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Connector Why do you think Danny Boyle decided to continuously swap the casting of both monster and Frankenstein? What does it reveal or highlight?

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Presentation on theme: "Connector Why do you think Danny Boyle decided to continuously swap the casting of both monster and Frankenstein? What does it reveal or highlight?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connector Why do you think Danny Boyle decided to continuously swap the casting of both monster and Frankenstein? What does it reveal or highlight?

2 Doubles and Doppelgangers The double was a conventional motif used in 19th century Gothic literature. Doppelganger translates literally as “double-walker” and is considered a ghostly parallel to another character. Used to show tension between laws and rules verses desire Gives a voice to something that has been silenced It is the ghostly double of a living person, dark doubles of individual identities They are generally regarded as harbingers of bad luck. In some traditions, seeing one's own doppelgänger is an omen of death. What are the similarities, differences and oppositions between the monster and Frankenstein? Victor refers to his creation as “my own vampire, my own spirit let loose in the grave, and forced to destroy all that was dear to me”

3 Victor FrankensteinThe Monster What are the similarities, differences and oppositions between the monster and Frankenstein? Read the article – what else can you add to this table?

4 Interview with Boyle 16546-frankenstein 16546-frankenstein Make notes on: -The use of doubles/doppelgangers -Wider use of intertextual ideas -The idea of giving the monster a voice -Theatrical choices made for the stage version which may affect our interpretations.

5 AO3: Using your understanding of the play in your writing… Once you have seen the play, you can use your interpretations and ideas in your own essay writing. Boyle’s version is an “interpretation” of Shelley’s novel. You can comment on choices made by the director and what this may highlight or reveal. How is the creature presented? The creature suffers a great deal of pain as he is shunned by his very creator; isolated and alone he leaves only to find that he has been brought into a severely intolerable society. The creature faces numerous rejections resulting in sadness and alienation; “He dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick…I am an outcast in the world forever”. The barbaric nature of man is particularly emphasised throughout as Shelley makes a critical comment on a society which strives for aesthetically pleasing appearances. The use of direct speech and individual narrative focuses attention on the creature’s emotions, allowing the reader to empathise with him. Ultimately Shelley presents the faults in humans rather than evoke fear from the lonely, unloved creature. This parallel between human and monster is highlighted through Boyle’s constantly shifting cast between the two roles in his 2011 production. This theatrical technique demonstrates how these two characters are doubles, haunting each other and also conveying important character traits.

6 Exploring Reviews Read through the different reviews and highlight key information. Discuss: -What are your expectations for the play? -What choices does Boyle make which are interesting or different?

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