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Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004.

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1 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004



4 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 ESCWA SAARC

5 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 ESCWA SAARC CIS

6 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 ESCWA SAARC CIS CAUC ASUS

7 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 ESCWA SAARC CIS CAUC ASUS 3rd five-year dev. Plan (2000 – 2004) 4 th five-year dev. Plan (2005-2009) Completion of AH & TAR network in the territory of Iran is targeted in 4 th five year plan. Road safety. Railway transportation. National Transport Master Plan.

8 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 ‍ Common ECE/ESCAP Strategic Vision for Euro-Asian Transport Links

9 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 ‍ Common ECE/ESCAP Strategic Vision for Euro-Asian Transport Links

10 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 ‍ Common ECE/ESCAP Strategic Vision for Euro-Asian Transport Links

11 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004



14 AH1

15 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 AH1 AH2

16 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 AH1 AH2

17 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 AH1 AH2

18 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 AH75 AH70 AH8 AH78 AH72 Bandar Emam Bandar Abbas Bushehr Chabahar

19 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 AH75 AH70 AH8 AH78 AH72 Bandar Emam Bandar Abbas Bushehr Chabahar

20 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 1.Main ongoing, planned and proposed projects in the aforementioned corridors: A.Southern Corridor  Upgrade and reconstruction in AH1 route: Zanjan-Tabriz freeway, Tehran-Mashhad highway, Mashhad-Dogharoun (in the border of Afghanistan).  Upgrade and reconstruction in AH2 route: Kashan-Yazd-Anar-Sirjan-Bandar Abbas freeway and highway,

21 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004  Upgrade Tehran-Mashhad railway to double truck.  Reconstruction of Mianeh-Tabriz railway.  Connection of Mashhad-Bafgh railway route to Heart in Afghanistan. North-South Corridor  Mashhad-Bafgh railway construction.  Qazvin-Rasht-Anzali railway construction.  Signage of three-lateral MOU with Russian Federation and Azerbaijan, to co-operate in construction of Astara- Rasht-Qazvin railway.  Application of IR Iran Railway Company for membership of CIS railway association.

22 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004  Construction of Esfahan-Shiraz railway and planning to extend it to Bushehr port on Persian Gulf coast.  Planning to connect the railway network to Chabahar port. In this regard, MOU has been signed with India to cooperate in its construction.  Upgrade and reconstruction of AH70, AH72, AH75, AH78 and AH8 routes; the most important of which are: Ahvaz-Bandar Emam freeway, Saveh-Salafchegan freeway (under traffic).  Development of 2 nd and 3 rd basins of Shahid Rajaee port in Bandar Abbas.

23 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004  Development of container transportation in Bandar Abbas up to 1.1 Million TEU in year 2003.  Planning to develop infrastructures in Qeshm Island in Persian Gulf, as a free economic zone, and connection of it to main land coast by bridge.  Development of Shahid Beheshti port in Chabahar.

24 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 List of priority investment projects 1. Qazvin – Saveh Highway (AH1), 2. Khorramabad – Ahvaz Highway (AH8), 3. Sirjan – Bandar Abbas Highway (AH70), 4. Bazargan – Tabriz Highway (AH1), 5. Nourdouz – Jolfa – Eyvoghli Highway (AH81 & AH82), 6. Mashhad – Dogharoun Highway (AH1) – Under construction, 7. Astara (&Anzali)- Rasht – Qazvin Railway, 8. Fahraj – Chabahar Railway, 9. Fahraj – Zahedan – Mirjaveh Railway – Under construction, 10. Shahid Rajaee port development in Bandar Abbas, 11. Shahid Beheshti port development in Chabahar.

25 Euro-Asian Transport Linkages within the Islamic Republic of Iran Odessa 3-5 Nov.2004 Others 1.It is proposed to add pipeline transportation to UNESCAP and UNECE programme on the development of Euro-Asian land transport links. 2.It is emphasized on membership of IR Iran in ADB, for which it has been applied. Thank you for your attention

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