivery Disseminating Copyrighted Material Integrating Audio.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Audio and Video into WebCT Pedagogical Advantages Video and Audio Digitizing Web Delivery Disseminating Copyrighted Material Integrating Audio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Audio and Video into WebCT Pedagogical Advantages Video and Audio Digitizing Web Delivery Disseminating Copyrighted Material Integrating Audio and Video in WebCT June 24, 2005

2 Introductions Academic Technologist Instructional Design and eTeaching Services 2-3401 Scott Kinder Instructional Designer Instructional Design and eTeaching Services 2-6393 Jeanne Po

3 Workshop Goals oTo explore the pedagogical advantages of using digitized audio and video in WebCT oTo illustrate different ways to create digital audio and video oTo identify types of audio and video formats that can be used in WebCT oTo discuss the legal implications of using digitized media in an online learning environment oTo identify the various tools and features within WebCT for presenting digitized audio and video oTo introduce you to technology and resources available on campus

4 Pedagogical Advantages oEnhances learning oAppeals to different learning styles oSuitable for different types of rhetorical functions are best carried out by different modes--verbal, visual, or aural oAddresses issues of accessibility oIntegrated easily into WebCT

5 Using Digitized Audio in WebCT Michael Resler’s “Music and Word: The German Musical Heritage” Devlyn Case’s “History Of Rock and Roll and Pop Music in the U.S.”

6 Using Digitized Video in WebCT Bonnie Jefferson’s “The Rhetorical Tradition”

7 Log on to the Training Site ohttp://webct.bc.edu

8 Digitizing Audio and Video oDigitizing already created audio and video oCreating your own digitized audio and video

9 Web Delivery: Streaming Media oStreaming media oPlay as you go oPut on the streaming server oFile Types oReal Media (.rm) antigone.rm antigone.rm

10 Web Delivery: Progressive Download oProgressive download oPut on the WebCT server oFile Types oReal Media (.rm) oQuickTime (.mov) o MP3s must uploaded to the WebCT server

11 Differences Between Streaming and Progressive Downloads BENEFITSSTREAMINGPROGRESSIVE Minimum lag time x Downloads entire movie x Requires a specialized server x Consistent high quality play back at any connection speed x Content remains on server (cannot be saved by viewers) x

12 To Stream or Not to Stream SCENARIOSTREAMINGPROGRESSIVE Long Clips x Varying connection speeds x Immediate access to different parts of a movie x Language instruction x How-to clips x Downloadable x

13 Copyright Considerations oBC Copyright Information eaching/resources/copyright.htm oFair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia 17.html oCopyright Checklist

14 Hands-On oAccess your practice site oYou’ll be adding: oAn.mp3 as a single page oA QuickTime file to a content module oA link to a Real media file o resources/ resources/ oClick on Streamed Film Collection o ges_in_media.rm ges_in_media.rm

15 Immediate Access to Different Parts of a Clip oEstablishing the URL to time segments within a longer digitized video file oExample: The Theban Plays: Oedipus the King oEntire film is 120 minutes oPoint to 1:10:39 - 1:18:30 would be dipus.rm?start=1:10:39&end=1:18:30 dipus.rm?start=1:10:39&end=1:18:30

16 On-Campus Resources o Media Technology Services oProduces original audio and video o Media Center in O’Neill Library oDigital licenses for some Films for the Humanities and Sciences videos oAudio Course Reserves o Instructional Design and eTeaching Services oVideo and Audio digitizing equipment in the IML oOne-on-one consultation oTraining

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