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CyberInfrastructure for Network Analysis Importance of, contributions by network analysis Transformation of NA Support needed for NA.

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Presentation on theme: "CyberInfrastructure for Network Analysis Importance of, contributions by network analysis Transformation of NA Support needed for NA."— Presentation transcript:

1 CyberInfrastructure for Network Analysis Importance of, contributions by network analysis Transformation of NA Support needed for NA

2 Contributions by NA Grand scientific and societal challenges for which contributions by NA are essential, e.g.: Epidemiology Social influences in health-related behavior, substance (ab)use Distributed governance Politics – citizens opposition Organizational analysis Conflicts between groups within societies

3 Transformation of NA Network Analysis is currently transforming itself into a bigger (???) science: Data * ways (automated) of collecting them, in addition to manually collected data * size: complexity & number of nodes Analysis * computing * statistical modeling (beyond case studies) * visualization Multi (inter, trans?) disciplinarity

4 What is needed to fulfill the promises The promises of NA can be fulfilled only if there is strong extra support. Cyberinfrastructure: NA Technology: data collection, data availability, analysis, dissemination Support for multi-stranded collaboration (disciplines, techniques, research questions) This must be facilitated by CI, but also includes education, dissemination, incentive structures CI needs to handle diversity

5 NA Technology Extraction of network data –from text, photos, videos, logs, processes, web –Data cleaning, entity resolution –To Create better metadata (e.g. with history) –Links between data sets / papers / methods / … Dealing with Huge / Complex networks –Modeling, Approximation –New visualization and interaction techniques Temporal Analysis (including real time) Interoperability –Data and software level Social Engineering – setting experiments in CI – simulated worlds

6 NA Technology User Interfaces –Facilitate/teach Analysis Process –History keeping/saving –Multilevel interfaces to address varying user needs and abilities

7 Community support Grand challenge Map of SNA community Facilitate communication between and within disciplines (workshops, textbooks, web + paper tutorials) + many “CI-Generic tools” –Query-able Digital Library of paper ref., datasets, tools, people –Archive –+ lots of things

8 Evaluation Guidelines about what to use when User studies for evaluation of components Longitudinal studies (e.g. of the CI itself) Caution: standardization, monopolies reduce diversity

9 Open Questions For which ends do we need standards, which, how? Middelware. Centralize or not? Control must be loose! Is there a CI curator? Open source? Commercial vs. freeware? Ethics, privacy (note: some officials have more info than researchers!) We need new rules/norms for working with private info. Two-way transparency How can we study private things while retaining confidentiality?

10 What is the community? What are the communities? (note: cross-fertilization with system biologists) Note: small data sets remain important Important contributions by social theories/theorists to NA & this work Bias inherent in automated data collection Public dissemination of results also to general public and policy makers

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