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PETER & THE WOLF A Russian Fairy Tale Story was written as a ballet

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Presentation on theme: "PETER & THE WOLF A Russian Fairy Tale Story was written as a ballet"— Presentation transcript:

1 PETER & THE WOLF A Russian Fairy Tale Story was written as a ballet
Music was composed by Sergei Prokofiev Introduces the families of the orchestra Story has 7 characters Each character is represented by a different musical instrument or theme

                                                            Woodwinds Percussion Brass Strings

3 THE CHARACTERS Peter Wolf Bird Cat Duck Grandfather Hunters

4 PETER Peter’s character has a THEME.
Peter’s theme is played by the VIOLIN. The violin belongs to the STRING family.

5 THE WOLF The wolf also has a THEME.
The wolf’s theme is played by the FRENCH HORN. The French Horn is a BRASS instrument.

6 THE BIRD The bird’s theme is played by a FLUTE.
The flute is a member of the WOODWIND family

7 THE CAT The cat is sneaky. Her theme is played by the CLARINET.
The clarinet is a member of the WOODWIND family.

8 THE DUCK The duck’s theme is played by the OBOE.
The oboe is a member of the WOODWIND family.

9 THE GRANDFATHER Peter’s grandfather is old and moves very slow.
His theme is played by the BASSOON. The bassoon is a member of the WOODWIND family.

10 THE HUNTERS The hunter’s theme is played by the exciting
TYMPANI DRUMS. The tympani belongs to the PERCUSSION family.

11 Enjoy "Peter and the Wolf"
Acknowledgements: Peter and the Wolf * music by Serge Prokofiev * story by Vladimir Vagin Amy Shealy December 2003

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