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JCI De Nederlandse Senaat welcomes ASE Board to Rotterdam.

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1 JCI De Nederlandse Senaat welcomes ASE Board to Rotterdam

2 Rotterdam in figures (1) About 600,000 residents, second largest city in the Netherlands. Founded in 1270 and was granted city rights in 1340. The worst disaster took place on 14 May 1940: old city centre was destroyed in the Rotterdam blitz. Port of Rotterdam is the largest in Europe and the fifth largest in the world. The port stretches 40 kilometres out from the city towards the North Sea, along the reclaimed land of the Maasvlakte I and Maasvlakte II port-expansion projects.

3 Rotterdam in figures (2) Number of nationalities: ca. 170 Number of visitors to attractions, museums & events: 8,013,699 Number of hotel guests: 917,000 Number of passengers Rotterdam The Hague Airport: 818,282 Hotel capacity city centre: 4,864 rooms

4 Rotterdam in figures (3) Number of JCI chapters: 2 JCI Rotterdam and JCI Rotterdam-Harbour Program packages – deadline Saturday 8.8.2015 !!: Markthal: Friday evening Get-together to Sunday Brunch – 175 EUR Kubus: Saturday only – 127,50 EUR

5 Program for ASE (1) Friday evening : Get-together Saturday: ASE Board meeting / morning Lunch Architectural city tour with Senator Remco van der Kuijp Drinks Dinner + party (dress code to be announced later)

6 Program for ASE (2) Sunday: Brunch HOTEL + ASE Meeting venue: NH Hotel Atlanta ****, 215 rooms Coolsingel/Aert van Nesstraat 4, 3012 CA Rotterdam Walking distance to Doelen Congress Centre External parking, 200 m, 25 EUR/day rotterdam rotterdam

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