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English Language Unit 2 1 hour 45 mins 40% overall GCSE grade Section A – Different Cultures text. Students will be working with an extract first and then.

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Unit 2 1 hour 45 mins 40% overall GCSE grade Section A – Different Cultures text. Students will be working with an extract first and then."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Unit 2 1 hour 45 mins 40% overall GCSE grade Section A – Different Cultures text. Students will be working with an extract first and then they will have to find an extract of their own from another part of the text Section B – Writing. Students will have a choice of 2 tasks.

2 English Language Unit 2 1 hour 45 mins Section A: Students will be asked about how language ‘influences’ the reader. They need to think of this as how language presents the idea / character or event. The focus is on language so students must select language choices and also comment on what type of language it is. E.g.. Verbs, pronouns, imperatives etc. Students will have a clean copy of ‘Of Mice and Men’ to use.

3 English Language Unit 2 1 hour 45 mins Section B - Writing Check list: Clear paragraphs Language devices Connective words and phrases Interesting and appropriate vocab choices Advanced punctuation, such as colons and semi- colons. Aim to write 6 paragraphs

4 English Language Unit 2 1 hour 45 mins Timings: 50 mins Different Cultures text (plus 10 mins reading time) This time should be divided into: 20 mins part a (5 mins to read + annotate extract) 30 mins part b (5 mins to find own extract) 45 mins Writing

5 Revision Books Student workbooks are available to buy priced at £5.99. These are available from Amazon or Waterstones. ISBN: 978-1-84690-711-1 (Higher tier) ISBN: 978-1-84690-944-3 (Foundation tier)

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