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10. Applications1 Applications Agenda (1 of 2) r1. Introduction r2. Example r3. Simple products r4. Classical development r5. Incremental builds r6. Spiral.

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Presentation on theme: "10. Applications1 Applications Agenda (1 of 2) r1. Introduction r2. Example r3. Simple products r4. Classical development r5. Incremental builds r6. Spiral."— Presentation transcript:

1 10. Applications1 Applications Agenda (1 of 2) r1. Introduction r2. Example r3. Simple products r4. Classical development r5. Incremental builds r6. Spiral development r7. Prototypes

2 10. Applications2 Applications Agenda (2 of 2) r8. Enterprise boundary r9. Less than optimum design r10. Less than optimum team r11. Common component r12. Algorithms r13. Reduction of hierarchy r14. State of mind

3 10. Applications3 1. Introduction rActivities, applications, and products rManagement Objects rSymbology 1. Introduction

4 10. Applications4 Activities Determine what customer wants Decide what to do Get what it takes to do it Do it Check it out Convince customer it’s what he or she wanted Make it happen

5 10. Applications5 Application qApply same set of activities to each task

6 10. Applications6 A Product Composed of Products Level 1 Product Level 2 Product 1 Level 2 Product 2 Level 3 Product 1 Level 3 Product 2 Level 4 Product 2 Level 4 Product 1 Level 4 Product 3 Lower-level products

7 10. Applications7 Symbology 1. Mange 2. Understand 3. Design 4. Acquire 5. Build 6. Verify 7. Sell off 1. Mange 2. Understand 3. Design 4. Acquire 5. -- 6. -- 7. -- 1. Mange 2. -- 3. -- 4. -- 5. Build 6. Verify 7. Sell off These three symbols graphically indicate which set of activities apply

8 10. Applications8 2. Example rProblem rRequirements rSuggestions 2. Example

9 10. Applications9 Problem rAn entrepreneur has identified a market for a device that can locate cattle. rThe device needs to located all the cattle in a 100 square mile area. rThe device can assume good weather rThe device must be capable of working when the cattle are in rough terrain

10 10. Applications10 Requirements rThe device shall find 95 percent of all the cattle within a 100 square mile area within a continuous eight hour period assuming l The visibility is greater than 10 miles l The humidity is less than 30 percent l The terrain is that of Brewster County, Texas rThe device shall display the location of each cow to the operator

11 10. Applications11 Contractor Requirements rThe contractor would like to make this device into a product line and sell to other customers, so the contractor imposes additional requirements l The device shall weigh less than 50 pounds. l The device shall cost less than $10,000 in production

12 10. Applications12 Proposed Design Cattle locating device Cattle locatorCattle display Camera Image processing hardware Control computer Control software Display Display computer Display software Find and display cattle Find cattle Display cattle Make image Extract cattle locations Control hardware Display cattle Control display

13 10. Applications13 Developing Products Developing the cattle locating device employs 10 instantiations of the product-based development approach 1 23 4 67 8 9 10 5

14 10. Applications14 Suggestions rDetermining when to start rStabilizing the architecture rDeveloping the staff and organization rUnderstanding the customer rDesigning the product rDeveloping the design concepts rLooking at the big picture

15 10. Applications15 Determining When to Start rStarting a product development depends upon l Need of other products l Available people l Available money l Schedule

16 10. Applications16 Stabilizing the Architecture rIt’s important to stabilize the architecture because the architecture influences l WBS l Teams l Staffing rA late change in fundamental architecture can cause rework

17 10. Applications17 Alternate Architecture Cattle locating device Cattle cameraCattle imager and display Camera Image processing hardware Display Display computer Display software Find and display cattle Image cattle Locate & display cattle Make image Extract cattle locations Display cattle Control H/W & display

18 10. Applications18 Management rA suggested priority for management objects is l People, staffing, budget, and schedule l Legal l Risk, TPPs, and life cycle plan l Facilities, tools, and capital l Communication and library l Systems for configuration, changes, issues, problems, and action items l Reviews

19 10. Applications19 Developing the Staff and Organization Cattle locating device Cattle locatorCattle display Camer a Image processing hardware Control computer Control software Display Display computer Display software System IPT Subsystem 2 IPTSubsystem 1 IPT Note: WBSs align with products

20 10. Applications20 3. Simple Products rSome developments don’t require all seven activities l Study l Concept l Purchased product l Service 3. Simple products

21 10. Applications21 4. Classical Development rThree phases are used to visual some programs rPhase 0 develops a concept rPhase 1 confirms ready for development rPhase 2 develops the system Concept exploration (phase 0) Program definition & risk reduction (phase 1) Engineering & manufacturing development (phase 2) conceptprototype system 4. Classical development

22 10. Applications22 Series of PBDs Phase 0Phase 1Phase 2 rClassical development is a series of PBDs rNature of products varies with program 4. Classical development

23 10. Applications23 5. Incremental Builds rIncremental builds allow parallel design and build rPBD for product becomes multiple PBDs for builds Build 1 Build 2 Build 3 Single product Multiple products 5. Incremental builds

24 10. Applications24 6. Spiral Development FunctionForm Build Certify final form intermediate form 2 intermediate form 1 6. Spiral development

25 10. Applications25 Spiral Development rIncremental builds allow parallel design and build rPBD for product becomes multiple PBDs for spiral Single product Multiple products 6. Spiral development

26 10. Applications26 7. Prototypes rPrototypes are a separate set of PBDs rDocumentation may be less rigorous Product Prototype 7. Prototypes

27 10. Applications27 8. Enterprise Boundary Cattle locating device Cattle cameraCattle imager and display Camera Image processing hardware Display Display computer Display software Company 1 Company 3Company 2 rSplitting a product between companies may be a problem 8. Enterprise boundary

28 10. Applications28 9. Less than Optimum Design Cattle locating device Cattle imagerCattle display Camera Image processing hardware Display Display computer Display software System IPT Subsystem 6 IPT rOvercome by negotiation or mapping 9. Less than optimum design

29 10. Applications29 10. Less Than Optimum Team Cattle locating device Cattle cameraCattle imager and display Camera Image processing hardware Display Display computer Display software System IPT Subsystem 6 IPT Subsystem 5 IPT rOvercome by negotiation or mapping 10. Less than optimum team

30 10. Applications30 11. Common Component rCommon components can be treated as shared products System Unit Common CSCI 11. Common component

31 10. Applications31 12. Algorithms rAlgorithms can be treated as another product System AlgorithmsUnit CSCI 12. Algorithms

32 10. Applications32 13. Reduction of Hierarchy Cattle locating device Camera Image processing hardware Control computer Control software Display Display computer Display software Find and display cattle Make image Extract cattle locations Control hardware Display cattle Control display rReducing hierarchy reduces number of products 13. Reduction of hierarchy

33 10. Applications33 14. State of Mind rThe application of the PBD approach is a state of mind. rIt’s the ability to reduce clutter by treating a product as a set of products and then being able to apply the PBD activities to each product. 14. State of mind

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