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Magnetic Resonance Imaging
FRCR Physics Lectures Anna Beaumont
Basic MR Physics
MRI (very brief) summary
MRI imaging consists of placing the patient inside a large magnetic field. This field causes protons in water molecules to align with/against the field. Radiofrequency pulses are used to “excite” the protons Energy subsequently released by these protons is measured and turned into an image
How large a field? Tesla - unit of magnetic field strength
Gauss - unit of magnetic field strength 1G = T Earth’s magnetic field ~ 0.5G or 50μT MRI scanners ~ 1 – 3T or 10-30kG
What types of tissue? Fluids – cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), synovial fluid, oedema; Water based tissue – muscle, brain, cartilage, kidney; Fat based tissues – fat, bone marrow. Fat based tissues have some special MR properties, which can cause artefacts. Fluids are separated from other water based tissues because they contain very few cells and have a different appearance on images. Pathological tissues frequently have either oedema or a proliferating blood supply, so their appearance can be a mixture of water based tissues and fluids.
Nuclear Spin The hydrogen nucleus consist of a proton.
Each proton has a positive charge and spins like a top. This circulating charge is like a small loop of current. A moving charge has an associated magnetic field. Proton behaves like a tiny rotating magnet, represented by vectors. Tiny field that is generated is known as its magnetic moment.
No external magnetic field
Net Magnetisation No external magnetic field Random orientation no net magnetisation B0 Apply magnetic field Majority of magnetic moments align with field (think of a compass needle aligning to the Earth’s magnetic field) net magnetisation M0
Energy States: the Quantum Mechanically bit
Energy levels related to magnetic field For a proton there are two states Spins opposing field are high energy (‘spin down’) Spins aligned with field are low energy (‘spin up’) Population difference exists Slightly more dipoles point spin up than spin down (lazy protons!) Difference is ~ 3 out of 1 million protons at 1T and S.T.P. (3ppm)
increase the difference in population (sensitivity)
by increasing B0 or decreasing temperature
Classical Physics Spin causes precession around B0
(Resonance) Larmor frequency: At 1.5 Tesla and 1H frequency is 63.8 MHz (Radio-frequency, RF) At 1.0 Tesla and 1H frequency is 42.6 MHz ( γ= gyromagnetic ratio) B0
Tilting of spin axis splits magnetic vector, m, into two components
Longitudinal, mz Transverse, mxy Spins align parallel /anti-parallel with B0 Produce net longitudinal magnetisation Mz Protons precess independently, out of phase Mxy point in all different directions Net transverse magnetisation Mxy=0
B1 Field Net magnetisation is very small, e.g. 1μT.
Cannot measure whilst lying parallel to B0 Can measure if ‘flipped’ into transverse plan perpendicular to B0 Exchange of energy between two systems at a specific frequency is called resonance. Protons spin at the Larmor frequency. This frequency is in the Radio frequency (RF) range. A pulse of RF at the right frequency can be absorbed by the protons and put them in a different energy state, e.g. a spin moves from the lower energy state to the higher one. The system then relaxes back to an equilibrium state and electromagnetic energy is emitted, which can then be detected and provides a signal. Same frequency, but fewer photon for 90 degree pulse.
Application of B1field (RF pulse)
B1 applied at the resonance frequency Complicated spiral motion in stationary or laboratory frame of reference B0 B1 Transverse plane
Rotating Frame of Reference
Spins are ‘tipped’ into the transverse plane ‘flip angle’,α, is determined by B1 (field strength), tp (duration of pulse) α = γB1tp 90˚ pulse: flips M0 to transverse plane 180˚ pulse: twice duration/ double strength: flips M0 through 180˚ B0 B1
Relaxation Mechanisms I
B1 pulse is then removed Spins begin to dephase This is called transverse relaxation or decay B0
Recording MR Signal Receiver coil sees oscillating magnetic field which induces a varying voltage Sinusoidal waveform without relaxation Coil measures signal in transverse plane Only Mxy produces an MR signal, Mz does not. Because Mxy is produced by tipping Mz the signal produced by the 90˚ pulse depends on Mz immediately before that pulse is applied.
z y x (1) without relaxation, signal is sinusoidal
(2) real signal is attenuated (sinc function) due to relaxation (FID)
Free Induction Decay (FID)
The signal at this stage is called the FID. Relaxation occurs due to interactions between spin-lattice and spin-spin. FID is attenuated by characteristic relaxation time T2* Decay envelope due to T2* Magnitude signal measured in coil
T2* Decay T2* T2 Signal loss called T2* decay
T2 (effective T2) due to inhomogeneities* in B0 T2 (natural T2) due to spin-spin interactions (Neighbouring protons exert a tiny magnetic field which alters the rate of precession, causes dephasing) Summation of both effects: *Even if the magnet were perfect, the presence of the patient will always cause local inhomogeneities T2* T2 Dephasing occurs because some spins precess faster than others as a result of the static field inhomogeneities. 180 flips so that ones ahead are now behind and vice versa. The spins behind will catch up as they are still exposed to the same field inhomogeneities that cause the difference in the first place. The 180 pulse cannot compensate for variable field inhomogeneties that underlie spin-spin.
T2 Decay (Spin-Spin) Mxy is magnetisation in transverse plane
After 90° pulse it is at maximum value M0 Decays to zero as t At t = T2 signal is 37% (e-1) of initial value T2 values are unrelated to field strength So after T2, lost 63% of its original value.
Causes of Spin-Spin Relaxation
Local variation of magnetic field is greatest in solids & rigid macromolecules Dipoles in compact bone, tendons, teeth dephase quickly → very short T2 Effect is least in free water, urine, CSF. Lighter molecules in rapid thermal motion – smoothes out local field → long T2 Water bound to surface of proteins & in fat have a shorter T2 than free water
Relaxation Mechanisms II
Spins return to equilibrium Spin-Lattice relaxation This is called T1 relaxation or recovery This requires a loss of energy B0
T1 Recovery (Spin-Lattice)
Mz is magnetisation in longitudinal plane After 90° pulse it is zero Recovers to maximum value M0 as t At t = T1 signal is 63% (1-e-1) of M0 T1 increases as B0 increases
Causes of Spin-Lattice Relaxation
Large, slow moving molecules most effective at removing energy from excited dipoles Fat, also water bound to surface of proteins→ short T1 Small, lightweight molecules ineffective at removing energy from excited dipoles Water, urine, CSF → long T1 Atoms in solids are relatively fixed and least effective at removing energy Bone, teeth →very long T1
Typical Relaxation Times
Material T1 (ms) T2 (ms) Fat 250 80 Liver 400 40 White Matter 650 90 Grey Matter 800 100 CSF 2000 150 Water 3000 Bone, Teeth Very long Very short *Abnormal tissue has higher PD, T1 & T2 than normal tissue, due to increased water content or vascularity
Summary 90° excitation pulse B1 Spins tipped into xy plane→ in phase
B1 removed Spins dephase (T2*) Spins return to alignment with B0 (T1) T2 is tissue-specific & always shorter than T1 Process repeated hundreds of times to make an image
Signal Characteristics
Peak signal is proportional to (and pixel brightness depends on): Proton density (no. of protons per mm3) in the voxel. Gyromagnetic ratio of the nucleus Static field strength, B0
Ref: From Picture to Proton, McRobbie et al
Signal Characteristics
Only mobile protons give signals – those in large molecules or effectively immobilised in bone do not Greater part of signal due to body water (free or bound to molecules) Air produces no signal and is always black. Fat has a higher PD than other soft tissues Grey matter has a higher PD than white matter However; tissues do not vary greatly in PD
Spin-Echo Sequence T2 decay can be reversed in a spin-echo experiment
Initial 90° pulse Dipoles in phase Dipoles begin to dephase, at different speeds, some lag 180° refocusing pulse reverses the sense of the spins Refocus to produce the echo Signal has decayed by T2 only
Spin-Echo 1. Spins dephase: fast and slow 2. Apply 180° at t = TE/2
3. Echo at t = TE
FID refocused to give Spin-Echo T2 decay T2* FID Time TE/ TE RF ° °
Contrast in MRI MRI offers excellent soft-tissue contrast which can be manipulated. T2 contrast can be altered by varying the echo-time (TE). T1 contrast can be altered by varying repetition time (TR) Time between two 90º pulses Flip angle, α, can also be varied (Gradient echo imaging – see lecture 6)
Image Contrast (‘weighting’)
For T2-weighted imaging Use a long TE and long TR Often known as ‘pathology’ scans because collections of abnormal fluid are bright against the darker normal tissue. For T1-weighted imaging Use a short TR and short TE Often known as ‘anatomy’ scans as they show most clearly the boundaries between tissues. To minimise either the above effects Long TR and short TE Image signal now determined by the density of spins present i.e. Proton density weighted. In gradient-echo sequences the ‘flip angle’ is also varied (more on that in lecture 6) However; TE cannot be so long that it obscures the background noise.
Fat-Water: T2 Contrast T2-weighting is controlled by TE
Water appears brighter than Fat Mxy time TE
Fat-Water: T1 Contrast T1-weighting is controlled by TR
Water appears darker than Fat Mz time TR
The Opposing Effects of T1 & T2
T1 & T2 are mutually antagonistic Tissues with long T1 often have long T2 & vice versa. Images cannot be weighted for T1&T2 If TE & TR not chosen correctly, tissues with different relaxation times can produce equal signal With respect to the diagram – with a shorter TE than this, the image tends to be T1-weighted and with a longer TE it tends to be T2 weighted.
Choice of TR & TE for conventional SE sequence
TE is always shorter than TR A short TR usually < 500 ms A long TR usually >1500 ms A short TE usually < 30ms A long TE usually > 90ms Choice of TR & TE for conventional SE sequence TR TE Short (< 40ms) Long (>75 ms) Short (< 750ms) T1 weighted Not useful Long (> 1500 ms) PD-weighted T2 weighted From Picture to Proton
Example in Brain T2-weighted T1-weighted PD-weighted
In a PD image, grey matter (higher PD) appears brighter than white matter. In a T2-weighted image grey matter (longer T2 and higher PD) is brighter than white matter In a T1 weighted image, white matter is brighter than grey matter, but its shorter T1 is counteracted by its lower PD. T2-weighted FSE: TE/TR = 100 ms/4 s T1-weighted SE: TE/TR = 9/380 ms PD-weighted FSE: TE/TR = 19 ms/3 s
Example in Prostate T2-weighted PD-weighted
Summary: important points
MRI measures the hydrogen content of individual voxels in each transverse slice of the patient & represents it as a shade of grey or colour in the corresponding image pixel on the screen The patient is placed in a strong electromagnetic field for an MRI scan Hydrogen nuclei (protons) in the body align themselves parallel or antiparallel with the magnetic field
Summary: important points
For each transverse image slice, a short, powerful radiosignal is sent through the patient’s body, perpendicular to the main magnetic field. The hydrogen nuclei, which have the same frequency as the radiowave, resonate with the RF wave. The hydrogen atoms return to their original energy state, releasing their excitation energy as an RF signal, (the MR signal), when the input radiowave is turned off. The time this takes, relaxation time, depends on the type of tissue.
Summary: important points
The time and signals are computer analysed and an image is reconstructed. Soft tissue contrast is high. The range of T1 and T2 values in soft tissue is even wider than the range of CT numbers. Bone and air do not produce artefacts. MRI is non-invasive, contrast media being required only for specialised techniques Ionising radiation is not involved.
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