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Note. Many of the URLs and contact details in this presentation no longer work. But the content is still excellent and informative. Viv Rolfe 10 th October.

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Presentation on theme: "Note. Many of the URLs and contact details in this presentation no longer work. But the content is still excellent and informative. Viv Rolfe 10 th October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note. Many of the URLs and contact details in this presentation no longer work. But the content is still excellent and informative. Viv Rolfe 10 th October 2015

2 Issues with re-using medical images in UK HE settings: an OER view Suzanne Hardy Senior Advisor (Information) November 2009 JISC Medical Images Workshop, London

3 Appropriate terminology Clinical recordings Not just images!

4 The HEFCE/JISC/HEA OER programme (14/08) - Background Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) announced an initial £5.7 million of funding for pilot projects that will open up existing high-quality education resources from UK higher education institutions to the world Higher Education Academy and JISC will work in partnership to deliver 12-month pilot projects - formally launched in April 2009

5 The HEFCE/JISC/HEA OER programme (14/08) Aims to make a wide range of learning resources created by academics freely available, easily discovered and routinely re-used by both educators and learners. Expected that funded projects demonstrate long term commitment to release of OER resources. Projects working towards sustainability of long term open resources release via the adoption of appropriate business models to support this Recommendations may include modifications to institutional policies and processes, with the aim of making open resources release an expected part of the educational resources creation cycle

6 The HEFCE/JISC/HEA OER programme (14/08) OER could include full courses, course materials, complete modules, notes, visual and audio recordings, assessments, tests, simulations, worked examples, software, and any other tools or materials or techniques used to support access to knowledge. These resources will be released under an intellectual property license that permits open use and adaptation

7 The HEFCE/JISC/HEA OER programme (14/08) Pilot projects to release existing learning resources under a suitable license for open use and repurposing under 3 strands of activity: 1.Institutional 2.Individual 3.Subject

8 The HEFCE/JISC/HEA OER programme (14/08) Not about creating new content Exposing existing content to wider audiences Exploring the drivers, challenges and barriers and making recommendations Projects mandated to deposit into JorumOpen Evaluation of pilot programme, including synthesis of project outcomes, to be carried out by Glasgow Caledonian University

9 OOER Organising Open Educational Resources Bid can be downloaded from Focusses on issues relating to consent, securing ER from staff delivering programmes who are non-HEI employed, and complements other projects in the programme Results of mapping and readiness categorisation together with development of simple toolkits (to help HEIs, Subjects and Individuals) will inform identification of ER to be included Uploading OER will test toolkits

10 OOER 12 workpackages 1.Project Management led by MEDEV 2.Literature and existing project review to document IPR/CC resulting in toolkit. Led by SGUL 3.Patient consent considering Data Protection, and privacy issues. Led by University of Bristol 4.Mapping and readiness categorisation: identify and categorise potential resources. Categorisation toolkit. Led by Newcastle University 5.Institutional policy development. HR practice related to IPR. Policy Toolkit. Led by Keele University

11 OOER 12 workpackages 6.How does OER affect existing collaborations and international (incl. developing world) markets? Collaboration toolkit to brief senior managers. Led by Queen’s University Belfast 7.Establish pedagogy map, quality monitoring/peer evaluation and ‘best before’ procedures. QA toolkit. Led by University of Oxford 8.Upload (‘360 credits’?) resources. Document processes necessary to make ER ‘open’. Led by University of Southampton

12 OOER 12 workpackages 9.Evaluate ‘resource discovery’ by staff and students. Investigate downstream rights for re-use. Resource discovery and re-use toolkit. Led by Intute: Health & Life Sciences and University of Warwick 10.Host workshops, dissemination events to raise awareness of inform and obtain feedback on toolkits to refine them and encourage uptake of OER. Led by MEDEV 11.Evalutate project, disseminate and publish. Led by Imperial College 12.Exit strategy and sustainability. Led by University of Liverpool

13 Readiness categorisation pyramid (in development)

14 OOER Project: Workpackage flow diagram for uploading a resource – what does the project look like? Y Star t Identify ontent type Image/vid eo/audio? Patient data? YY Text? N N N Refer to WP3 workflow Refer to WP2 workflow Refer to WP5 workflow Is the IPR status clear? Y N Refer to WP6 workflow Collect basic metadata about resource

15 Map against readiness scale Is it a quality resource ? Refer to WP7 workflow Refer to WP4 workflow N Y Is the resource ready to upload? Make any technical adjustments necessary N Choose APIs and add appropriate metadata Y OOER Project: Workpackage flow diagram for uploading a resource – what does the project look like?

16 Choose APIs and add appropriate metadata Refer to WP9 workflow Upload resource Refer to WP8 workflow Syndicate metadata End OOER Project: Workpackage flow diagram for uploading a resource – what does the project look like?

17 Sticking point issues from WP2, 3 and others Consent, ownership and copyright Easy to obtain Used in settings removed from recording site Informed consent?? Who owns teaching material? Who maintains it?

18 Further information px

19 We need clear guidance that is…. Based on genuinely good practice Fit for purpose UK wide Patient centred Futureproofed Positive in encouraging trust between healthcare professionals and patients Explicit in making the relationship between the recording and the patient record

20 We need clear guidance that is…. Appropriate in managing risk Recommends robust procedures for checking and updating consent – which take account of the use of clinical recordings in non clinical academic settings Respectful of patients, carers and their families right to dignity Explicitly states its relationship with legislation: data protection act, copyright, freedom of information, human rights, etc.

21 We need clear guidance that is…. Relative to the needs of other health care professions making use of patients clinical recordings for research, education and training

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