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European Space Astronomy Centre Pedro OSUNA Catalogue DM Subgroup Kyoto IVOA Interop May 2005 IVOA Catalogue Data Model group SOURCE Data Model P.Osuna.

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Presentation on theme: "European Space Astronomy Centre Pedro OSUNA Catalogue DM Subgroup Kyoto IVOA Interop May 2005 IVOA Catalogue Data Model group SOURCE Data Model P.Osuna."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Space Astronomy Centre Pedro OSUNA Catalogue DM Subgroup Kyoto IVOA Interop May 2005 IVOA Catalogue Data Model group SOURCE Data Model P.Osuna

2 European Space Astronomy Centre Pedro OSUNA Catalogue DM Subgroup Kyoto IVOA Interop May 2005 Source Catalogue History  From Poona2004 IVOA presentation:  […] Go for Source Catalogue Data Model, and see how it works. Then, review and decide  […] An example Use Case (M. Louys): Is the source in this catalogue the same as the one in this other catalogue? (Cross match) (Note: SkyNode? Discussion on specific “Column” Names? Standard DM for Catalogues? Or better, describe specific columns in tables?) […]  For today’s presentation: Source object within the Catalogue Data Model: Inputs by ESA-VO (Matteo Guainazzi et al.):

3 European Space Astronomy Centre Pedro OSUNA Catalogue DM Subgroup Kyoto IVOA Interop May 2005 Source Catalogue Model proposal

4 European Space Astronomy Centre Pedro OSUNA Catalogue DM Subgroup Kyoto IVOA Interop May 2005 Inputs received on proposed model Acknowledge Arnold’s inputs on correspondence with STC. Will adapt consequently after some clarifications. Some merging info from Ed and Brian Lacking input from other Data Model subgroups Easier to introduce needed attributes independently, but prefer to use already available Data Models. Work towards homogenization of models.

5 European Space Astronomy Centre Pedro OSUNA Catalogue DM Subgroup Kyoto IVOA Interop May 2005 VO-general issues related Cross-match Use case: Should cross-matches use the Source DM in general? VO would benefit from VOQL queries like: Select Source.IAUName, Source.STC.Position.RA, Source.STC.Position.DEC from Catalogue a, Catalogue b where XMATCH(a,b,3.5) XMATXH should be an implementation-independent function How are current cross-match services working? CDS? SkyNode? Should they use the Source DM?

6 European Space Astronomy Centre Pedro OSUNA Catalogue DM Subgroup Kyoto IVOA Interop May 2005 Achieved/not-achieved+deliverables From Poona 2004: Go for Source Catalogue DM, then review and decide Achieved Create Achieved For everyone: SEND inputs to Catalog(ue) DM subgroup Not achieved REQUIREMENTS from other WGs Not achieved First deliverable: Catalogue DM 0.5 end of year.

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