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Year 5 Class Spain (room 16)– Mrs Downes Class Nepal (room 15) – Mr Higginson Both classes supported by Mrs Bone.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 Class Spain (room 16)– Mrs Downes Class Nepal (room 15) – Mr Higginson Both classes supported by Mrs Bone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 Class Spain (room 16)– Mrs Downes Class Nepal (room 15) – Mr Higginson Both classes supported by Mrs Bone

2 Topic Themes Term123456 Year 5 topicWhere in the World? The Mayan Civilisation Earth in Space Viking Invasion! Chocolate Fireguards? Circle of Life New curriculum Topic based Discreet subjects

3 P.E. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Kits Outdoor - Trainers, tracksuit bottoms, long sleeve top Indoor – shorts, tee-shirt Ear-rings – for 6 weeks after having ears pierced, children can tape their ear-rings but need to bring their own tape Forgotten kits

4 Homework Policy is being amended Consulted with parent group and governors Parents will be informed within next two weeks

5 Reading Children will read to teacher every week as part of guided reading (Springboard) Changing reading books Reading at home Children’s reading record

6 Maths Groups Multiplication tables – bronze, silver and gold awards Strategies on the school website

7 Spellings Children will be in spelling groups. The spellings will involve a spelling rule or pattern or be vocabulary to help with other learning, e.g. topic or maths words. Look, say, cover, write, check will be encouraged. The children will have a chance once a week to practise these in class. On each Friday we will have a spelling test.

8 Fruit and water Water bottles Fruit rota is on the class notice board – the same day as they change their books.

9 Camp Friday 15 th -16th May 2015 Meeting: Thursday 23rd April 2015

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