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V. 2010.10.08 1 Coaching from a Systems Perspective © Systems Perspectives LLC, except.

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1 V. 2010.10.08 1 Coaching from a Systems Perspective © Systems Perspectives LLC, except as otherwise noted. Name: Boston, October 11-13, 2011

2 V. 2010.10.08 2 12/9 Session agenda CSP Course Overview Butterfly Model Interactive exercise Introductions Questions/discussion

3 V. 2010.10.08 Creating a Learning Community Purpose and Outcomes For course participants to better understand and improve their capacity to coach from a systems perspective To offer the course as a rallying point to come together as a global network of SoL coaches At the end of this course participants will: Understand systems frameworks, concepts and tools and apply them effectively in coaching Engage in and learn about Their personal experience as a complex human system (our selves and our story) Their ability to coach a system (client with a systemic story) within a system (their organization/situation) Continue to develop and deepen a systemic stance in our work and lives 3

4 V. 2010.10.08 SoL Coaching Model 4

5 V. 2010.10.08 Program Flow Post Program: Learning Circles in three phone meetings, coaching practice, written cases. 5

6 V. 2010.10.08 We Address Capacity Development at 5 Levels 1.Concepts, theories, and vocabulary. What to know. 2.Tools, methods, a “kit” of “how-to’s.” What to do. Recipes. 3.Skills... Skills are strengthened through practice, repetition, and coaching. How well we do things. 4.Stance… How you hold yourself in relation to your context. Intention, awareness, state of mind, embodiment. 5.Being and Identity… Who am I that I do these things? This Five-Level Model © Richard Karash, used with permission. 6

7 V. 2010.10.08 Context for this Workshop Workshop Faculty In this workshop… Sometimes we'll be addressing - you, your skills and capacities - your coachee, what you help them see, understand, and do - your coachee's relation to the rest of their world Coachee Coachee's World Coach Coach's World © Richard Karash, used with permission. 7

8 V. 2010.10.08 Butterfly Model of Complex Human Systems Broader Social Context Face-to-Face Interactions Deeper Individual Territory Less Visible Most Visible Least Visible Internal System External System Doing the Work Interpersonal Behavior BusinessEnvironmentOrganization Mental Model smaps /belief s Feelings Critical Images & Stories RESULTS are produced by the whole system and the interdependencies within it … they occur at the interface of the external and internal aspects of the system 8

9 V. 2010.10.08 Butterfly Model — Major Tools 9 Coaching in the External System Causal Mapping System Archetypes Engine for Success Coaching in the Internal System Story Work Coaching with Emergent Learning

10 V. 2010.10.08 Coaching in the External System Two Ways of Viewing Causality 10

11 V. 2010.10.08 Emergent Learning Map™ Framing Question: What Do We Know About…? Ground Truth Insights Opportunities Hypotheses Translate past lessons into a theory of success Focus on future opportunities Recall relevant experiences Learn from experience Apply new theory to opportunities Action Plan Situation Action Expected result Success metrics © 2006, Signet Research & Consulting, LLC 11

12 V. 2010.10.08 EL Mapping Hints Framing Question: How can we understand (something)? What will it take to… ? How is … happening? Clear, forward-focused questions.  Talk about actual past situations, events or results  Everyone should be able to agree with Ground Truth data  Include both positive and negative examples  Focus on the relationship between past results and what caused them  Link clearly to Ground Truth data  No ungrounded assertions!  Start with what exists already (e.g., it’s already in someone’s calendar)  Add new actions only when absolutely necessary (this is not traditional Action Planning…this is about applying “lessons learned” to the work you already plan to do)  Link Hypotheses to both Insights and Opportunities  Look for Hypotheses you can test in real work and find concrete metrics you can test them against  “If” (action), “then” (results) GROUND TRUTH OPPORTUNITIES HYPOTHESES INSIGHTS © 2006, Signet Research & Consulting, LLC 12

13 V. 2010.10.08 1. Preparation Observe, observe, observe. Listen to the story. Draw the graphs. Clarify your focus in a framing question. 2. Ground Truth Record real data, defining moments, patterns and changes. 3. Insights about the Past Create a well-supported, valid, and meaningful explanation of what you have seen. Create a diagram to keep track of complexity. Use an archetype if it fits. Add the “thought bubbles.” (Mental Models) What values are really important in this case? 4. Hypotheses about the Future What does all this suggest to us about the future? What insights shall we apply and test? Look for leverage. 5. Action Planning Look at the calendar. Start with opportunities that exist already. Look for recurring and iterative opportunities. Coaching Protocol, Combining External Systems & Emergent Learning 13

14 V. 2010.10.08 Experiencing your Systemic Story Premises 1. We each have a few core systemic stories. They reflect how we have learned to operate in systems, for example, how we learned to: Get attention or avoid getting attention Be successful or avoid being successful Take risks and keep ourselves safe Give and receive love 2. The basic plotlines of our systemic stories were formed in the first system of which we were a part. They are the stories we have told ourselves about our experiences there. 3. Our systemic stories have a significant impact on our behavior in the present, especially as the stakes go up. The higher the stakes, the more likely our systemic stories are to become engaged and play themselves out in our present day behavior 4. Seeing systemic stories and how they play out in our lives and in our coaching is very high leverage in our work as systemic coaches 14

15 V. 2010.10.08 The Essence of Story Work 1. Identify the Present Dilemma (Get permission to coach at story level--Establish the Agreement) –What is the presenting EVENT? –How are you responding to the event? –Are you interested in exploring this at the story level? –Does this response tend to be a repetitive PATTERN (storyline) in your life? If so, how? 2. Explore the Story –What role did the story play in your original system (STRUCTURE)? –How did it play out and who played what roles? –What thoughts, beliefs, and feelings did you develop about the story, the other players, and about yourself? –What have been your resulting behaviors? 3. Develop Possible Alternatives –What are some other ways you might see this? –What other behaviors, beliefs, and assumptions could you hold? 4. Choose your New Story –What is the story you want to create, the story you choose to live? –What behaviors, beliefs, and assumptions support your new story? 5. Commit to Practice –What commitments do you choose to make? –How will you reinforce the new beliefs and assumptions? –How will you practice the new behaviors? 15

16 V. 2010.10.08 Greetings from CSP Bangalore Feb 2011 16

17 V. 2010.10.08 Noticing and Naming Internal and External Systemic Forces In pairs, you will each describe a current challenge you face in your work First person takes 5 minutes to describe the challenge. Partner notices and names the internal systemic forces (mental models/maps/beliefs; feelings; critical images and stories). Explore and discuss the impact of these forces. (10 min) Partner then notices and names external forces in the broader social context ( the organization, business as a whole, the environment) Explore and discuss the impact of these forces. (10 min) Discuss together which internal and external forces are present and how identifying these systemic forces can deepen understanding, open new choices and enhance action(5 min) Switch roles 17

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