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 George Washington he the president over the convention that drafted the United States Constitution.  John Adams served as the first vice president.

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3  George Washington he the president over the convention that drafted the United States Constitution.  John Adams served as the first vice president of the United States.  Benjamin Franklin was an inventor, he made the lightning rod.  Thomas Jefferson served as a wartime governor of Virginia.

4 New England:  Maine  New Hampshire  Massachusetts  Connecticut Middle Colonies:  Pennsylvania  New York  New Jersey  Delaware Southern Colonies:  Virginia  North Carolina  South Carolina  Georgia

5 New England: fishing, whaling, trapping, shipbuilding, and logging. Middle Colonies: notably, grains, oats, shipbuilding, logging, textiles, production, papermaking. Southern Colonies: rice, indigo, tobacco, sugarcane, and cotton.

6 basket maker: practical and beautiful homemade baskets carry all manners of loads. Blacksmith: crafters of hardware for homes and tools for fellow tradesmen. Cabinetmaker: fine furniture exquisite detail represents high status.

7 ① Augers ② Gimlets ③ Braces

8  Fifes  Drums  Singing

9  Education was accessible for those who could afford it.  Letters  Puzzles  Books  Writing

10  They played, Cards, board games, and with puzzles.

11 o Cape o Brunswick o cap

12  The types of food from the colonial times were  Peanut soup  Shepard's pie  Bourbon balls

13 What Was Colonial Life Like in Early America? Colonial Williamsburg Trades : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship Site Colonial Williamsburg Trades : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship Site Founding Fathers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Founding Fathers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Founding Fathers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Founding Fathers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Thirteen Colonies

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