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The American Revolution Daniel Withrow CI 350. Classroom 6 th Grade 10-12 Year Olds Normal Academic Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Revolution Daniel Withrow CI 350. Classroom 6 th Grade 10-12 Year Olds Normal Academic Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Revolution Daniel Withrow CI 350

2 Classroom 6 th Grade 10-12 Year Olds Normal Academic Standards

3 CSO’s Covered SS.O.6.1.1: explain the ways in which nations interact with one another and try to resolve problems. SS.O.6.2.3: analyze the impact of strong leadership on historic world events. SS.O.6.2.5: identify, explain and give examples of the political divisions of nations. SS.O.6.4.2: use map tools (e.g., legends, keys, scales) to interpret information (e.g., climate, landforms, resources). 21C.O.5-8.1.LS.3: Student presents thoughts, ideas, and conceptual understanding efficiently, accurately and in a compelling manner and enhances the oral or written presentation through the use of technology. 21C.O.5-8.2.LS.1: Student engages in a critical thinking process that supports synthesis and conducts evaluations by applying comprehensive criteria.

4 Day 1-2 : Introduction Q & A session with students Student Led

5 Day 3: Events Leading to War Important concepts and legislature Homework Assignment

6 Day 4-5: Declaration and Boston “Liberty’s Kids” Skits Declaration Introduction Preamble Presentation

7 Day 6-8: The War Highlight important battles/places Three-sided class Debate

8 Day 7-10: The People Important People Monticello / Colonial Williamsburg Individual Speeches

9 Paying Attention? Hands-On Minimal Lecturing Student Driven

10 Are We Being Graded? Crossword Preamble Skit Debate Speech

11 Applying CSO’s WV C.S.O’s SS.O.6.1.1: The relationship between the French and America while fighting against the British (Days 6-10) SS.O.6.2.3: Teaching and presenting about the important people of the War (Days 8-9) SS.O.6.2.5: Learning about the different political policies in both America and Great Britain (Days 1- 2) SS.O.6.4.2: Describing the locale of both the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party (Days 3-5) 21 st Century C.S.O’s 21C.O.5-8.1.LS.3: The oral presentations given on the important people of the War. (Days 7-8) 21C.O.5-8.2.LS.1: The classroom debate on the importance of certain battles of the Revolution (Day 6)


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