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Certificate for Introduction to Securities & Investment (Cert.ISI)

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Presentation on theme: "Certificate for Introduction to Securities & Investment (Cert.ISI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Certificate for Introduction to Securities & Investment (Cert.ISI)
Introduction to the syllabus The course The workload


3 The course Certificate for Introduction to Securities and Investment (Cert.ISI) Examining body:  The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, (CISI). Pupils registered for this qualification are granted free Student membership of the CISI Student Members of the CISI are able to use the CISI’s Careers Information Centre Pupils registered for this qualification are given access to the CISI’s on-line study tool, e-Intro Enrolment on the course entitles each student to a comprehensive CISI work-book

4 Professionalism Integrity Excellence
The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment is a registered charity. The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is the largest and most widely respected professional body for those who work in the securities and investment industry in the UK and in a growing number of major financial centres round the world. Formed in 1992 by London Stock Exchange practitioners, the Chartered Institute now has more than 40,000 members in 89 countries. In the past year, it set almost 40,000 examinations in 49 countries, covering a range of vocational qualifications. As one of the Chartered Institute’s public benefit charitable objectives, it actively promotes the advancement of knowledge in the field of securities and investment in schools, colleges and universities. Partnering with education centres allows the CISI to offer a strong foundation of knowledge for those considering a career in financial services.

5 CISI Corporate members

6 Cert.ISI – what is it worth?
Accreditation: Fully recognised by Ofqual – Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) reference number: 500/6267/0 UCAS tariff points: Pass with Distinction – 60 points (equivalent to AS-Level A grade) Pass with Merit – 40 points (equivalent to AS-Level C grade) Pass – 20 points (equivalent to AS-Level E grade) Meets Level 3 of Additional Specialist Learning (ASL) requirement for the BAF Diploma Fulfils Unit 1 of the Investment Administration Qualification (IAQ) used by employers throughout the financial services sector

7 Basic structure of the course
Unit 1: Introduction to Securities and Investment – “The Knowledge” A basic introduction to the financial services sector with a focus on investments. Learners will be tested on their knowledge and understanding of the following elements: Derivatives Investment funds Financial services and regulation Taxation, investment wrappers, and trusts Other retail financial products Economic environment Financial assets and markets Equities Bonds Unit 2: Extended project – “applying The Knowledge” Students collect, analyse, manage and evaluate information while researching a topic from the Unit 1 syllabus. The CISI will provide a list of project titles, from which candidates will choose one

8 Unit 1 – Introduction Learning hours:
80 hours of guided learning in the class-room Four lessons a week initially Three lessons a week later Assessment: One-hour, 50 question multiple choice exam Pass mark is 70% Computer based Time-table: Exam takes place in first week after Summer Half-Term i.e. 6th – 10th June 2011

9 Unit 2 – Extended Project
Learning hours: 120 hours in total 40 hours of learning research skills in the class-room 40 hours of supervised research and writing in the class-room 40 hours of unsupervised research and writing outside the class-room Assessment: Externally-marked 3,000 – 4,000 word report Plus a 500 word evaluation Time-table: Report must be submitted in two stages Internal submission deadline is final week of Spring Term i.e. 4th – 6th April 2011 Final submission for external marking is week before Summer Half-Term i.e. 23rd – 25th May 2011

10 Unit 2 – Extended Project
Project titles: The CISI has provided four Extended Project titles from which students must pick ONE as the subject of their research Students are advised to use the wording provided by the CISI but they can seek approval to amend the title slightly if they have a particular line of enquiry they wish to pursue 1. What role have the financial services played in the global economic crisis? 2. Is there sufficient provision in the UK for consumers to complain and request compensation? 3. “I don’t need a pension because my house will fund my retirement”. Discuss 4. Is working in the financial services sector a worthwhile career?

11 Unit 2 – Extended Project
Research: Most of the Extended Project subjects will require students to undertake primary research Primary research means gaining information first hand – not from books or the Internet It is anticipated the students will need to spend the equivalent of 4-5 days undertaking primary research Visiting and interviewing in person firms and institutions in the City, Canary Wharf and West End Phone calls and s

12 Unit 2 – Research activities
The remainder of the visits will be arranged and undertaken independently by the students They may comprise a number of half-day schedules or full-day schedules, depending on availability of various City personnel to meet them. These visits will take place in second half of the Winter Term (Weeks 9-15) and first half of the Spring Term (Weeks 16-22). Students researching the same project title may want to join forces when trying to secure appointments and visiting City institutions However the project report must be written independently There is a strict anti-plagiarism policy: do not copy each other’s work and do not copy material from the Internet, books or journals without attributing it to the proper source


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