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Williamsburg Fieldtrip What to expect and expectations of your chaperons/teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "Williamsburg Fieldtrip What to expect and expectations of your chaperons/teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Williamsburg Fieldtrip What to expect and expectations of your chaperons/teachers

2 Behavior—big topics to review All are expected to abide by the behavior guidelines that went home. You may not board the bus unless Behavior Contract is received. Never be alone—always have a buddy or two No purpling (boys buddied or seated with girls) Stay on your assigned floor in the hotel No drugs, alcohol or tobacco products of any kind…local authorities will be called if you are caught with it Be on time!!! Respect adults and peers--you may be asked to put your phone away if caught texting, snap- chatting, tweeting, etc. Phone is for pictures only.

3 Logistics Arrive at school at 6:00 for a 6:30 departure. If you aren’t here, we will leave without you…we have a schedule to stick to. Bring a packed lunch for Thursday—no glass, chocolate or gum Snacks are fine—no chocolate or gum Hand-held gaming devices, iPad, cell phones are all acceptable—BUT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE Packed luggage stays under the bus and you will not have access to it…make sure anything you want is in your carry-on bag

4 Jamestown With your chaperon group, you will explore the world of Jamestown, America’s first permanent English colony, comes to life through film, gallery exhibits and outdoor living history. Climb aboard replicas of the three ships that sailed from England to Virginia in 1607, and explore life-size re- creations of the colonists’ fort and a Powhatan village. In the outdoor areas, costumed historical interpreters describe and demonstrate daily life in early 17th century Jamestown. Visit the gift shop; plan $$ spending accordingly

5 Williamsburg You will participate in a guided tour that allows you to enter the homes of Williamsburg’s 18th-century residents, get a firsthand perspective from a curator. Meet some of the rare animal breeds living in our pastures or learn some colonial tips and tricks in the garden to take home with you. Remain respectful, participate if asked and stay off your phones! You will have time to SHOP in Merchant’s Square—so plan $$ spending accordingly. Fab candy shop there…don’t go crazy though!candy shop

6 Ghost Tour Do you dare? Paybacks are WONDERFUL When darkness falls another side of Williamsburg emerges... it's a different place after sunset - full of mystery and intrigue. Journey by candlelight through the streets of Colonial Williamsburg, listening to eerie tales of Williamsburg's only witch trial, Black Beard and his crew, the "Wagon of Death," which can still be heard bringing prisoners to the gallows, and accounts - told centuries apart - of ghostly parties at Raleigh Tavern. A guided tour in your chaperon groups

7 Yorktown The story of America’s evolution from colonial status to nationhood is told though films, exhibits and participatory experiences inside a new museum building and outdoor living history at a re-created Continental Army encampment and Revolution-era farm. Guided tour in chaperon group Visit to gift shop; plan $$ spending accordingly

8 Busch Gardens World class roller coasters You can see and learn about Bald Eagles, Clydesdale horses and gray wolves, and hope that your appreciation for nature and conservation will grow Nine villages centered around six countries for you to explore. Chaperon discretion as to how you enjoy the park; if you are free to explore…BUDDY SYSTEM!! Be on time for check-ins or you will be a teacher’s buddy! $20 for lunch and dinner…all other $$/spending is your responsibility If you are planning on riding water rides, pack a set of dry clothes/shoes in carry-on bag for ride home (long, long ride if you are soaking wet!)


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