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1 WNT Low Level Network Interfaces Tutorial NT015 Copyright, 1997 ©Mentec Inc Paul Fix Mentec Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WNT Low Level Network Interfaces Tutorial NT015 Copyright, 1997 ©Mentec Inc Paul Fix Mentec Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WNT Low Level Network Interfaces Tutorial NT015 Copyright, 1997 ©Mentec Inc Paul Fix Mentec Inc.

2 2 Agenda Windows Sockets TDI Transport driver Interface Tools

3 3 Windows Sockets Socket API originally developed at UC Berkeley BSD Sockets Basic design structured like Unix file I/O –Under the Unix environment the standard file I/O read and write used for sockets. Windows Sockets based on BSD Sockets 4.3 Winsock 2.0 latest version

4 4 Winsock Features Reliable connection oriented stream support Unreliable connectionless datagram support asynchronous / Non-blocking features Multiple protocol support SPI interface in 2.0 for third party interfaces QOS in 2.0

5 5 Winsock Features Protocol support –INET –TCP Steam Reliable connection oriented –UDP Connectionless Datagram Transfer –IPX –IPX Connectionless unreliable datagram –SPX Stream or message mode reliable connection oriented –AppleTalk ADSP,PAP,DDP –Decnet Pathworks for Windows NT

6 6 socket sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) MessageBox(hWnd, "socket()failed","Error",MB_OK);

7 7 Socket families,type, protocol

8 8 Socket Interface overview Connections –socket, bind, listen() accept() Connect() closesocket() Data Transfer –recv, send, sendto, recvfrom... Socket control and information –ioctlsocket, setsockopt, getsockopt –select

9 9 Basic API Call example Server application –socket –bind –listen –accept –recv Client Application –socket –bind –connect –send

10 10 Socket Datagram example SERVER –socket() –bind() –recvfrom –sendto CLIENT –socket() –bind() –sendto() –recvfrom

11 11 Socket Architecture

12 12 Specific features WinSock is more flexible than RPC socket handle are native Windows NT file handle that is overlapped by default ReadFile, WriteFile DuplicateHandle – asynchronous read writes over the socket and share sockets between threads and processes

13 13 High Performance tips Write Windows NT services –Read Writing Great Windows NT server applications. –Tips –Select() is not suitable for High Performance Inbound server applications –Use Asynchronous I/O and completion Port notification –Use NT design not just port of UNIX design –Consider Native threads »Tips from Mark Lucovsky Microsoft

14 14 DEMO

15 15 Winsock Summary Network API of choice for most low level network applications Industry Standard on Unix systems easy migration for BSD socket network applications. New enhanced features such as QOS in 2.0

16 16 TDI Transport Driver Interface Primarily Microsoft Internal use Not industry standard Most flexible and complex kernel mode driver Documentation in DDK

17 17 Why consider TDI writing a new transport driver Last resort for a network API because no other API will do what I want to do. Low level network filter etc. access to raw packets from NDIS driver be careful not to chose TDI without investigating other options like ISAPI filters for IIS for example.

18 18 Windows NT TDI clients Socket emulator NetBIOS emulator Redirectors Servers

19 19 TDI Interface kernel-mode network interface that is exposed at the upper edge of all Windows NT transport protocol stacks. TDI interface for still higher level kernel-mode network clients –Standard kernel-mode intermediate driver Dispatch routines for IRP requests via IoCallDriver etc.) –Tdixxx Functions –TdiBuildxxx Macro’s and functions – Set of structures, IOCTLS,Parameters,callback routines and rules

20 20 TDI Features Support for all Windows NT transports excluding the DLC protocol An open naming and addressing scheme Message and stream mode data transfer Asynchronous operation Support for unsolicited indication of events Extensibility so clients can submit private requests to a transport driver

21 21 How TDI fits in

22 22 TDI Objects TDI uses file Objects for network Entities –Transport Address –Connection Endpoints –Control Channels

23 23 TDI Address object Identifies specific Process and Node for routable protocols can contain the network on which the node resides. Can also be a group address Common TDI Address types: –TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS –TDI_ADDRESS_IP –TDI_ADDRESS_IPX

24 24 TDI Connection Endpoint Uniquely identifies each connection between two TDI address identified processes The handle created associated with the connection is what is used to exchange data with remote process

25 25 TDI Control Channel Object Used for network Management –Statistics –Configuration Information –Adapter Status (netbios)

26 26 NDIS on the lower edge

27 27 NDIS Filter Library TDI packet driver uses to specify address or address types for packets that it is interested in receiving. Incoming packets will be routed to one or several TDI protocol drivers based on packets destination address NIC driver passes packet by calling a single NDIS function NDIS does the work of routing packet to all TDI protocol drivers

28 28 Special Filter libraries Ethernet filter library (efilter.h) Token Ring filter library (tfilter.h) FDDI filter library (ffilter.h)

29 29 TDI driver calls to NDIS –NdisOpenAdapter- open specific nic card binding –NdisRegisterProtocol- returns handle that the transport driver uses –NdisSend - Tell Nic driver to send packet –NdisTransferData- Ask NIC driver to to copy received data –NdisDeregisterProtocol

30 30 TDI Interface Components –TDI IOCTLS InternalDeviceControl for Kernel-Mode clients –TDI_QUERY_INFORMATION –TDI_SEND –TDI_SEND_DATAGRAM –TDI functions - –TdiCopyMdlToBuffer –TDI Build Macro’s –TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp

31 31 Documentation roadmap to TDI with 4.0 DDK Documentation online –Programmers Guide –Kernel-Mode Drivers Design Guide –Network Drivers Design Guide –Network Drivers Reference DDK examples

32 32 TDI trace Resource Kit NCPA install network protocol Command Prompt netshow

33 33 TDISHOW output example 1. Summary 2. Details (excluding HEX data) 3. Details (including HEX data) Select Option [1] => 2 00000000^ 0f 0c - 00000000 81308ae8 8067f230 TDI_QUERY_INFORMATION BytesReturned = 38 00000001> 0f 09 - 00000000 81fcaac8 8067f230 TDI_SEND_DATAGRAM SendLength = 80 MdlAddress = 80bcb008 AddressType = 17 NetbiosNameType = 1 Name =

34 34 TDI Summary The ultimate low level power network programming interface. Maximum control and performance To be avoided unless required because of development time and complexity

35 35 demo

36 36 Programming tools Network Monitor TDI trace SMBtrace Performance Monitor Call Attributed Profiler Win32 API Profiler Win32 API Logger File I/O and Synchronization Profiler Pmon Working Set Tuner Virtual Address Dump The Windows NT symbolic debugger's wt command

37 37 ISAPI Filters The filter is between the network connection to the clients and the server and is the right method for reading raw data from the client not a TDI driver for example.

38 38 Windows Sockets 2.0 Specification can be found on MSDN Library –QOS –SPI –Overlapped I/O with Scatter gather –Protocol-Independent Name Resolution –Protocol-independent Multicast

39 39 NT 5.0 beta 1 If you are on Beta program Beta 1 release notes have details on following enhanced features of NT –Sockets Winsock 2.0 Improvements –RPC –CDO –TAPI 3.0 –SNMP

40 40 Summary Review all upper level API's before deciding on a TDI level approach for your network application. Review third party options before creating custom extensions. Total flexibility and extensibility most complex network interface

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