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ES4S Ltd Tel : 01202 267066 Visit Us at ……. AAIA Annual Conference 12 th September 2007 Marriott Hotel,

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Presentation on theme: "ES4S Ltd Tel : 01202 267066 Visit Us at ……. AAIA Annual Conference 12 th September 2007 Marriott Hotel,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ES4S Ltd Tel : 01202 267066 Visit Us at ……. AAIA Annual Conference 12 th September 2007 Marriott Hotel, Bournemouth


3 Ellie …….Your typical 6 year old child!!! Help Mum …… I’m stuck !

4 What do you know about.. Learning Styles Multiple Intelligences Hemispheric Dominance Emotional Intelligence

5 The test of a successful education is not the amount of knowledge that a pupil takes away from a school, but his/her appetite to know and his capacity to learn. If the school sends out children with the desire for knowledge and some idea of how to acquire and use it, it will have done its work. Too many leave school with the appetite killed and the mind loaded with undigested lumps of information. The future of education …. A Statement A statement from …… 1941 Education Paper

6 +

7 A Quote for the Session ‘ He who chases two rabbits, catches neither’. (A Native American Proverb)

8 Where are you heading? Shallow Change (Policies/Documents/ Resources) Deep Change (Skills / Knowledge) Profound Change (Attitudes and Behaviours) Your Organisation

9 A Culture for Success Emotional Intelligence (An attitude) Learning- Centredness (A behaviour)

10 Organisations need to look at promoting two Key Words …… Awareness (an attitude) And Responsibility (a behaviour) Reflection …… What systems have your schools introduced to help promote awareness and responsibility?

11 In the future …… Just focus on ‘your influence’!! C of I C of C

12 Applying the 3 key principles for learning …….. To adult learners! Dialogue Active Engagement Effective Reflection

13 So …. What’s stopping them ? PERFORMANCE = POTENTIAL - INTERFERENCE Interferences for staff might be …..

14 The Emotionally Intelligent Organisation (A 21 st Century Vision)

15 An Emotionally Intelligent Organisation (A 21 st century vision) Trust and challenge flow throughout Clear and effective communication Shared and agreed values regarding core purpose Every member feeling valued and respected Motivation of all individuals regularly monitored Work/life balance encouraged and monitored A culture of ‘openness’ and ‘security’ Clear and agreed direction for future developments Individuals demonstrate ‘awareness’ and ‘responsibility’ for development Change handled effectively and welcomed by all

16 3 Key Questions What definition of learning is in use within your school/s? How does this definition help create a ‘shared’ understanding about learning? and How is this shared understanding supporting effective learning in classrooms?

17 Try this reflection !!! Learning is ……

18 Learning …… Four Elements Knowledge (Content) Skills (Specific) Habits (Learning Behaviours) Feelings (Learning Attitudes)

19 Talk ActiveReflection

20 4 Domains of Learner-Centred Practice Adapt to Individuals Promoting Higher-Order Thinking Encourage and Honour Pupil Voice Create Positive Relationships

21 Adapting To Individuals Learning Styles Multiple Intelligences Hemispheric Dominance Habits For Learning (Behaviours and Attitudes)

22 Questions for H.O.T. Activities for H.O.T. Adapting To Individuals Promoting Higher-Order Thinking

23 Questioning your Young Learners Questions for H.O.T. ( 6 Levels) Questions to ‘Probe’ (Socratic Questions)

24 Questions for H.O.T. Rememberin g it! (Knowledge- Based) Understanding it! ( Comprehension- Based ) Using it ! (Application- Based) Break it down! (Analysis- Based) Creating something new ! (Synthesis- Based) Judging It !! (Evaluation - Based)

25 Keeping a Balance !!! Week One Week two Week Three Week Four Week Five Week Six Week Seven Level 1 - Remember It Level 2 – Understanding It Level 3 – Using It Level 4 – Breaking It Down Level 5 – Judging It Level 6 – Creating Something New

26 Adapting To Individuals Promoting Higher-Order Thinking Encouraging and Honouring Pupil Voice Evaluation of your Teaching !! Assessment of my learning !! (A4L + E4L)

27 Effectiveness Frequency Listening to the teacher. Working in collaboration.. Interactive Whiteboards Working from worksheets. Role Play Activities. Paired Work. Watching a Video. Using ICT. How Young Learners Are asked To learn !!!

28 Adapting To Individuals Promoting Higher-Order Thinking Encouraging and Honouring Pupil Voice Promoting Positive Relationships

29 A Recipe for Enquiry 5 key Ingredients BehavioursAttitudesQuestionsToolsGuidance

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