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13.10.2003MG meeting Paris1 SAMARIS STRUCTURES WP 15.

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Presentation on theme: "13.10.2003MG meeting Paris1 SAMARIS STRUCTURES WP 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris1 SAMARIS STRUCTURES WP 15

2 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris2 Technical Work Packages 12.Strategies for repair of highway structures (TRL – Richard Woodward) 13.Corrosion Inhibitors (UCD – Mark Richardson) 14.HPFRCC (High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites) materials (EPFL – Emmanuel Denarié) 15.Survey (ZAG – Aleš Žnidarič)

3 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris3 WP 12 - Strategies for repair of HS Objective To draw together requirements for sustainable maintenance strategy to satisfyTo draw together requirements for sustainable maintenance strategy to satisfy functional,functional, safety,safety, economic andeconomic and environmentalenvironmental requirements for highway structures

4 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris4 WP 12 - Strategies for repair of HS Deterioration as a Function of Time Condition Performance Minimum acceptable value Time (years) 020406080100

5 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris5 WP 12 - Strategies for repair of HS Deliverables D2:Inception Report (Mon.6) D31:Guidelines on selection and use of innovative materials for the repair of highway structures (Mon.36)

6 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris6 WP 13 – Corrosion inhibitors Deliverables D17:Test report on effectiveness of corrosion inhibitor in laboratory trials (Mon.24) D21:Test report on effectiveness of corrosion inhibitor in field trials (Mon.30) D25:Specification for the use of CI for maintenance of highway structures (Mon.33)

7 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris7 WP 14 – HPFRCC materials Deliverables D13:Report on preliminary studies for the use of HPFRCC for maintenance of road infrastructure components (Mon.18) D18:Test report on laboratory testing of HPFRCC (Mon.24) D22:Test report on pilot field trials of HPFRCC (Mon.30) D26:Modelling of HPFRCC in hybrid structures (Mon.33)

8 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris8 WP 15 – Survey Objective To provide an updated inventory and assessment of highway structures in selected EEA and CE countries.To provide an updated inventory and assessment of highway structures in selected EEA and CE countries.

9 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris9 WP 15 – Survey Tasks 15.1 Data collection 15.2 Condition assessment 15.3 Loading 15.4 Structural safety 15.5 Survey

10 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris10 WP 15 – Survey 15.1 Data collection the most active task up to nowthe most active task up to now subtasks:subtasks: 15.1.1: Detailed work programme15.1.1: Detailed work programme 15.1.2: Review of existing questionnaires15.1.2: Review of existing questionnaires 15.1.3: Preparation of questionnaires15.1.3: Preparation of questionnaires 15.1.4: Meeting with subcontractors15.1.4: Meeting with subcontractors 15.1.5: Submission of questionnaires15.1.5: Submission of questionnaires 15.1.6: Collection of structural data15.1.6: Collection of structural data M11: Collection of structural data completed 15.1.7: Compilation of results15.1.7: Compilation of results

11 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris11 WP 15 – Survey 15.1 Data collection subtasks: associated with subcontractorsassociated with subcontractors  meeting in July in Vienna  many useful comments  all contracts signed and 1 st year money paid problem:problem:  How to make a questionnaire that will be easy as possible to fill in and evaluate?

12 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris12 WP 15 – Survey 15.2 Condition Assessment Subtasks: 15.2.1: Literature survey15.2.1: Literature survey 15.2.2: Evaluation of questionnaires15.2.2: Evaluation of questionnaires  Assessment of codes  Assessment of tools & procedures  Assessment of condition rating procedures 15.2.3: Handbook of damages15.2.3: Handbook of damages  Reorganisation of existing COST 345 handbook  Updating the software  Testing the software  Feeding the data

13 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris13 WP 15 – Survey 15.3 Loading Subtasks: 15.3.1: Dead loads15.3.1: Dead loads  Evaluation of existing procedures  Assessment of data  Demonstration of dead load evaluation subtask 15.3.2: True traffic loadingsubtask 15.3.2: True traffic loading  Evaluation of available WIM data  Evaluation of measured WIM data subtask 15.3.3: Live load modellingsubtask 15.3.3: Live load modelling  Evaluation of existing load models  Development of load models

14 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris14 WP 15 – Survey 15.3 Loading Subtasks: subtask 15.3.4: Dynamic loadingsubtask 15.3.4: Dynamic loading  Evaluation of dynamic loading on bridge 1  Evaluation of dynamic loading on bridge 2 subtask 15.3.5: Experimentssubtask 15.3.5: Experiments  Poland –From October 9 to 18, 2003 –ZAG + PhD student from TCD  Slovenia –In 2004

15 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris15 WP 15 – Survey 15.3 Loading meeting in Ljubljana on August 22 nd :meeting in Ljubljana on August 22 nd : discussed detailed work plan, including experimentsdiscussed detailed work plan, including experiments 2004 long-term experiment to record dynamic behaviour of a bridge under different conditions:2004 long-term experiment to record dynamic behaviour of a bridge under different conditions:  traffic  before and after major repair  a few possible bridges identified

16 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris16 WP 15 – Survey 15.3 Loading

17 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris17 WP 15 – Survey 15.4/5 Safety Assessment/Survey Task 15.4 - Safety Assessment 15.4.1: State-of-the-art report on procedures used15.4.1: State-of-the-art report on procedures used 15.4.2: Selection of countries for detailed study15.4.2: Selection of countries for detailed study 15.4.3: Comparative study of selected EU, EEA and CEC15.4.3: Comparative study of selected EU, EEA and CEC 15.4.4: Proposed safety assessment methodology15.4.4: Proposed safety assessment methodology Task 15.5 - Survey 15.5.1: State-of-the-art report of assessment of structures in selected EEA and CE countries15.5.1: State-of-the-art report of assessment of structures in selected EEA and CE countries 15.5.2: Guidelines for optimised assessment of highway structures15.5.2: Guidelines for optimised assessment of highway structures

18 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris18 WP 15 – Survey Plan for Oct-Dec 2003 period Task 15.1 – Data collection Dissemination of questionnairesDissemination of questionnaires Collection of questionnairesCollection of questionnaires Beginning of compilation of resultsBeginning of compilation of results Task 15.2 – Condition assessment Finishing assessment of codes and proceduresFinishing assessment of codes and procedures Beginning or reorganisation of Handbook of damagesBeginning or reorganisation of Handbook of damages

19 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris19 WP 15 – Survey Plan for Oct-Dec 2003 period Task 15.3 – Loading Evaluation of existing procedures (cont.)Evaluation of existing procedures (cont.) Completion of Polish experimentCompletion of Polish experiment Evaluation of available and measured WIM dataEvaluation of available and measured WIM data Evaluation of dynamic loading of Polish bridgeEvaluation of dynamic loading of Polish bridge PhD students Nóra Áine (TCD) and Abraham Getachew (UCD)PhD students Nóra Áine (TCD) and Abraham Getachew (UCD) Task 15.4 – Safety Selection of countries for detailed analysisSelection of countries for detailed analysis Task 15.5 – Survey

20 13.10.2003MG meeting Paris20 SAMARIS web page New documents database in addition to public documentsNew documents database in addition to public documents Different level of users related to UN and PW:Different level of users related to UN and PW: power userspower users normal usersnormal users sub-contractors?sub-contractors? VisitorsVisitors 2 step process of uploading2 step process of uploading

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