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Southern African Pesticidal Plants Project Workpackage 1: Management & Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern African Pesticidal Plants Project Workpackage 1: Management & Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern African Pesticidal Plants Project Workpackage 1: Management & Communication



4 WP 1 Inception workshop Follow-up coordination meetings Activity reporting Annual progress reports Project communication strategy

5 Inception workshop Establish the SAPP team Short- and long-term project plans Coordinating our activities Define protocols

6 November/December 2007 – Zimbabwe? November/December 2008 – Zambia? 1 st week of November 2009 – Malawi? Linkage with other meetings, e.g. international conferences, project training events Follow-up coordination meetings

7 Part I: Formal presentations by each partner to summarise their activities and analysis of data collected over the last year. Part II: WP managers to lead forward planning discussions related to their WP. Follow-up coordination meetings

8 A mid-term progress report to be delivered on the 15 th June of each year. Each SAPP project partner to send Phil a brief summary of activities undertaken in the previous six months (two pages maximum). Activity reporting

9 Partner reports to be delivered to Phil on the 1 st of December each year. Reports should include a summary of all activities taking place by each partner institution. There is no page limit and should be in standard scientific format, i.e. Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion. Annual progress reports

10 Also for 1 st December Separate summary of WP you are leading that covers all partner activities – 1 page maximum Annual progress reports

11 Project communication strategy

12 Objective: Promote the findings of the project to as many individuals and communities in our target groups as possible. The principal target groups are small scale farmers and extension services such as NGOs and community groups.

13 Project communication strategy National level Policy reports Press releases to media Public press radio, newspapers International level Peer-reviewed journals Conferences SAPP workshops


15 Links to pdf reports, data, journal articles Links to relevant websites & partners Pages for four different target audiences [scientific, extension, policy, end users] Educational pages Field guides & manuals e.g. <…./ratzooman or <…./ecorat

16 Management requires reliable email connections. Email Phil frequently just to say hi and let him know how things are going. Copy Phil into discussions with other partners.


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