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1 ROADS Services Training Group LOCAL AUTHORITY ROADS CONFERENCE 2015 Reforms, Challenges and Safety Treacys West County Hotel, Ennis, May 2015.

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1 1 ROADS Services Training Group LOCAL AUTHORITY ROADS CONFERENCE 2015 Reforms, Challenges and Safety Treacys West County Hotel, Ennis, May 2015.

2 Reforms, Challenges and Safety RLR Funding 2015 Dominic Mullaney Principal Adviser DTTAS

3 Road Grant Profile 1994 - 2015 YearNational GrantsRLR Grants 1994€246 m€139 m 1997€331 m€226 m 2000€657 m€341 m 2003€1,223 m€437 m 2005€1,317 m€501 m 2007€1,768 m€608 m 2009€1,488 m€451 m 2011€723 m€453 m 2013€321 m€401 m 2014€364 m€359 m 2015€364 m€294 m

4 2014/2015 RLR Grants  2014 payment of €359m included a €50m Stimulus from start of year, €18m stimulus from May & €14.1m for severe weather.  €22m from the 2014 monies related to councils which are now self funding (or part self funding) from LPT  The overall net amount is down by 5% from start of 2014 to start of 2015

5 2014/2015 RLR Grants (continued)  Capital & Current monies for the NRA have stabilised in 2015 (albeit at a low level) - €364m  Capital & Current monies for RLRs are down in cash terms because 2014 included stimulus & storm damage monies but the base figure when these are excluded shows a slight increase - €294m

6 RLR Grants in 2015  Restoration Improvement€146m  Restoration Maintenance €41m  Discretionary Grant €63m  Bridge Rehabilitation €8m  Specific & Strategic €16m  Urban Block €4m  Low Cost Safety €8m  Miscellaneous €8m

7 Main Features in 2015  Urban Block grants gone except for Cork & Galway cities  Dublin Authorities are to be self funding in respect of roads (using LPT)  85% of monies are given under RI, RM & DG (based on RLR km length in each authority)  RMO in place from start of year  Continued focus on LCS & Bridge Rehabilitation  Pilot CIS complete – no separate monies but authorities may use up 7.5% of RI & RM

8 Information sought  Submission of DG-1 & RM-1 summary forms for 2015  Information to be entered into MapRoad browser for RI, RM, DG & CIS The above information is required by the 15 th May 2015.

9  The Road Schedule needs to be correct in MapRoad (desktop GIS). No information can be recorded in the system for a road that is not present in the PMS mapper.  Use the MapRoad PMS browser to enter in proposed works. Alternatively a New Works APP will be launched to mark these up on site  Identify start and end of Works as well as length, width, unit cost, estimated cost, materials Preparing the Roads Programme

10  All programmes entered to MapRoad PMS Browser  Programme submitted to DTTaS via a Submit button  LA can export programme to Form B spreadsheet format for their records  Alterations to programme submitted via same mechanism  Updated programme can be re-submitted towards end of year with completed (After) section populated based on updated PMS information  PSCI rating included in data transfer Return of 2015 Roads Programme

11 This is no longer completed by the local authority. Instead the MapRoad PMS can generate this form based on the information entered by the authority. This form is not to be sent to the DTTaS as the electronic transfer manages this process Form B

12 Reference Circular – RW 21/2014  History of Works  Surface Inventory  Surveys (Mechanical and Visual)  Record of Completed Works  Survey on Progress on Pavement Management  RMO  Workshops  Grants & Data

13 Roads Act 2015 provides for  Merger of NRA & RPA  At the request of the Minister the NRA can undertake certain tasks on RLRs such as salt procurement, bridge frameworks etc  For a project requiring an EIS, NRA or LA can seek a pre-consultation with ABP  Power for Minister to specify standards & increased recognition of NRA standards  Payment of tolls provision

14 2015 Roads Act does not include certain issues which are to be dealt with in a later Bill  The transfer of the motorway network from Local Authorities to the NRA  Co-ordination of Road Works provisions to be moved from Traffic Act & strengthened  Other miscellaneous provisions

15 LPT in 2015 Number of CouncilsPercentage Reduction 17No change 11.5% 43% 17.5% 210% 615%

16 Returns from 2014  6 councils used some DG monies for LIS (1%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 10% & 11%)  4 councils availed of full 25% switch from RI to DG  9 councils availed of partial switch from RI to DG  15 councils did not switch from RI to DG

17 Own Resources  Aim is to get accurate picture of own resources expenditure by authorities  What should we capture? - total spend related to roads budget including central costs (insurances, etc) - project costs not covered under grants - direct road works outside of grants but completed by authority  It is likely that future grants will be in some way linked to own resources expenditure

18 Future Matters  Capital Programme 2015 -2020 due to be published in June  Any extra monies for 2016 & 2017 are likely to be very limited but prospects from 2018 onward are somewhat better  To address backlog of works will also require increased LA funding  New 4 year RI programme to be sought  Aim to have more comprehensive data on all pavement works by end of this year

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