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Carbon Dioxide in Watershed Peter Li Professor, Earth Sciences Tennessee Technological University.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon Dioxide in Watershed Peter Li Professor, Earth Sciences Tennessee Technological University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon Dioxide in Watershed Peter Li Professor, Earth Sciences Tennessee Technological University

2 Stanford University, 2007

3 Who Put Most CO2 to the air?


5 Government policy? Source:

6 What can happen if we don’t produce less CO2 ? Warmer temperature……… Source:

7 What can happen if we don’t produce less CO2 ? Glaciers and ice sheets in Artic will melt (Polar Bears hunt on ice sheets) Source:

8 What can happen if we don’t produce less CO2 ? Sea levels will rise. Instead of going to Myrtle Beach, you boys will head to Knoxville Beach for your spring break..

9 What can happen if we don’t produce less CO2 ? More violent weather Source:

10 Cane Creek Watershed - Geographic Location 24.1 mi 2 Developed, Open Space 8.0% Developed, Low Density 7.8% Developed, Medium Density1.6% Deciduous Forest 24.8% Pasture 17.9% Crops 36.8% Others 3.1% Source: Peter Li, 2007

11 Warming Trend Upper Cumberland Area Source: Peter Li, 2007


13 Our dedicated research assistant Source: Peter Li, 2007


15 CO2 Emission Rate Source: Peter Li, 2007

16 Drill for Winter Wheat

17 Qubit Soil CO2 Analyzer Source: Peter Li, 2007

18 Land Use Change Source: Peter Li, 2007

19 Conclusion Carbon Inventory is computed using GIS Agricultural Practices have major impact on carbon released to the air Land use and cover change will pose a major challenge to the carbon sequestration. Acknowledgement: NRCS, TTU, my dedicated students…Greg, Whitney, Derrick, Roshan, Drew….


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