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Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Introduction to Peer Observations.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Introduction to Peer Observations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Introduction to Peer Observations

2 Framework for Teaching Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

3 Framework for Teaching Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

4 Framework for Teaching Components 3B and 3C Questioning and Discussion Techniques (3B) Engaging Students in Learning (3C) Domain 3: Instruction Component 3B Elements Indicators for each Performance Level Take 5 minutes to review each component, including its elements and indicators.

5 Introduction to Peer Observation


7 Collegiality and Trust

8 Scripting What the teacher says…What students say Collecting data that becomes evidence…


10 Practice Self-Reflecting on Evidence 1.Trade evidence with someone at your table. 2.Now pretend that you were the teacher being observed 3.Find where the evidence matches the rubric.

11 Framework for Teaching Components 3B and 3C Questioning and Discussion Techniques (3B) Engaging Students in Learning (3C) Indicators Use the indicators in each of the performance levels to determine where the evidence fits best.

12 As the teacher being observed, think about what your next steps would be.


14 Peer Observation Cycle Pre-conference to talk about self-reflection and PGP goals Observer supplies evidence to the teacher Teacher looks at evidence and applies it to the Framework for Teaching Post-conference conversation for additional self- reflection and possible additional collaboration

15 Peer Observation Cycle Pre-conference to talk about self-reflection and PGP goals Observer supplies evidence to the teacher Teacher looks at evidence and applies it to the Framework for Teaching Post-conference conversation for additional self- reflection and possible additional collaboration

16 What questions/comments do you have? Professional Learning tab

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