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How to be academically successful in Mrs. Podgorski’s class “You’ve got to have a system!”

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Presentation on theme: "How to be academically successful in Mrs. Podgorski’s class “You’ve got to have a system!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to be academically successful in Mrs. Podgorski’s class “You’ve got to have a system!”

2 1. Take notes on EVERYTHING (DVDs, lectures, articles, this PowerPt. etc.).

3 2. Use a binder just for this class.

4 Use a planner or the calendar and reminder functions on your phone to keep track of assignments and presentation dates, etc.

5 If you miss a day, Check our class webpage, check the chalkboard, check the crate, and talk to several classmates.

6 Check regularly your grades online.

7 Remember that prevention is better than intervention – be proactive.

8 How to be socio-emotionally successful in Mrs. Podgorski’s class

9 Practice the adage, “You catch more flies with honey.” (be polite)

10 Emotional Intelligence “…the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions.” Salovey and Mayer (1990).

11 Practice the golden rule and treat others as you would like to be treated.

12 Focus on us not your phone.

13 Unless I specifically allow it,

14 Practice deep breathing if you’re feeling stressed or irritated.

15 Classroom Procedures

16 Turn in all written work to the appropriate drawer. Blue = English 2 Fuchsia = AP Literature

17 MLA Format All work turned in must have the following information in the top left side: a. Your first and last name b. Teacher’s name c. Class period d. Date (day, month, year) e. Name of assignment

18 Top left corner

19 If you miss a class, go to the crate to get any handouts and ask several classmates what you missed.

20 Check the class webpage frequently

21 Be in your seats when the final bell rings; stay seated until the dismissal bell rings

22 Check the no-name folder on the wall of shame before you tell me that I lost your paper. By the way, I have never lost a paper

23 Save all work on your student account and a thumbdrive and in your Dropbox and in your Google Docs account…

24 Basic etiquette Recycle notebook and copy paper, plastic bottles (no lids!), and aluminum cans

25 Clean up around your desk before you leave (even if the mess isn’t yours)

26 Re-stow textbooks under the desk before you leave

27 Return other books to the proper shelf

28 Fasten your seat belts – here we go!

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