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H EALTH W EEK 20 TH TO 23 RD M ARCH Healthy Lunches Presentation to 1 st Year.

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Presentation on theme: "H EALTH W EEK 20 TH TO 23 RD M ARCH Healthy Lunches Presentation to 1 st Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 H EALTH W EEK 20 TH TO 23 RD M ARCH Healthy Lunches Presentation to 1 st Year

2 B ENEFITS OF A H EALTHY D IET Good skin & hair Helps prevents disease e.g. Diabetes, heart disease A healthy weight makes you feel more confident Keeps you feeling fuller Prevents obesity

3 R ESULTS OF AN U NHEALTHY D IET Dull skin and hair Rotten/damaged teeth Overweight/obesity Poor self confidence Tiredness Low energy Feeling hungry all the time Diseases

4 A H EALTHY L UNCH SHOULD BE : High in fibre e.g. Fruit, brown bread, rye crackers Low in salt e.g. avoid foods such as crisps, packet soup Low in sugar e.g. avoid sweets, cakes, muffins, chocolate

5 A BOUT T HE C OMPETITION For health week we are holding a competition for 1 st years to encourage you to bring healthy lunches. There’s going to be a movie in the afternoon on Friday for the class with the most points for having healthy lunches. We are going to carry out spot checks everyday at little break and award points for healthy lunches and take away points for unhealthy lunches.


7 A H EALTHY L UNCH o About half your lunch should be fruit e.g. A banana /apple and vegetables e.g. Salad o Your lunch should include some dairy such as a fruit yoghurt, cheese or milk o You should include a small amount of protein such as chicken, ham, tuna, beans or nuts o You should have a small amount of food made from grains such as bread, pasta rice (preferably brown).

8 Healthy food (Add points): Wholemeal Bread, pasta, rice, crackers Salads Salad pasta/rice Fruit and Veg Dairy e.g. Yogurts Water, fresh juice, smoothies Unhealthy food (minus points): Crisps Sweets Chocolate Cakes Jambons Sausage rolls Packet soup



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