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1 The National Aids to Navigation Team presents ATON DISCREPANCY REVIEW.

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2 1 The National Aids to Navigation Team presents ATON DISCREPANCY REVIEW

3 Presentation Objectives To acquire a general knowledge of the responsibilities of the Auxiliary for performing discrepancies and verification checks. To review the three categories of ATON discrepancies. To help you recognize a discrepancy on an aid to navigation.

4 Discrepancy Categories Critical Urgent Routine

5 Definition of Critical This term is used for those discrepancies where failure to report by the most expeditious means may result in loss of life or damage to a vessel.

6 Critical Discrepancies a.Aid totally covered or shrouded in ice. b.Light signal showing improper characteristics or rhythm. c.Light signal obscured or extinguished. d.Sinking or submerged buoy. e.Buoy off station, adrift, missing, capsized or stranded. f.Radio beacon off the air or giving improper characteristics. g.Vandalism of aids. h.Aids damaged by vessel collision. i.Collapsed bridge structures. j.RACON not operating. k.Lantern damaged If a Federal Aid or a PATON is listed in the Light List (Class II), report at once to the C.G. ANT by the most expeditious means.

7 Definition of Urgent This term is used for those discrepancies where failure to report will result in no danger of loss of life or vessel damage, but may contribute to a grounding or a stranding.

8 Urgent Discrepancies a.Daymark(s) missing or damaged by causes other than vandalism. b.Sound signal failure. Bell, Gong, Horn, etc. c.Radio beacon timing sequence incorrect. d.Light burning dim or showing reduced intensity. e.Lights partly or totally obscured by dayboards. f.Bridge light outages. g.Inoperative draw on swing, lift or retractable bridges. If a Federal Aid or a PATON is listed in the Light List (Class II), report at once to the C.G. ANT by the most expeditious means.

9 Definition of Routine Term is used for those discrepancies where failure to report will result in very low likelihood of grounding or stranding, but corrective maintenance is necessary.

10 Routine Discrepancies a.Aid obscured by foliage or other objects that need to be removed. b.Faded daymarks, located on floating aids or fixed on a shore site. c.Extensive bird fowling obscure the purpose of aid. d.Delaminating of dayboards. e.Dayboards missing. f. Improper dayboards per reference to the Light List. g. Extensive deterioration or rotting of supports. h. Aid structures leaning more than 15 degrees. And there’s more...

11 Routine Discrepancies i.Vent valve is missing. j.A bird nest on the aid is obstructing the light or panels. k.Retroreflective material is peeling, missing or not adequate. l.Numbers on aid are obliterated or not easily read or identified. m.Peeling paint is interfering with the ability to see the aid or recognize its proper color. n.Whistle, tapper, or bell is missing. Forward to the C.G. UNIT through your Auxiliary Unit Coordinator by mail.


13 Lantern Lantern Guard Ring Radar Reflectors Tower Braces Tower Legs Battery Pockets Lifting Padeye Buoy Body Mooring Padeye Gussets Chafe Block Buoy Tube Counterweight Buoy Top Head Bottom Head Counterweight Seat



16 Battery Pockets Battery Pockets: Hollow watertight tubes built into the buoy body that hold the batteries. Not a concern when the new LED light fixtures are used.

17 The reason for the venting system on Lighted Buoys The batteries used in lighted buoys require a continuous means of airflow. Primary batteries require oxygen from the air to operate. While secondary (solar) batteries must vent flammable hydrogen gasses.

18 Vent System Vent ValveVent LineCross Over Tube

19 Vent Valve ReducerValve BodyUpper Valve Ball Lower Valve Ball Designed to seal when the buoy heels over 30 degrees or is submerged.

20 Battery Box There are single and double battery boxes. A vent valve must be installed. Box may be painted the color of the buoy.

21 Sound Systems There are three main types of wave actuated sound signals: Whistle Bell Gong

22 Whistle Whistle is made of cast bronze and is mounted inside the cage. As air is forced through the whistle, the familiar drone sound is made.

23 BELLS Bells used on lighted and unlighted buoys and are made of a copper-silicon alloy. External tappers impact the fixed bell when wave motion causes the buoy to roll.

24 1975 Type Tapper This type tapper is a modification of the 1962 type. The tapper balls come in various sizes and have been designed to minimize vibration. (Standard)

25 LED LANTERN (Light Emitting Diode)

26 25 Introduction MFG by Carmanah of Canada. Approved as a replacement for the 155 mm. Used with a 5NFR/5CFR to replace old style TRLB. Cost $749.00. Programmable flash rhythm (TV remote).

27 26 Model 701 Self-powered. Omni-directional. Single Unit-Solar panels, flasher, battery, DLC and lantern housed together. 3 mile range.

28 27 Model 701 Available in RED, GREEN, YELLOW, and WHITE. Programmable flash characteristic. FIXED characteristic has 2 mile range.

29 28 Model 702 Larger battery. More Solar Panels. Designed for use in limited sunlight. Same features as 701.

30 29 Model 702-5 Same as 702. Extra solar panel on top. Designed for extremely limited sunlight (less than 1.5 hrs a day).

31 30 Model 601 Not approved for use by USCG. 2 NM range. Self-contained. May be used on private aids. Small, lightweight, easy to install, inexpensive.

32 31 Charging (700 series) Charged prior to shipment. MUST be recharged if not installed within 2 months of receipt. Charge by placing in direct sunlight for 60 hours. 60 hours does not include nighttime.

33 32 Charging With External Charger Cell Phone type charger available from mfg. Open Lantern, disconnect battery and SP. Measure battery voltage. Plug charger into battery and charge in accordance with battery voltage. DO NOT OVERCHARGE.

34 33 Charging (con’t) 701 Lantern (15 ahs) 4.14 volts- 5 hours 3.98-4.14 volts- 15 hrs 3.86 or less- 20 hrs 702 & 702-5 ( 24 ahs) 7 hours 18 hours 27 hours

35 34 Programming Lantern color determined by colored dot near serial number. Any flash characteristic can be programmed using a Universal TV remote control. Security code must be entered to prevent accidentally changing characteristic. Follow instructions supplied with lantern.

36 35 Installation Install with three bolts similar to a 155. Use leveling bolts on a structure. Bolts can obstruct solar panels, make sure they protrude only as much as necessary. Install nylon insulating spacer on buoys to minimize corrosion.

37 36 Service Life LED lanterns do not burn out. Light output degrades over time. Replace lanterns according to Duty Cycle. 10-29% duty cycle replace every 12 yrs. 30-100% replace every 8 years. Replace battery every 4 years.

38 37 Servicing Service according to standard interval cycle established for the aid. Clean lens with mild soap and water. Cover lantern with shroud and time flash characteristic. Observe LEDs through lens. Replace optic if Dark Sectors are observed.

39 Coast Guard servicing an Aid


41 Maneuvering into position near the aid.

42 Pulling the buoy.

43 Placing the buoy on deck.

44 43 ? Servicing the harness.

45 Inspecting the chain and anchor

46 Servicing the lantern.

47 Faking out the chain in preparation to resetting the buoy.

48 Aid is put back on station

49 Small Lights and Daymarks

50 Don’t get too close to this ATON! Stay in the channel.

51 Check after storms. Panels are designed to break away so that high winds or waves will not destroy the support pile.

52 Single Pile Structure Used in protected or semi-exposed locations where fixity can be attained. 2

53 Multiple Pile Structures Used when fixity can not be achieved with single pile. Two categories: Dolphin Platform Structure

54 Dolphin Battered pile Three to seven piles driven at an angle with the bottoms spread and the tops secured with wire rope or bolts and shear connectors. 13

55 Dolphin Cluster pile Three or more piles driven vertically with their surfaces in contact with each other and wrapped tightly at various heights.

56 55 #7, a small light, off Castle Island in Boston Harbor.

57 Platform Structure Three or more separate piles driven vertically, connected at the top by a platform that spreads the load over all the piles. Usually is the foundation for skeleton towers. Lantern Battery Box Tower Platform Structure Things to check on this aid.

58 Battery Box Large box is designed to hold up to 4 secondary batteries. Small box is designed to hold up to 2 secondary batteries. Single battery boxes are available commercially and are acceptable as long as they are white in color.

59 Radar Reflectors Installed when the reflectivity of the structure doesn’t meet operational requirements. A standard radar set should detect it at 1.5 to 2 NM when mounted 10 ft above the water. Must be properly oriented to the channel. CHANNEL

60 Dayboards A dayboard shall always be installed for maximum utility. The dayboard should be the dominant component of the silhouette with the battery box hidden behind it.

61 On what side should you pass this mark?

62 It is a little easier to make the decision in the daylight!

63 Raising the dayboard makes it more obvious.

64 2 What’s wrong with this daymark? 2

65 Mounting Dayboards Dayboards should be fastened so the dayboard becomes sacrificial in high winds. Dayboards shall be fastened to meet or exceed a lifetime of 5 years. The fasteners shall not pierce the retro- reflective border or characters.

66 Mounting Dayboard may be installed approximately 5 degrees from vertical. 5 o WHY?

67 Mounting Whenever possible, dayboards shall be mounted on an angle to the channel. The angle will vary to best suit the channel. In a straight channel, about 30 degrees. 3 0 o CHANNEL This makes the number easier to read when abeam of the aid.

68 Dayboards Dayboards differ in size and shape depending on the marking system and their specific function. Each dayboard has a designator composed of a number followed by a group of letters.

69 Dayboards The first number indicates the width of the dayboard in feet. 3’ 4’

70 Dayboards The next letter refers to the shape or purpose of the dayboard. S - Square T -Triangle J -Junction M -Mid-Channel K -Range N -No Lateral Significance

71 Dayboards The second letter represents the key or background color. R- Red G- Green W- White B- Black

72 Dayboards Additional information is shown by letters placed after a dash (-) I - Intracoastal SY - yellow square TY - yellow triangle

73 Dayboards 4JR-SY 4’ (4)Aid has 4 foot base – (J)is used for channel junction – (R)functions as a nun in main channel – (SY)is used as a “Dual Purpose” aid (can) on the ICW.

74 Detection Range As a mariner approaches a dayboard from a distance it is first detected as an object apart from its surroundings. This is the detection range

75 Recognition Range Upon coming closer to the dayboard, it can be recognized as an aid to navigation. This is the recognition range

76 Identification Range Finally the aid can be identified when the mariner is close enough to read the numbers and letters. This is the identification range

77 Nominal Range The nominal range rating is used to classify dayboards. 3SG and 4TR –nominal range 1NM 4SG and 6TR –nominal range 2NM 6SG and 8TR –nominal range 3NM

78 Films Retroreflective tape Vinyl Film

79 Retroreflective material Commonly called Retro. Two manufacturers: Reflexite has a smooth appearance 3M has a honeycomb appearance 3M and Reflexite materials may be used together on the same aid.

80 Front Panel Symbol KWR Main panel is white. Center stripe is red.

81 K - range dayboards Range boards are always twice as tall as they are wide. W 2W

82 Dayboards The third letter indicates the color of stripe (range dayboards only). R- Fluorescent red G- Fluorescent green W- White B- Black

83 Dayboards 6’ 6KR W

84 Operational Requirements Contrast Vegetation Background lights

85 Inspection and Maintenance Dayboard surface and backing materials will deteriorate due to the effects of weathering by: wind, rain, freezing temperatures, and sunlight.

86 Inspection and Maintenance Types of delamination are: Cracking, Peeling. and Fading.

87 Backing Material Delamination should not have progressed over more than 25 percent of the backing material. Material should not be sufficiently warped to visibly detract from the signal. Mounting points should not be softened or deteriorated to the degree that the board may come loose during a storm.

88 Films, Numbers, Letters, and Borders. Delamination of the film should not progress over 10% of the surface area. Material should not be cracked, checked or abraded so as to provide a dull or roughened top surface. Attached material should not have peeled more than 10% of the surface area.

89 Fading... There is no practical way to measure fading. Replacement is based on the judgment of servicing personnel. Aid must be able to display the intended signal until its next scheduled service date.


91 A Major Light “Boston Light”

92 All light houses are now unmanned, except for Boston Light—the oldest, continuous operating lighthouse in America. Check each lighthouse for proper operation. Refer to your chart or Light List for the proper characteristics.

93 Do you have any questions about ATON discrepancies?

94 HOW to make ROUTINE and follow up reports to the Coast Guard Unit. “ANSC 7054 Aid to Navigation Form” available on the “National Forms Web Site”

95 ANSC 7054 Aid to Navigation Form Has four sections: Section I - Member’s Information. Section II - Coast Guard Notification. Section III – Aid Owner, Identification, and Characteristics. Section IV – Discrepancies.

96 ANSC 7054 Aid to Navigation Form Section I – Members Information. Fill out your personal data on the ANSC 7054 Aid to Navigation Form that was handed out. It should only take a minute.

97 ANSC 7054 - Aid to Navigation Form Section II - Coast Guard Notification Only used for Critical or Urgent discrepancy reporting when you have already communicated with a C.G Unit or other C.G. agency. Indicate the means used. This section is never used for Routine discrepancy reports.

98 ANSC 7054 - Aid to Navigation Form Section II - Coast Guard Notification This is a critical report. ANT Bristol was phoned with the report on Aug. 8 from the OPFAC. Fill out the C.G. Notification data on the ANSC 7054 Aid to Navigation Form that was handed out. It should only take a minute.

99 ANSC 7054 - Aid to Navigation Form Section III – Aid Owner, Identification, and Characteristics. Enter the Aid Name and LLNR. Show the Chart Number. Enter the Latitude and Longitude. LAT = N LON = W Enter the Depth alongside the aid. (Other) Correct for: Position of transducer. Height of Tide. Compare to charted depth at the aid.

100 ANSC 7054 - Aid to Navigation Form Observed depth = 23 feet Position of transducer = 2 feet Height of Tide = 3.8 feet. FORMULA Observed Depth plus Position of transducer minus Height of Tide equals Corrected Depth 23 + 2 – 3.8 = 21.2 feet The charted depth is 21 feet

101 ANSC 7054 - Aid to Navigation Form Section III – Aid Owner, Identification, and Characteristics. This is the Channel Buoy #5 in Dorchester Bay, LLNR 23455, a lighted buoy, flashing every six seconds. It was observed at 23-34-56.500 N / 070- 34-44.786 W. Depth was observed at 23 feet. The transducer is 2 feet below the water and the Height of Tide is 3.8 feet at 1945. Fill out the Section III data on the ANSC 7054 Aid to Navigation Form that was handed out.

102 ANSC 7054 - Aid to Navigation Form Section III – Aid Owner, Identification, and Characteristics - continued Select the Ownership of the aid. Coast Guard, State, Private, other. Select the Type of Aid. Buoy, Structure, Lighted, Sound, Electronic, Single pile marker, Mile marker. If aid is a Structure, select: Wood, Metal, Other. If the aid has a Sound Signal, select: Bell, Gong, Horn, Whistle. If aid is lighted, indicate the Light Color: Red, Green, White, Yellow Complete Section III on the ANSC 7054 ATON form.

103 ANSC 7054 - Aid to Navigation Form Section IV – Discrepancies. The Channel Buoy #5 in Dorchester Bay, was observed as extinguished and the lantern was damaged. Fill out the Section IV data on the ANSC 7054 Aid to Navigation Form that was handed out. Enter any comments you think may be appropriate.

104 How does the Aid look? Does the observed aid comply with the IALA-B Aids to Navigation System? If not, explain in the comments section.

105 How does the Aid look? Does the observed aid match the entry for this aid in the Light List? If not, explain in the comments section.

106 How does the Aid look? Does the observed aid match the abbreviations and symbols for this aid on the Nautical Chart? If not, explain in the comments section. May also be a Chart Update Report.

107 Discrepancy reports may be reflected in the LNM - Local Notice to Mariners The Local Notice to Mariner is generated using the ATONIS Database Chart Corrections Discrepancies Light List Changes

108 What is meant by the term “ verification ” of an aid? A verification of an aid means that you have applied all of your acquired knowledge of discrepancies on aids to navigation to your observation of the aid, and you did not find any problem(s). Furthermore, you have observed that the aid conforms to the IALA-B Aid to Navigation System. And, you have checked that your observations of the aid matches the symbols and abbreviations as printed for the aid on the latest nautical chart and as published in the Light List. When the aid is private, it is assumed that you have confirmed that the aid conforms to the specifications as listed on the aid’s “Private Aid Verification Form,” provided from ATONIS. A lot of knowledge, integrity, credibility and training is assumed and expected when you use of the term “Watching Properly” on a verification report for a (P)ATON.

109 What is meant by the term “ verification ” of an aid? A verification of an aid means that you have applied all of your acquired knowledge of discrepancies on aids to navigation to your observation of the aid, and you did not find any problem(s). You took a fix alongside the aid using a GPS with DGPS or WAAS and reviewed the EPE or HDOP. You also confirmed that the GPS was reading 4 or more satellites—3D Operation. You checked the observed LAT/LON to the aid’s assigned position. “Assigned position” is available in the Light List. If not listed, take the LAT/LON from the nautical chart. You took a depth alongside the aid. You corrected the depth for: The location of the transducer. The Height of Tide. “Observed depth + Transducer corr. – Height of Tide = Estimated Depth corrected to datum” You checked the Estimated Depth to the Charted Depth.


111 DO NOT REPORT the verification of a Federal aid to the Coast Guard. DO REPORT verifications of Federal Aids to AUXDATA on an ANSC 7030 Activity Report – Mission Individual form.

112 Take credit in AUXDATA for every Federal Aid that your verify as “watching properly” or report as being discrepant.

113 Take credit in AUXDATA for every Private Aid (PATON) that you verify. Annual Verifications of PATONs are always reported to the CG ANT.

114 Any questions about reporting discrepancies found on Aids to Navigation?

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