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(Not to be confused with “The Voice”).  What is it? A multi-media slide show which allows the use of images, documents and video. It is unique because.

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Presentation on theme: "(Not to be confused with “The Voice”).  What is it? A multi-media slide show which allows the use of images, documents and video. It is unique because."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Not to be confused with “The Voice”)


3  What is it? A multi-media slide show which allows the use of images, documents and video. It is unique because it allows viewers to comment on slides, by adding opinion and feedback.

4  Students can learn from previously created threads. **Electoral College **Abraham Lincoln ** 5- Step writing process  Teachers can use threads to enhance lessons.  On a scale of 1-10, it rates an 8 on user friendly. The more you use the easier it is.  Students can register for free..of course free registration has less bells and whistles than class subscription. $60 for 50 subscriptions, $1 for each additional. Does have district subscription capabilities.  Three steps…BROWSE, CREATE, SHARE

5  Easy! Click Browse Tab and enter subject..they either have it or don’t!

6  Create allows you to find slides on NY Public Library website, twitter, facebook, URL or my computer.  Embed pictures, slides, videos (although, this didn’t seem “easy”).  Easily add title, description

7  With a few clicks students can share their Thread link via e-mail. Saves their own Voice Thread in an account.  Public can comment either by voice or by typed message on other presentations!


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