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 Attention  “tried to get” “of Estella”  Notice  rejection  Close or careful observing or listening  To become aware of  The act of denying affection.

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Presentation on theme: " Attention  “tried to get” “of Estella”  Notice  rejection  Close or careful observing or listening  To become aware of  The act of denying affection."— Presentation transcript:

1  Attention  “tried to get” “of Estella”  Notice  rejection  Close or careful observing or listening  To become aware of  The act of denying affection or attention to someone

2  Page 302 Why does Jose start studying hard?  Why do you think Mrs. Flores believes Jose has cheated on the quiz?  Jose starts studying hard to get Estella’s attention by showing her he is smart  Mrs. Flores may believe Jose has cheated because he does not normally perform this well on quizes.

3  Bragged  “another a+”  Brilliant  Mishap  Racquetball  Conversation  Tournaments  Awkward  “feel” “who’s that hunk”  Boasted  Very intelligent  Unfortunate accident  A game played with rackets on a handball quart  A talk that two or more people have  Competitions made up of a series of games  Uncomfortable

4  Page 305 Why does Jose lie to Estella about his ability to play racquetball?  What details show that Estela is strong? Active? Intelligent?  Jose lies to Estela about his ability because he wants to impress her, and he doesn’t want to be embarrassed that he doesn’t know how to play.  A details showing Estela is strong is she crushes a milk carton easily. Details showing she is active are she has a big appetite and plays racquetball. A detail showing she is intelligent is she is in an advanced history class

5  Encountered  Vaguely  Which do you think Jose should worry about more: Estela beating him or Estela finding out he lied to her? Why?  Met  Not very clearly  Jose should worry more about Estela finding out he lied to her because then she may question his character. Racquetball is just a sport, so it’s not a big deal to not be good.

6  Encourage  “tone of voice”  Rally  Ricochet  “off the side of the wall”  Why does the author mention that Jose’s next test score is back down to its usual level?  To give support or confidence  Ongoing series of shots in a game  To rebound one or more times off a surface  The author mentions Jose’s low test score to show Jose is no longer trying to impress Estela with his brains.

7  Adjusting  Briskly  “walking”  Grimacing  whirlwind  Changing the position of something in order to improve it  Quickly, energetically  Making a face that shows one is in pain  Rapidly turning column of air

8  Why does Estela let Jose serve first?  Why do you think Jose doesn’t give up?  Estela lets Jose serve first because she can tell by looking at him that he is probably a weaker player than she is.  Jose does not give up because he does not want to admit he lied to Estela.

9  Managed  “gently this time”  Poised What lie does Estela tell Jose? Why does she do this? On page 312, Jose hopes that Estela will stay away from him. Do you think he means this? Why or why not?  Succeeded in doing something with difficulty  Held in a balanced way  Estela lies and tells him he made a good shot because she feels bad for him.  I don’t think Jose means this because on the next page he is lifting weights for the slight chance that Stinger might come back.

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