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2.1 DEFAULTABLE CLAIMS 指導教授:戴天時 學生:王薇婷. T*>0, a finite horizon date (Ω,F,P): underlying probability space :real world probability :spot martingale measure.

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Presentation on theme: "2.1 DEFAULTABLE CLAIMS 指導教授:戴天時 學生:王薇婷. T*>0, a finite horizon date (Ω,F,P): underlying probability space :real world probability :spot martingale measure."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.1 DEFAULTABLE CLAIMS 指導教授:戴天時 學生:王薇婷

2 T*>0, a finite horizon date (Ω,F,P): underlying probability space :real world probability :spot martingale measure (the risk-neutral probability) – The short-term interest rate process r – The firm’s value process V – The barrier process v – The promised contingent claim X the firm’s liabilities to be redeemed at T<T* – The process A (promised dividends) – The recovery claim (recovery payoff received at T, if default occurs ≦ T) – The recovery process Z

3 Technical assumptions V, Z, A and v are measurable with respect to the filtration r.v : X and -measurable All random objects introduced above satisfy suitable integrability conditions that are needed for evaluating the functionals defined in the sequel.

4 Default time In structure approach, the default time will be defined in terms of the value process V and the barrier process v. (2.1) It’s means that there exists a sequence of increasing stopping times announcing the default time, the default time can be forecasted with some degree of certainty.

5 資料來源 (Kay Giesecke Lisa Goldberg)

6 Default time In the intensity-based approach, the default time will not be a predictable stopping time with respect to the ‘enlarged’ filtration The occurrence of the default event comes as a total surprise. For any date t, the PV of the default intensity yields the conditional probability of the occurrence of default over an infinitesimally small time interval [t,t+dt].

7 Recovery rules If default occurs after time T, the promised claim X is paid in full at time T. Otherwise, depending on the adopted model, In general, In most practical, The date T,

8 2.1.1 Risk-Neutral Valuation Formula Suppose the underlying financial market model is arbitrage-free. the price process (no coupons or dividends, follows an F-martingale under P*) discounted by the savings account B.

9 Definition 2.1.1 The dividend process D of a defaultable contingent claim, which settles at time T, equals ------------------------------------------------------------------ The default occurs at some date t, the promised dividend A t -A t-.

10 The promised payoff X could be considered as a part of the promised dividends process A. However, such a convention would be inconvenient, since in practice the recovery rules concerning the promised dividends A and the promised claim X are generally different. r.v: X d (t,T) -- At any time t<T, the current value of all future CFs associated with a given defaultable claim DCT. (set X d (T,T)= X d (T). )

11 Definition 2.1.2 The risk-neutral valuation formula is known to give the arbitrage price of attainable contingent claims. Structural models typically assume that assets of the firm represent a tradable security. (In practice, the total market value of firm’s shares is usually taken as V) The issue of existence of replicating strategies for defaultable claims can be analyzed in a similar way as in standard default-free financial models.

12 Assume is generated by the price processes of tradable asset. Otherwise, when the default time τ is the first passage time of V to a lower threshold, which does not represent the price of a tradable asset (so that τ is not a stopping time with respect to the filtration generated by some tradable assets), the issue of attainability of defaultable contingent claims becomes more delicate.


14 Recovery at maturity ( ) In absence of the promised dividends (A=0), Under a set of technical assumptions, a suitable version of the martingale representation theorem with respect to the Brownian filtration will ensure the attainability of the terminal payoff.

15 In absence of the promised dividends (A=0), (2.3) defines only the pre-default value of a defaultable claim. The value process vanishes identically on the random interval [τ,T]. Recovery at default ( )

16 Another possible solution Assuming that the recovery payoff Z τ is invested in default-free zero-coupon bonds of maturity T. When we search for the pre-default value of a defaultable claim, such a convention does not affect the valuation problem for DCT 2.

17 A formal justification of Definition 2.1.2 based on the no-arbitrage argument. Price process of k primary securities S i, i=1,…,k – S i –semimartingales, i=1,…,k-1 and non-dividend-paying assets – S k : saving account A trading strategy process: 2.1.2 Self-Financing Trading Strategies

18 Assume that we have an additional security that pays dividends during its lifespan according to a process of finite variation D, with D 0 =0. Let S 0 denote the yet unspecified price process of this security. Since we do not assume a priori that S 0 follows a semimartingale, we are not yet in a position to consider general trading strategies involving the defaultable claim anyway.

19 Suppose that we purchase one unit of the 0 th asset

20 Lemma 2.1.1


22 2.1.3 Martingale Measures Goal: derive the risk-neutral valuation formula for the ex- dividend price Assume:

23 Proposition 2.1.1



26 Corollary 2.1.1


28 Remarks It is worth noticing that represents the discounted cum- dividend price at time t of the 0 th asset. Under the assumption of uniqueness of a spot martingale measure, any -integrable contingent claim is attainable, and the valuation formula can be justified by means of replication. Otherwise - that is, when a martingale probability measure is not unique - the right-hand side of (2.10) may depend on the choice of a particular martingale probability. In this case, a process defined by (2.10) for an arbitrarily chosen spot martingale measure can be taken as the no- arbitrage price process of a defaultable claim.

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