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Chapter 18 Patterns of Chromosome Inheritance

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1 Chapter 18 Patterns of Chromosome Inheritance
Mader, Sylvia S. Human Biology. 13th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2014.

2 Points to Ponder What is the structure of chromosomes?
What is the cell cycle and what occurs during each of its stages? Explain what mitosis is used for, in what cells and the 4 stages. Explain the 2 divisions of meiosis. What is meiosis used for and in what cells? Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. Compare and contrast spermatogenesis and oogenesis. What are trisomy and monosomy? What most often causes these changes in chromosome number? What are the syndromes associated with changes in sex chromosomes? Explain the 4 changes in chromosome structure.

3 18.1 Chromosomes and cell cycle
Chromosomes: A review Humans have 46 chromosomes that are in 23 pairs within a cell’s nucleus Pairs of chromosomes are called homologous chromosomes Autosomes are the 22 pairs of chromosomes that control traits that do not relate to gender of an individual Sex chromosomes are the 1 pair that contain the genes that do control gender Cells (body cells) that have 46 (2N) chromosomes are called diploid Cells (sex cells) that have only 23 (N) chromosomes not in pairs are called haploid

4 What is a karyotype? Computer arrangement of chromosomes in pairs

5 Karyotype In dividing cells Chromosomes are duplicated
Each chromosome is composed of two identical parts, called sister chromatids Each sister chromatid contain the same genes Genes of inheritance Chromatids are held together at a region called centromere Centromeres hold sister chromatids together until certain phase of mitosis

6 The cell cycle Interphase: 20 hr, 90% of cell cycle
G1 stage Cell doubles its organelles and grows in size Accumulate material needed for DNA synthesis Proteins needed to change chromatin into chromosomes S stage DNA replication occurs; duplicated chromosomes G2 stage proteins needed for division are synthesized Proteins found in microtubules Cell division (mitosis and cytokinesis): 4 hrs Mitosis – nuclear division Each new nucleus contains the same number and kind of chromosomes as the former cell Cytokinesis – cytoplasmic division

7 18.1 Chromosomes and cell cycle
The cell cycle

8 Chromosome structure in mitosis
Chromosomes contain both DNA and proteins (collectively called chromatin) Chromosomes that are dividing are made up of 2 identical parts called sister chromatids The sister chromatids are held together at a region called the centromere

9 The spindle in mitosis Centrosome Aster Centrioles
microtubule organizing center of the cell Aster array of microtubules at the poles (ends of the cell) Centrioles short cylinders of microtubules that assist in the formation of spindle fibers

10 18.2 Mitosis Overview of Mitosis A diploid cell makes and divides an exact copy of its nucleus Used in cell growth and cell repair Occurs in body cells 4 phases: Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

11 1. Mitosis: Prophase Chromosomes condense and become visible
Nuclear envelope fragments Nucleolus disappears Centrosomes move to opposite poles Spindle fibers appear and attach to the centromere

12 18.2 Mitosis 2. Mitosis: Metaphase Chromosomes line up at the middle of the cell (equator) Fully formed spindle

13 18.2 Mitosis 3. Mitosis: Anaphase Sister chromatids separate at the centromeres and move towards the poles

14 4. Mitosis:Telophase and cytokinesis
Chromosomes arrive at the poles Chromosomes become indistinct chromatin again Nucleoli reappear Spindle disappears Nuclear envelope reassembles Two daughter cells are formed by a ring of actin filaments (cleavage furrow)

15 Importance of Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Cell cycle important for well-being and involved in Growth and injury repair Malfunctioning cell cycle result in Benign tumor or a cancerous tumor Cell Cycle Control System Reception: - External signal delivers message to receptor in plasma membrane of receiving cell Transduction: - receptor relays signal to protein inside cell cytoplasm Activates Gene Response: - protein production that stimulate or inhibit the cell cycle proto-oncogenes  stimulate cell cycle Tumor suppressor genes  inhibit cell cycle

16 Overview of Meiosis Two nuclear divisions occur to make 4 haploid cells Used to make gametes (egg and sperm) Occurs in sex cells Has 8 phases (4 in each meiosis I & II)

17 18.3 Meiosis Meiosis I Prophase I Homologous chromosomes pair (synapsis) and crossing-over occurs in which there is exchange of genetic information Homologous chromosomes chromosomes look alike and carry genes for the same traits Synapsis line up of homologous chromosomes side by side

18 18.3 Meiosis What is crossing over? Crossing-over is the exchange of genetic information between nonhomologous sister chromatids during synapsis This occurs during prophase I of meiosis and increases genetic variation

19 18.3 Meiosis Meiosis I

20 Meiosis I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I
Homologous pairs lined at the equator Number of possible chromosomal combinations in the gametes is 8,388,608 without accounting for cross-over Anaphase I Homologous chromosomes separate and move towards opposite poles Telophase I 2 daughter cells result each with 23 duplicated chromosomes

21 Meiosis II Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II
Chromosomes condense again Metaphase II Chromosomes align at the equator Anaphase II Sister chromatids separate to opposite poles Telophase II 4 daughter cells result each with 23 unduplicated chromosomes

22 18.3 Meiosis Meiosis II

23 Significance of Meiosis
Keep the chromosome number constant from generation to generation Asexual reproduction by binary fussion Bacteria, protozoans, and yeasts Bacteria can increase to over one million cells in about 7 hours Sexual reproduction, requires more energy Humans and other animals Results in genetic recombination Ensures offspring are genetically different compared to each other and their parents Recombination is due to crossing-over and independent alignment of chromosomes Benefit  generates diversity needed so that a few will be suited to new and different environmental circumstances

24 Mitosis vs. Meiosis Growth and repair of cells Occurs in body cells
18.4 Comparison of meiosis and mitosis Mitosis vs Meiosis Growth and repair of cells Occurs in body cells 1 division Results in 2 diploid genetically identical cells Formation of gametes Occurs in sex cells 2 divisions Results in 4 haploid genetically different cells

25 Comparing mitosis and meiosis I

26 Comparing mitosis and meiosis II

27 The production of sperm and eggs
18.4 Comparison of meiosis and mitosis The production of sperm and eggs Oogenesis Process of making eggs in females During meiosis 1 egg and 3 polar bodies are formed Polar bodies act to hold discarded chromosomes and thus disintegrate Normally 1 egg per month is produced and ~400 during the entire reproductive cycle Spermatogenesis Process of making sperm in males A continual process after puberty About 400 million sperm are produced per day


29 Changes in chromosome number
Nondisjunction when both members of a homologous pair go into the same daughter cell during meiosis I when sister chromatids fails to separate in meiosis II. Results of nondisjunction: Monosomy: cell has only 1 copy of a chromosome e.g. Turner syndrome (only one X chromosome) Trisomy: cell has 3 copies of a chromosome e.g. Down syndrome (3 copies of chromosome 21) ** Too many chromosomes is tolerated better than a deficiency of chromosomes Survival is greater when monosomy and trisomy involves sex chromosomes Because in female XX, one X chromosomes is a Barr body is inactive

30 Down Syndrome Most common autosomal trisomy Characteristics:
Three copies of chromosome 21 Characteristics: Short stature, an eyelid fold, flat face, fissured tongue, round head, mental retardation Genes that carry Down Syndrome Located on bottom third of chromosome 21 Responsible for increased tendency toward leukemia, cataracts, accelerated rate of aging and mental retardation (Gart gene)

31 Changes in chromosome number
18.5 Chromosome inheritance Changes in chromosome number

32 Changes in sex chromosome number
18.5 Chromosome inheritance Changes in sex chromosome number Turner syndrome (X) short stature, broad shouldered with folds of skin on the neck, underdeveloped sex organs, no breasts Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) underdeveloped sex organs, breast development, large hands and long arms and legs Poly-X female (XXX, XXXX) XXX tends to be tall and thin but not usually retarded XXXX are severely retarded Jacobs syndrome (XYY) tall, persistent acne, speech and reading problems

33 Changes in sex chromosome number

34 Changes in chromosome structure
Deletions: causes abnormalities loss of a piece of the chromosome Translocations movement of chromosome segments from one chromosome to another nonhomologous chromosome Duplications: presence of a chromosome segment more than once in the same chromosome Inversions: lead to altered gene activities, deletions and duplications a segment of a chromosome is inverted 180 degrees resulting in a reversed chromosome

35 Changes in chromosome structure

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