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Some Actions to End Child Marriage Enforce laws against child marriage Promote dialogue with traditional leaders to change social norms Raise awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Actions to End Child Marriage Enforce laws against child marriage Promote dialogue with traditional leaders to change social norms Raise awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Actions to End Child Marriage Enforce laws against child marriage Promote dialogue with traditional leaders to change social norms Raise awareness of the repercussions Make shelters available to girls who evade child marriage Integrate child marriage prevention programmes into HIV

2 Access to HIV Treatment, Care and Support for Women and Girls Monitor and devise interventions to ensure that women are accessing antiretroviral therapy on an equitable basis with men Address gender-based violence, denial, and fear of disclosure to partners that can deter women from accessing or adhering to treatment. Make ART, nutritional and psychosocial support affordable and accessible Scale-up comprehensive PMTCT programmes Build capacity for rights-based SRH for women living with HIV Support research on the gender-specific aspects of HIV (e.g. toxicity, viral load setpoints, CD4 count, drug interactions, etc.) Expand coverage of services and eliminate barriers (such as cost, stigma, and discrimination) that inhibit women from getting care

3 Preventing HIV and Unintended Pregnancies: through PMTCT Programmes Treat sexually transmitted infections Provide support for women subjected to sexual violence Involve male partners Increase awareness of risk Ensure blood safety and treat anaemia Address health provider stigma and discrimination Make universal precautions available Provide condoms and support their use, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding Offer sexual and reproductive health including family planning counselling

4 Women have a right to decide freely on matters related to their sexuality and to their sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination and violence Right to a safe and satisfying sex life and to making reproductive choices regardless of HIV sero- status Global reports of human rights violations for women living with HIV (coerced abortion, forced sterilization, failure to counsel on safer sex, confidentiality breaches) Rights of People Living with HIV

5 Education for girls Remove barriers to universal access to primary, and especially secondary, and tertiary, education to curb the spread of HIV through acquisition of vital life skills, awareness of rights, and higher income-earning potential (e.g.eliminate school fees and other financial barriers such as compulsory school uniforms, textbook charges, and activity fees to boost the number of girls in school) Implement effective approaches for making schools safe for young women and girls.

6 Property and Inheritance Rights Devise programmes that protect women whose partners fall sick and die due to AIDS-related illnesses, and women living with HIV, from discrimination, abandonment, violence, loss of their homes, inheritance, possessions, and livelihoods Establish, reform and enforce laws and policies that secure access to, ownership and control over land and other assets to uphold women’s property and inheritance rights (including harmonization of statutory and customary laws) Develop and support community-based initiatives that provide legal advice and skills training to protect women’s property and inheritance rights

7 Some Actions to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence Integrate strategies to eliminate gender-based violence into national AIDS plans Build capacity of health providers to recognize violence and respond Provide post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV Integrate HIV prevention and anti-violence training into microfinance Conduct workshops with men and boys to change gender power dynamics Engage in community dialogue to change harmful attitudes and behaviours Enact and enforce laws that prevent violence against women Remove barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health services for women who experience gender-based violence Link violence prevention efforts with HIV prevention and treatment services

8 Female Controlled Prevention. Develop political and social support among stakeholders – including donors, clients, service providers, researchers, and policymakers – to increase public awareness, acceptance, and supply of female condoms. Integrate female condoms into the core service package of existing HIV prevention and reproductive health programmes, including through national health ministry procurements of condoms for clinics, hospitals, etc., and explore other channels of distribution.

9 Community based care Advocate for awareness of the magnitude and implications of women’s unpaid care work in terms of social and economic costs and benefits, both to themselves, their communities and the larger society Scale up and broaden social protection and support for caregivers at community and household level Conduct community-based advocacy for changes in the gender division of domestic labour at household level and achievement of gender equity in care responsibilities Provide information about AIDS care and economic support to care givers, along with practical help so they can access pensions and other entitlements

10 Most at Risk and other Key Populations Policies and programmes that place gender, risk and vulnerability at the core of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support responses. Integration of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support specifically addressing the needs of women and girls from most at risk and key populations into National AIDS Plans & Strategies. Advocacy to protect and promote their human, economic, social and cultural rights. Programmes that eliminate stigma and discrimination and gender based violence for women and girls in most at risk and other key populations.

11 Most at Risk and other Key Populations Integration of HIV services for key populations into primary health care, including services for sexually transmitted infections, sexual and reproductive health, family planning, prevention of mother to child transmission, and tuberculosis services, including for those living with HIV and AIDS.. The introduction of legislative and/or administrative directives to police, judicial, correctional services facilitating the provision of services to, and uptake by, key populations. Technical support to service providers including support on skills training, sensitization, gender and cultural awareness training to reduce barriers to service utilisation by women and girls.

12 Most at Risk and other Key Populations Income support (including cash grants, subsidies for education), income generation and livelihood sustainability provided to women and girls in key populations affected by, or living with, HIV. Operational research to improve interventions aimed at protecting the wives and partners of men who buy sex. Programmes and research that address the particular HIV vulnerabilities and risks of girls and women in humanitarian crises and post crises settings (including conflict and post conflict).

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