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Denominations of men will be uprooted, Mt. 15:13, 14 Founded on false doctrines Practice a false religion.

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Presentation on theme: "Denominations of men will be uprooted, Mt. 15:13, 14 Founded on false doctrines Practice a false religion."— Presentation transcript:


2 Denominations of men will be uprooted, Mt. 15:13, 14 Founded on false doctrines Practice a false religion

3 The church that will survive is the one that belongs to Christ, Mt. 16:18 Built on truth Worships in spirit & truth


5 Numerous branches of Presbyterianism Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Bible Presbyterian Church Cumberland Presbyterian Church Second Cumberland Presbyterian Church In the United States Evangelical Presbyterian Church

6 Numerous branches of Presbyterianism Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) -2.4 million members -11,100 congregations -14,000 ordained ministers

7 Historically tied to John Calvin – 1500s Claim “Calvin developed the Presbyterian pattern of church government” -“Presbyter” = “elder” -From the H.S., Acts 14:23; 20:17, 28-32

8 Historically tied to John Calvin – 1500s Claim “Calvin developed the Presbyterian pattern of church government” Congregations overseen by “session” Congregations part of presbyteries Presbyteries part of a synod Synods form the General Assembly

9 PCUSA uses instruments & choirs Instrumental music “may be a form of prayer since words are not essential to prayer” -Bible: musical worship w/words, Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 -Bible: Prayers w/words, Acts 4:24-30; Mt. 6:9-11; Neh. 2:4; 1 Sam. 1:13

10 PCUSA believes in predestination Calvin believed in an extreme sovereignty of God -Whatever happens is because God willed it -Individually chosen for heaven or hell -“Our salvation comes from God alone”

11 PCUSA believes in predestination Contrary to the Bible -Free will, Josh. 24:15 -Respond to God if desire, Rev. 22:17 -Every creature, Mk. 16:15 -Desire all to be Christians, Acts 26:28, 29

12 PCUSA believes in predestination Contrary to the Bible -Desire all to be saved, 1 Tim. 2:3, 4 -Man has a part, Phil. 2:12 -God’s fault if any are lost

13 PCUSA supports abortion “…struggled with the abortion issue for more than 25 years, beginning in 1970 when a General Assembly statement declared that ‘the artificial or induced termination of a pregnancy is a matter of the careful decision of the patient…and therefore should not be restricted by law’”

14 PCUSA supports abortion “the considered decision of a woman to terminate a pregnancy can be a morally acceptable…decision” “Possible justifying circumstances… severe physical or mental deformity”

15 PCUSA supports abortion “Poverty, unjust social realities, sexism, racism, and inadequate supportive relationships may render a woman virtually powerless to choose freely”

16 PCUSA supports abortion Therefore, the mentally retarded are targets for “termination” Unmarried, poor minorities should abort their babies What about Mary & Jesus?

17 PCUSA supports abortion “The state has a limited legitimate interest in regulating abortions…” “…no law should impose criminal penalties against…woman…physician” “…no law should deny access to safe and affordable services…”

18 PCUSA supports abortion “No law or administrative decision should (1) limit access to abortions; (2) limit information and counseling…(3) limit or prohibit public funding for necessary abortions for the socially and economically disadvantaged”

19 PCUSA supports abortion Bible: Abortion = murder, Lk. 2:12; 1:41; Gen. 9:6; Ex. 21:22-25; Gal. 5:19-21

20 PCUSA opposes the death penalty “In 1959, the 171 st General Assembly, ‘believing that capital punishment cannot be condoned by an interpretation of the Bible based upon the revelations of God’s love in Jesus Christ,’ called on Christians to ‘seek the redemption of evil doers and not their death,’…

21 PCUSA opposes the death penalty …and noted that ‘the use of the death penalty tends to brutalize the society that condones it.’”

22 PCUSA opposes the death penalty “Work to prevent the execution of persons now under sentence of death and further use of the death penalty” “Work against attempts to reinstate the death penalty…work for their repeal”

23 PCUSA opposes the death penalty Paul supported it, Acts 25:11 Governments ordained to use it, Rom. 13 Civilize, not brutalize, Ecc. 8:11

24 PCUSA opposes the death penalty Special place in hell for people who call for the unrestricted death of the innocent, but oppose the execution of the guilty, Isa. 5:20

25 PCUSA supports homosexual lifestyle 1978 “…homosexuality is sin…” 1980 “It seems to be contrary to the teaching of scripture” … “unsettled among scientists and ethicists” whether chosen 1987 “the elimination…of laws governing the private sexual behavior between consenting adults”

26 PCUSA supports homosexual lifestyle Bible -Sin, Rom. 1:26-28 -Choice, 1 Cor. 6:9, 10

27 Denominations of men will be uprooted, Mt. 15:13, 14 Founded on false doctrines Practice a false religion

28 The church that will survive is the one that belongs to Christ, Mt. 16:18 Built on truth Worships in spirit & truth

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